

Swedish photographer. Journalist reporting on news from Sweden. Political commentator.

Europe - Not the EU
加入于 2016年3月

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  1. 置顶推文

    STOCKHOLM TERROR ATTACK: Get the full story + my take on what happened in Sweden in my latest Youtube VIDEO.

  2. 4月29日

    As a Swede, how am i supposed to know what the below coupons (i assume) mean ? Expiry date, how much rebate ??? I DONT UNDERSTAND THIS 😫😩😭

  3. 4月29日

    McDonald's in the city of Södertälje in the country formerly known as Sweden.

  4. 转推了

    McDonalds i Södertälje

  5. 4月29日

    Swedish police warns that a new terror attack in Stockholm is likely to happen in the future.

  6. 4月29日

    Go ahead and make a account. Can we get 50 subscribers (then i'll be able to add monetization features which Youtube has not been kind on)

  7. 4月29日

    Just uploaded my first video to VidMe. Very good free speech alternative to Youtube.

  8. 4月29日

    Everything is fine in Sweden. No, seriously. Just police riding on buses to protect against assaults.

  9. 4月29日

    Police in certain areas of Sweden are to ride on buses in order to protect ticket inspectors from assault.

  10. 4月29日

    Recently antifa members running a "research journalism" group was awarded a prestigious journalism prize in Sweden - by other journalists.

  11. 4月29日

    This is like Trump saying he is both a nationalist and a globalist.

  12. 转推了

    Free speech in Sweden, does it exist ? WATCH my Youtube video on the subject here. Let me know what you think !

  13. 转推了

    Photo taken by me in the spring in Sweden (these flower were paid for by tax money by the way).

  14. 转推了

    21yr old migrant from Iran stopped wearing veil after arriving in Sweden - killed by her husband (who is her cousin)

  15. 4月29日
  16. 转推了

    The 5 victims of the Stockholm terror attack.

  17. 转推了

    New details emerge of livestreamed gangrape in Sweden. 25-30 men stood outside girls window screaming after the rape

  18. 4月29日
  19. 4月29日

    23 year old Aye refused job at Scandinavian Airlines because she wears a veil.

  20. 4月29日

    At bus stops in no-go zones Rinkeby & Tensta girls could be seen to be forced to climb aboard the back door meanwhile boys got the front.

  21. 4月29日


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