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I'm Peter Imanuelsen 😀 Swedish journalist reporting on news from Sweden. Political commentator. I despise Nazis & Communists. Love beats hate ❤️
PeterSweden 1h
BREAKING: Car blown up in Sweden. Man injured and taken to hospital. This is the 2nd explosion in Sweden in 2 days.
PeterSweden 1h
This is horrible. Remember the woman who was brutally gang raped and tortured in Swedish city Malmö the other week? And it was so bad that police for a short time warned women from going outside alone. Now it has happened again. This is the 4th such case in the last month.
PeterSweden 9h
Yet another explosion in Sweden tonight. A bus stop was destroyed in a big explosion in the city of Limhamn at midnight tonight. I've lost count of all the explosions in Sweden recently. The last count I had was for October when there was 16 bomb in just 1 month.
PeterSweden 9h
If you have a problem with any of the above statements, you might just be a racist.
PeterSweden 9h
Everything that disagrees with a liberal or leftist is "anti-semitic" or "racist" according to them 🙄
PeterSweden 9h
I don't know whether to laugh or cry anymore. The Church of Sweden put in an ad for a Christmas celebration, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. They used a gender neutral pronoun "hen" (same as "xer") when they mentioned Jesus. They used a gender neutral pronoun for Jesus.
PeterSweden 9h
SWEDEN: People have been attacking police officers with fireworks in the city of Årby. Now local residents are too afraid to go outside anymore.
PeterSweden 22h
Some good news from 2017. There has been 0 deaths in commercial passenger airplanes this year.
PeterSweden 22h
Sweden in 1970: ABBA Ikea Volvo Saab Meatballs Mushrooms Peaceful Sweden 2017: Rape capital of the world 16 bombs in just 1 month 55 no go zones Massive increase in shootings Military grade weapons found Beirut safer than Malmö
PeterSweden 22h
Imagine if you had replaced the word "white" with "black" in your headline Buzzfeed. It would be racist. It also still is racist when you blame white people.
PeterSweden Dec 28
Currently -10C here in Norway.
PeterSweden Dec 28
According to scientific studies in the Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark and Norway) there avg IQ level is decreasing - a lot. 0.23 IQ points is decreased every year the report says. This ain't too good.
PeterSweden Dec 28
Did you know that Beirut in Lebanon is literally safer than London and Swedish city Malmö? No, I'm not kidding. It's actually true according to statistics.
PeterSweden Dec 27
Can we hit 100k before February?
PeterSweden Dec 27
Nazi arrested in Sweden after committing robbery. Police also found weapons including bomb making equipment in the mans apartment. On top of that he also had drugs. Sounds like a very unpleasant guy.
PeterSweden Dec 27
This is what Norway is all about...
PeterSweden Dec 27
Imagine living here in the peaceful Norwegian mountains.
PeterSweden Dec 27
Apparently there is some mushroom meme with me going around...
PeterSweden Dec 27
BOMB in SWEDEN during Christmas: Explosive device thrown through window into someone's apartment in the Swedish city of Malmö. Why isn't this being reported in international mainstream media?
PeterSweden Dec 27
Wow. I'm now at 80 000 followers. Thank you so much everyone. You are the best! I will continue to report on news from Sweden, so tell all your friends to follow me too ; )
PeterSweden Dec 27
Swedish media is reporting that "Death patrols" are behind some 10 murders in Stockholm so far. These are mercenaries who get paid to kill people. This is actually happening in Sweden in 2017!!!
PeterSweden retweeted
LEAVE.EU 🇬🇧 Dec 27
Remain 39% Leave 48% Undecided 13% (YouGov Eurotrack: 13-19 Dec) The British people stand by the decision made on June 23rd 2016! 🇬🇧
PeterSweden Dec 26
This is what Sweden used to be about...
PeterSweden Dec 26
Me when someone lets go of a silent one during dinner... All photos taken by me btw 😁
PeterSweden Dec 26
Me photographing mushrooms in the Swedish forest. This is what Sweden used to be about.
PeterSweden Dec 26
Remember the woman who was gangraped by 20 men in no-go zone Fittja in Sweden? And the men were freed because they claimed the rape was payment for a drug deal. So the question remains. Why weren't the men then convicted for sale of drugs and buying sex? SMH in disbelief.
PeterSweden retweeted
The Dhimmi Slayer Dec 26
Replying to @PeterSweden7
For those Antisemites on here. Peter Sweden realizes that Jews are not a monolith and right wing Jews exist and are Allies with Visegrad Countries like Poland, Hungary, and The Czech Republic and that animosity between Gentiles and Jews is unnecessary especially w/Israel
PeterSweden Dec 26
Who is your favourite politician? My answer is both.
PeterSweden Dec 26
It's really disheartening to see all the horrible anti-semitic attacks happening in Sweden, mainly from the far-left and islamic extremists. You know they will attack us Swede's too. The Jewish people always have the great nation of Israel. Us Swede's only have Sweden.
PeterSweden Dec 26
I wasn't aware that the No Agenda podcast talked about me?