In what may be the most urgent item on his agenda, Quarles said, the Fed is finishing its "near-term" effort to rewrite ...

Quarles tips easier rules on banks

Fed vice chair Richard Quarles set an ambitious agenda, including a mission to reduce complexity in how banks prepare to weather future crises.

The rough patch for the US dollar, while not over yet, is forecast to ease in 2018, according to a majority of foreign ...

What lies ahead for the $US

The US dollar, which slid nearly 10 per cent last year as per the dollar index, continues to reel three weeks into 2018.

Nike helps pace Wall St higher

Wall Street rose on Friday, with a 4.8 per cent leap in Nike pacing the advance, even as a possible government shutdown loomed.

Draghi seen dovish as hawks take flight

Economist are rethinking their position on the ECB's asset buys amid signs that more optimistic views on inflation might be gaining sway among policy makers.


Tony Boyd

Red ink to flow at DJs and Myer

David Jones and Myer's announcements this week are stark evidence of the immense downwards pressures on a retailing format fitting the definition of a burning platform.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe have a close relationship.

Shinzo Abe's soft sell to Australia

Faced with a rising China and a retreating United States, Japan and Australia are moving closer together. Not everyone thinks this a good idea.

China is close to overtaking New Zealand as Australia's biggest tourism market.

Trump turns visitors off US

Australian tourism bosses are moving to capitalise on the declining popularity of the US as a visitor destination, while China's love affair with Australia shows no sign of abating.

High-paying jobs on the rise

The number of jobs offering $150,000 salaries or more is on the rise, offering a ray of hope for low wage growth, according to a review of Seek job ads.

CFMEU boss stripped of entry rights

The head of CFMEU NSW has lost the right to enter workplaces after record fines were handed down against the union for workplace breaches.

"Both Japan and Australia are maritime nations facing the Pacific Ocean. So this is the basis of the free and open ...

Shinzo Abe interview transcript

Japan's PM Shinzo Abe sat down with AFR Editor-in-Chief Michael Stutchbury and correspondent Angus Grigg in Tokyo on January 18. Here is an edited transcript.

Personal Finance

Getaway with a catch

At this time of the year it is all too easy to get carried away with the idea of owning a holiday home. But is it worth it?