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Tasty new titles at Jura

Hi Jurans and friends of Jura,

Here is the new titles (and one new editiont) list for this week:

Joyful Militancy: Building thriving resistance in toxic times, Nick Montgomery & Carla Bergman, $24, (the latest in an AK Press and Institute for Anarchist Studies publications);

Bloodstained: One hundred years of Leninist counterrevolution, (ED) Friends of Aron Baron; (you might recall the name 'Baron': husband of Fanya Baron, both murdered by the Leninists-Stalinist and after we named the Fanya Baron Workers Library at Jura);

(new edn) Between Pesants, Erico Malatesta, $7, (a classic in how to communicate complex ideas in simple language);

Fascism Today: What it is and how to end it, Shane Burley, $24;

The Wedding Portrait: The story a photograph and why sometimes we break the rules, (H?B), Innosonto Nagara, $27;

Between the Bullet and the Lie: Essays on Orwell, Kristin Williams, $27;

No Gods. No Dungeon Masters; Io et al, $7.50; (graphic novel/pamphlet);

Happy End of Year Reading.