13 August 2011


After a week filled with near misses and never-seens from my local 'burgh, it seems logical to start the weekend with one of my favorite current (and accessible) Bay Area bands. I should really only have to tell you that PERMANENT RUIN are 2/3 of IN DISGUST with the singer from CONDENADA and you'll be fumbling for the mouse so you can click and enjoy - but even a cursory listen will show that PERM RU surpass mere comparisons. The grinding insanity that was IN DISGUST has been injected with manic Japanese riffing and howling insistent female vocals that keep you on edge from their first belt. This is powerful shit, and when "White Wash" slows the pace to what would be a ripping hardcore scorcher for most normal bands, this band's fury cannot be denied. Presented as one wall of chaos with not even a breath of silence, these 11 songs fly by in as many minutes. And I am playing with them again Saturday at The Swamp...stoked.


G O D said...

cool blog ,could you add my blogs to your blogroll?please? Your'e on mine!


Anonymous said...

come to los angeles...

jason said...

that show is on friday yeah?

the wizard said...

Yes. At The Swamp in Oakland, with STRESSORS and ZERO PROGRESS. Should be a ripper.

jeremy said...

Do they have an email? Trying to set up a bay area band data base.

Anonymous said...

You down to re-upload this man?

the wizard said...


Bryn said...

Thanks for sharing this one!