Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

14 January 2014


This demo is from Israel circa 1997, but the chaotic ramshackle thrash could easily have been recorded 15 years earlier in Italy. Intense and manic hardcore - 17 songs in as many minutes. No song titles, but I included a scan of the cover for the Hebrew proficient...seriously, this rules.

06 September 2013


Maybe I should have teamed this one up with the PUBLIC DOMAIN//MEKHEI NAATZA split I posted last week, but maybe this will just serve as a reminder that you need to snag that one too. Killer Israeli hardcore, punk and post punk on a mix tape from the early '90s. The two aforementioned bands along with RAMPAGE (somewhere between 7 SECONDS and GRIMPLE), USELESS ID (probably the best known '90s band from Israel if only because they were able to tour extensively), NOT4SALE (the stinkers of the mix...I mean, it's a homemade regional sampler from the '90s so how is there not going to be a funk/ska band?), tough metallic HC from PREDATOR and a band called ETHOS who steal the whole fukkn show. What if a band took the same anarcho influences that ignited SUBMISSION HOLD but then took the whole thing in a driving proto-goth direction? I dare say that ETHOS will be the best band you hear for the first time today - even though there are only three tracks and the recording leaves more than a little to be desired. Get this because you are curious, and keep the ones you love...

31 August 2013


Primitive and chaotic punk from PUBLIC DOMAIN, only marginally in tune (at best) and cohesive (that's generous) and often as much of a struggle to listen to as it sounds like it was to play. NEKHEI NAATZA on the flip lean towards melodic (even a few awkward ska punk bits) but pull out a few burners that serve as foreshadowing for the records they would release later (their discography can be found here). Fiercely political, at their best they come off like mid-'80s German punk ("Forever More,""Entire Genocide"), while at other times the intensity definitely trumps the proficiency. This tape was released in 1993, and both bands are from Israel.

28 September 2012


Anarcho punk, hardcore, crust and chaotic art punk are all represented on this 1994 compilation from Israel. The quality level is exceptional, especially considering the decade of release and the relatively remote  country of origin (at least in terms of geographical proximity to other countries producing punk music - touring Euro and North American bands didn't pass through Jerusalem all that often). Highlights include a ripper from NEKHEI NA'ATZA (probably the most well known band outside of the region, with a few releases on Western labels and a drummer who relocated to the states and played in Okaland's LANA DAGALES), A-SIGN BRIGADE (ridiculously low fidelity and utterly inept anacho punk), LIQUID SKY (raw and catchy punk not that far removed from '80s Spanish sounds), SARTAN HA'SHAD (almost goth sounding effect drenched weirdness, but nowhere near professional sounding enough to not be punk), BETRAYER (maybe they wanted to be a death metal band..but instead they play raw guttural punk), ETHOS (a legit mid tempo mosher, regardless of era, country of origin or intent), and of course the subtle mindfuck that is the DEAD REIGNS track that ends the release. 20 bands are represented, and virtually every one of them is worth your time.