Authors Posts by Stardust Family Unted

Stardust Family Unted

Stardust Family Unted
SFU is a branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), the singing union. We are working to guarantee that all employees are safe, secure, fairly compensated and treated with the respect and dignity they deserve.

New York: IWW Wins Half-Million Dollar Backpay Settlement

What follows is an update on the IWW campaign at Ellen's Stardust Diner, where wobblies have waged on ongoing campaign. To hear our podcast interview with someone from the campaign, go here. Stardust Family United,...

New York: Wobbly Waiters Stage “Sip In” to Demand IWW Recognition

This following report and video comes from the Stardust Family Diner, which is a group of workers who are fighting as part of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) to be in a...

New York: Wobblies at Singing Restaurant Win Major Victory

In a major victory for the singing servers at Ellen's Stardust Diner, their employer has reached an agreement with their solidarity union, Stardust Family United, and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). By entering...