Authors Posts by Autonomous Student Network

Autonomous Student Network

Autonomous Student Network
The Autonomous Student Network. Building autonomy and capacity at UT Austin.

Protests Against “Proud Boy” Dustin Casler Continue

Report from Austin, Texas on ongoing efforts against the far-Right pro-Trump gang, the Proud Boys. Supporters inform us that Proud Boy Dustin Casler’s employment by the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center Hotel on the...

UT Works Because We Do: Grad Student Grade-In

The Autonomous Student Network out of Austin reports on a recent action by grad student workers at the University of Texas. On Monday, May 13th, around 50 graduate student workers joined Underpaid at UT...

Texas State: Students Confront Fascism, Arrested, & Launch Sit-In Against Police Brutality

On May 1st, Texas State students prepared for a confrontation with members of violent fascist group Texas Nomads, who planned to travel down from Austin and stage a rally in support of “free speech.”...

#TexasFightBack: Protest Katie Hopkins on Campus

University of Texas students' call on Austin to protest Katie Hopkins, a British white nationalist who has encouraged Europe to meet migrants with “gunships" On Tuesday November 13, UT students and greater Austin residents will...

Justice For Andres: Abuse, Mistreatment, and Retaliation by ICE

Details abuse and mistreatment as experienced by people in Texas at the hands of ICE. Documented by comrades involved in Abolish ICE San Antonio. About two weeks ago, Andres Mancilla was deported without warning....

Austin Goes #AllOutATX: Autonomous Antifascists Assemble

A report and analysis from autonomous antifascists about the recent #AllOutATX mobilization in Austin, Texas. #AllOutATX was the final act in a month of struggle against fascism in central Texas. While the ongoing Occupy ICE...

Life is Elsew(here): A Reflection on our May Day & May ’68 Celebrations

This analysis and reflection of May Day actions comes from the Autonomous Student Network in Austin, Texas. During the first week of May, members of the Autonomous Student Network undertook what was perhaps our largest...

Racism & Student Resistance in San Marco

The Autonomous Student Network of Austin, Texas brings us news of an unfolding student occupation in San Marcos on the Texas State University. A long-brewing conflict at Texas State University in San Marcos has burst...

Austin, TX: Long Live the Intifada! Israeli Apartheid Week at UT

This report from the Autonomous Student Network of Austin details actions in solidarity with Palestine on the university campus. Last week, a series of on campus events demonstrated the strength of the Palestinian liberation movement...

Agitate, Subvert, Negate: Austin Year in Review 2017

“The present catastrophe is that of a world actively made uninhabitable. A sort of methodical devastation of everything that remained liveable in the relations of humans with each other and with our environments.”—The Invisible...