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Entries by tag: nottingham

Part 1
Part 2

This is a building on the walk from my house to the ASBO (legit squat and community centre, follow the link for information). It is empty, run-down and surrounded by security fencing. Yet it has somehow been decorated all over with lights, and as on that occasion DK was available as a lookout, i felt brave enough to whip the phone out and attempt some snaps. The other side of the building was emblazoned with the words (in lights) 'I saw the angel in the marble, and carved until I set it free'. If anyone knows what that reference is, please tell me as i am curious. (sadly, the photo of that part of the building didn't come out)

Random photoblog 1

A few more photos that don't fit anywhere else...

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Some of these will soon be featured in context. Subject to my tuchos getting into gear, after being rather thrown out of it by the shittiness of the past week.

The defining gadget of our era?

While i'm in the mood for photo-blogging, here's something else i snapped a few weeks ago. On the new Nottingham City Transport buses, dual-purpose screens are fitted which alternate between CCTV and advertising. This struck a note with me - these concepts seem to define the urban environment of our time, and my clever local bus company has thoughtfully combined them in one package.

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The crappy photographic quality is down to being on a moving bus at the time.
Bridlesmith Walk runs between, if my memory for street names doesn't fail me, Bridlesmithgate (near Waterstones) and Fletchergate (near Lace Market tram stop) From one end it just looks like another arcade, while from the other it looks like another shitty alleyway. Inside, however, it is a pretty cool place. I'm told there are plans to open shops there, which from the general state of the city centre probably means chainstores and so on, but for now it is just beige stone, pretty glass ceilings, fashion posters on the wall, plus peace and quiet because hardly anyone has discovered it yet. So here goes with the pics:

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Enclaves of interest in Nottingham

The West End Arcade is a little two-story shopping centre in Nottingham. It has character, which is unusual in the town centre these days. It has retro value in spades. Most of the shops are vaguely alternative, retro, or similarly distinct from anything else within a mile radius. (not strictly true - i will at some point make this into a series.)

Pics of West End behind cutCollapse )

And a bonus pic: very apt sign on display during the 'celebrations' at the opening of the newly-messed uprebuilt Market Square.

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