
People i admit, overall, to liking

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Statement to the "Media" on the RNC

Dear Self-Proclaimed Media,

We, the self-proclaimed anarchists (as you so delicately refer to us every time), are growing a bit weary of your refusal to honestly report the offenses perpetrated by groups of self-proclaimed law enforcement. As our friends are gassed, beaten, and arrested, all you publish are repetitive statements from self-proclaimed Republicans. The mindless babble of a few dozen, it seems, is more important to you than the passionate actions of thousands. This, all you self-proclaimed journalists and reporters, is horrifically irresponsible, as is your insistence on qualifying any perspective which disagrees with you as "self-described" or "self-proclaimed" - through the above actions, you are not only complicit in the existence of a hegemonic police state, but you are actively furthering it. The self-proclaimed politicians rely on you to allow them and their lower-level apparatuses to operate with impunity, and you indulge them every step of the way.

Until you acknowledge the non-ruling classes to be legitimate human beings with legitimate perspectives, you will never be legitimate media. You will continue to be a self-proclaimed joke.

an anarchist, without qualifiers or quotation marks.

11:30AM - RNC Updates

RNC Welcoming Committee "Unmask;" Protester Details Torture

AMY GOODMAN: On Wednesday, prosecutors formally charged eight members of the RNC Welcoming Committee with conspiracy to riot in furtherance of terrorism. The eight activists are believed to be the first people ever charged under the 2002 Minnesota version of the federal PATRIOT Act. The activists face up to seven-and-a-half years in prison.

On Thursday, other members of the RNC Welcoming Committee spoke to the media for the first time. The group, along with the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, held a news conference at their convergence space to discuss their group and the charges against the so-called RNC Eight.

Read more... )

MINNEAPOLIS — Two Texas men who authorities say planned to target law enforcement during the Republican National Convention face federal charges of illegally possessing Molotov cocktails.

David Guy McKay, 22, and Bradley Neil Crowder, 23, both of Austin, are each charged with one count of possession of firearms that were not registered to them.

The two Austin men were in custody following an initial court appearance Friday. A court hearing is scheduled for Tuesday in Minneapolis. It was not immediately clear if they had attorneys. If convicted, the pair could each face up to 10 years in prison.

According to the criminal complaint, law enforcement officers overheard a conversation through electronic surveillance in which McKay said the Molotov cocktails he and Crowder made would be thrown at vehicles parked in a St. Paul lot. The lot was used by law enforcement, and patrolled by U.S. Secret Service and the military.


Ramsey County Charges RNC 8 Under State Patriot Act, Alleges Acts of Terrorism

In what appears to be the first use of criminal charges under the 2002 Minnesota version of the Federal Patriot Act, Ramsey County Prosecutors have formally charged 8 alleged leaders of the RNC Welcoming Committee with Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism. Monica Bicking, Eryn Trimmer, Luce Guillen Givins, Erik Oseland, Nathanael Secor, Robert Czernik, Garrett Fitzgerald, and Max Spector, face up to 7 1/2 years in prison under the terrorism enhancement charge which allows for a 50% increase in the maximum penalty.

Read more... )

9:27AM - Hurrah!

"People should consider eating less meat as a way of combating global warming, says the UN's top climate scientist.

Rajendra Pachauri, who chairs the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), will make the call at a speech in London on Monday evening.

UN figures suggest that meat production puts more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than transport."

Read the rest at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7600005.stm

1:19AM - Widmer Oktoberfest 2008

Fun, fun fun. Lots of beer, lots of dancing (including polkas, thanks to Those Darn Accordions!
Cut for pics...
Read more... )

8:47AM - I woke up this morning with this song in my head...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

9:18PM - A very complex and important philosophical question

A very complex and important philosophical question )

8:23PM - Help Stop the Persecution of Roma People!


Help stop the persecution of the Roma people - it's not too late to sign the petition calling for an end to the persecution of Roma people in Europe - please sign and pass along to everyone you know to do likewise!

2:28PM - Women's Alternative Sexual Health

I'm not sure if this is okay to post here or not but I'll give it a shot.
I'm a co-ordinator for a group called Women's Alternative Sexual Health (WASH) -- we have recently started a blog meant to carry information/questions/discussion about any and all topics regarding women's sexualities. We are also really excited for submissions (stories/stats/questions/answers/thoughts/ideas/ANYTHING!) so that our database may grow and become increasingly useful. I thought this might be of interest to some of you so here's our link!


Contact us at: w_a_s_h_@hotmail.com

11:53AM - 1st official girls night out

disclaimer:  I'm not usually a fan of girls night out.  If I happen to go out with female friends I don't see the need to classify it as a girls night.  Does that mean if I'm in a mixed group I need to label it "boys and girls night out?"  anyway.. I digress...

So last night we went to Jen's house to make clay pots.  Jane brought all the materials and taught us how to make these clay log things that you slice, stick on glass and then bake.  It was actually really fun and I was surprised at how much I got into it as I'm neither crafty or patient.

After that we played a horrid game called Frustration, or Anxiety, or as I will be calling it "the not so fun game from hell!".  I like card games, but it usually takes me a few hands to figure out a new game, and even then it will take me longer to pick up on the strategy and remember all the rules.  This game switched with every hand.  First hand.  http://www.bowdoin.edu/~hwork/stuff/frustration.html  well there you go... I don't want to type it all out.  Anyway, I was only able to enter into two games out of the ten hands played, and when I did the game ended in that round so I never got to play.  Jane of course kicked everyone's ass.  Sorry but if you are the expert and you've got newbies, tone it down a bit please and give others a chance.  Kinda like beating up on someone smaller and stupider than you.  Not a nice way to win.  She wasn't a bitch about it at all, as I don't think she has a mean bone in her body, but come on.... let the newbies play!  Jules got beginners luck and played every hand but one.  I ended up with a zillion points in the second round and really hated the game.  Jen did well for the first three hands and then got my bad luck and ended up with the second worst score.  Jules kept saying things like "come on... it's a social activity, have fun... it's just cards." , and "look at me... I scored 100 points.. I'm catching up!: Sorry.  If you've met me you'll know that I am competitive, and you'll know that I like to win, but I am not a huge sore loser when I actually GET TO PLAY.  Sitting there watching is no fun at all... and I contempleted just giving up and not trying but thought better about it. 

next girls night is supposed to be game night.  Think I'll opt out.  If it requires logic, strategy or thinking I just don't want to do it.  Creativity?  I'm all over it.

Friday, September 5, 2008

10:56PM - Few more updates

Antiwar march ends in tense standoff, 396 arrests

September 5, 2008
Police arrested scores more people Thursday night after another series of tense showdowns with protesters on the final night of the Republican National Convention in St. Paul.
Sweeping into the State Capitol grounds in riot gear, police used snowplows, horses and dump trucks to seal off downtown from antiwar demonstrators attempting a march to the Xcel Energy Center.

"They chose not to leave when told to do so and now everyone's paying the price," said one officer on the scene.

Video link:

6:32PM - Iraq Veterans Against the War march in Denver 8/27/08

no words
Originally uploaded by union_clown
I stopped trying to think of titles for the pictures, they speak for themselves. Even titling this one "no words" seems to be taking away from it a little. See the entire set here.

There are photosets for the Green and Black march (environmentalism) led by my friend Noah up, AND pictures from the 18 Million Voices public showing of Hillary's speech. It runs the gamut of the emotions I've felt this primary season.

There's also another set with all the miscellaneous stuff I saw around the DNC that I didn't have any other home for. You can find it here. (FOOD NOT BOMBS! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!)

Current mood: hopeful

5:59PM - Anti-porn blog from an ex-porn star

I don't know whether I rediscovered the wheel, but I think that what this woman does is great. Basically, after writing her own story in her blog, now she receives lots of stories for former and current porn stars and other sex workers, and after editing them to make the author unrecognisable, she posts them on her blog.
This is the address of her blog.

1:35PM - Suspicion of Infiltrator Confirmed

In a recent affidavit written by Inspector Tony Samec of the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office, frequent references to 2 Confidential Reliable Informants (CRI) and an Undercover Investigator are made — a man known as Andy/Panda has been identified as one of the Confidential Reliable Informants. Grounds for this claim — among others — are as follows:

* Andy called a member of the Welcoming Committee and begged this person to stay on the line for "a little longer", during the course of the cell phone call, this WC member was arrested.

* Andy requested via phone that a member of the Welcoming Committee meet him at a specific location, andy then "hugged" them and this WC member was immediately arrested. It is of note that Andy was NOT arrested at this point.

* Andy claimed to have been arrested on the Monday the 1st, and released 4 hours later.

* Observed freely passing through police lines and chatting with officers.

In addition to these suspicious activities, "Andy's" known history matches the actions taken by the person referred to as the second Confidential Reliable Informant in the Ramsey County Sheriff's affidavit.



do any of you know of a good anti-porn nonprofit organization?

3:32PM - Oh my god...

Insult to injury  First Helen Mirren, and now Sue Carroll.  I know it's a deeply unfeminist thing to say, but can't something be done to shut these women up? Fuck's sake...

3:25PM - Uterus Art

"Uterus Art"

3:23PM - European Commission Approves Fingerprinting of Roma in Italy

European Commission Approves Fingerprinting of Roma in Italy

Thursday, September 4, 2008

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