Tag Archives: intervention

Comments on UN corruption and UN cholera during the last press conference of H.E. Ms. Samantha Power, Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations, 13 January 2017

Highlights from the 53.18 mark. H/T @innercitypress.

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Port-au-Prince, January 12, 2010, 16:53

Image: United States Southern Command, photo by RQ-4 Global Hawk after January, 12, 2010 earthquake.

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Haiti: The Second Occupation

Guest post by Jemima Pierre. July 28, 2015 marked the one hundredth anniversary of the landing of US Marines in Haiti and the beginning of a military occupation of the Black Republic that lasted until 1934 — nineteen years in total. With its massacres of Haitian peasants, its control of Haiti’s finances, its suppression of […]

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The Archive of Occupation

Citing the need to protect American life and property while preserving political stability in the Caribbean region, on July 28, 1915 three hundred and thirty United States Marines landed at Port-au-Prince. Thus began a nineteen-year military occupation whose consequences for the Republic of Haiti (and for the Black World) were arguably as significant as the […]

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“Haitian people will hoist the flag of Charlemagne Peralte and will get rid of the bloody pro-imperialist dynasty of Duvalier.”

Image: Péralte, Charlemagne (Studio gráfico fatamorgana, 1979. Source: International Institute of Social History.

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Abduction & Assistance: An Interview with Donald Rumsfeld

Q:  Mr. Secretary? Rumsfeld:  Yes, sir? Q:  I wonder if you could tell us how many U.S. troops do you think, in a round figure, might be required — might be sent to Haiti, and how long do you think they would stay?  And also, President Aristide is claiming now that he was virtually kidnapped […]

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The National City Bank of New York & Haiti

With American influence becoming so strong in Haiti through the United States permanent control and administration of customs, finances, etc., followed, as it naturally would be, by American investment in the island and increased trading between the two countries, it was natural that the National Bank, heretofore almost entirely in Europe, should pass into full […]

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Archives and Anti-Colonialism: An interview with Hans R. Schmidt

HANS R. SCHMIDT is a historian and the author of the classic account of the first United States military intervention and administration of Haiti, The United States Occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934 (1971) as well as of Maverick Marine: General Smedley D. Butler and the Contradictions of American Military History (1998), a biography of the legendary […]

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