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Human Rights in Ireland

offsite link Repeal and Replace? Sat Jan 20, 2018 12:58 | Fiona de Londras

offsite link Shifting Sands Under the Abortion Debate Mon Jan 15, 2018 09:30 | GuestPost

offsite link Liberty, the ICCL, and other NGO groups? landmark challenge against the UK Government?s mass surveil... Tue Nov 07, 2017 11:56 | admin

offsite link What Ireland can gain from international guidance on Article 19 UNCRPD Mon Oct 23, 2017 12:53 | Eilionoir Flynn

offsite link Repeal or Replace? Tue Oct 03, 2017 06:31 | Fiona de Londras

Human Rights in Ireland >>

Cedar Lounge
For lefties too stubborn to quit

offsite link Popular reading 11:16 Mon Jan 22, 2018 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Tone policing 10:20 Mon Jan 22, 2018 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Left Archive: Workers Republic, LWR Conference Documents 1977, Sept-Oct 1977 08:47 Mon Jan 22, 2018 | irishonlineleftarchive

offsite link Self-abasement and self-effacement 17:22 Sun Jan 21, 2018 | Citizen of Nowhere

offsite link Sunday and the Week?s Media Stupid Statements? 14:15 Sun Jan 21, 2018 | guestposter

Cedar Lounge >>

Dublin Opinion
Life should be full of strangeness, like a rich painting

offsite link Some Thoughts on the Brexit Joint Report 11:50 Sat Dec 09, 2017


offsite link Notes for a Book on Money and the Irish State - The Marshall Aid Program 15:10 Sat Apr 02, 2016

offsite link The Financial Crisis:What Have We Learnt? 19:58 Sat Aug 29, 2015

offsite link Money in 35,000 Words or Less 21:34 Sat Aug 22, 2015

Dublin Opinion >>

NAMA Wine Lake

offsite link Farewell from NWL Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Happy 70th Birthday, Michael Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Of the Week? Sat May 18, 2013 00:02 | namawinelake

offsite link Noonan denies IBRC legal fees loan approval to Paddy McKillen was in breach of E... Fri May 17, 2013 14:23 | namawinelake

offsite link Gayle Killilea Dunne asks to be added as notice party in Sean Dunne?s bankruptcy Fri May 17, 2013 12:30 | namawinelake

NAMA Wine Lake >>

national / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday December 13, 2017 23:01 by 1 of indy
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Looks like we have blindly picked Empire

We are publishing this piece by PANA explaining what PESCO is about and how it means the loss of our neutrality. Unfortunately since then on Dec 7th the Dail voted by 75 to 42 to join PESCO. Some key points are:
1) PESCO is a binding agreement because it says so. The government claims it is not. It is.
2) PESCO commits us to spending 2% of GDP on military spending by 2022. This is a figure of € 5.5 billion. We currently spend 1/10th of that on defense. This makes a mockery of "fiscal space"
3) PESCO in the event of crisis places under NATO's command. Therefore we are no longer neutral.
4) PESCO is the side door to Ireland joining a EU Army / NATO and would have us involved in "humanitarian" bombing and "peace making" -in other words imposing the demands of the corporate interests that rule above all else.

The Irish Government is considering joining PESCO. This will be one of the most important decisions this FG/Independeny Alliance will ever make. There needs at the very least a serious debate on the issue, and in any genuine debate form all sides in the corporate media. On the evidence so far this is highly improbable, as is their total lack of coverage of the use of Shannon Airport by US troops

dublin / environment Monday September 18, 2017 23:25 by Save The Hellfire & Masseys
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Aerial view of Hellfire and remains of passage tombs in front

Monday the 24th of September at 5pm is the deadline for making submissions to An Bord Pleanála on the South Dublin County Council & Coillte plans for what is known as the Dublin Mountains Project for the Hellfire Club & Masseys Wood nearby. The plan is one dreamed up by the council and will cost € 19 million of taxpayer money i.e. collected property tax etc for what is basically a bit of a white-elephant project that will damage the environment, limit public access and charge a fee for what is now free and is expected to run at a loss for at least first 3 years, but yet the private contractors running it will be "insulated" from losses. In essence the project will put an valuable amenity that is in public hands effectively into private hands and give them a license to milk the public forever on it. If this gets through, it will be replicated all over the country in that arrogant and greed driven way we are all familiar with from the Celtic Tiger days and again today.

international / crime and justice Sunday August 20, 2017 21:56 by iosaf mac diarmada
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our collective grief's symbol was fresh then

These are my initial published thoughts on the terrorist attack I and my partner survived and endured 17th August 2017.
Fadó Fadó, long time ago, when many more readers came to this corner of the internet, I published a series of articles in reaction to a terrorist attack on Madrid, the 11th of March 2004. I promoted a simple design back then, to my surprise the idea found traction and was accepted by countless people. i had thought my suggestion was easy to reproduce and helped people express collective mourning, to show publicly their fellowship with a community in shock. My design was a black ribbon, one which was easy to knock up variations upon and print out. I admit the ribbon idea was based on my much younger years when I had worn a green ribbon in support of a complex idea back then : the inclusion of political prisoners in a tentative British Irish peace process. Am I turning some off the provenance? OH talk to me about my youth why not? The idea of a black ribbon took off the weekend of March 11th, 2004, whilst the then government of Spain falsely attributed an attack by Salafists in the ambit of Al Qaeda on Madrid by blaming the Basque armed seperatist group ETA. IT was a few days before a general election. An estimated 80,000 people took to the streets of Spain and the Spanish state and camped out in front of government offices and the offices of the ruling party demanding the truth... I was one... the ribbon was a moment in my life... I never wanted to see it used again In the last hours the city of my home where I have lived almost 20 years has been victim of a long anticipated terrorist attack. Even google now puts a black ribbon. I return to indymedia ireland to indulge POV reflections.

national / crime and justice Monday April 24, 2017 10:42 by 1 of indy
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To help highlight the case of the Jobstown 18 we are republishing an open letter by Irish Writers.

We write as writers concerned with the impact of proposed jury restrictions in the case of the Jobstown 18 on freedom of expression in Ireland.

national / economics and finance Thursday November 24, 2016 03:56 by 1 of Indymedia
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We are republishing this article by Stephen Donnelly TD who has been doing great work in exposing how Fine Gael have gone out of their away to facilitate vulture funds who are now preying on ordinary people by charging exorbitant rents and fueling the current property and are replacing the English absentee landlord of centuries past, with ruthless vulture funds capitalists of this era and essentially introducing a form of neo-fuedalism as increasing huge swaths of the population are either priced out of buying homes, or are signing up for debt that last close to a lifetime.

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text2017: Another BEATING for Press Freedom in Turkey 11:33 Fri 19 Jan by séamas carraher 0 comments

For the second year running CPJ, (the Committee to Protect Journalists) finds Turkey tops the list in its diligence in oppressing journalists and writers, only matched by China and Egypt...

textThe Assassination of Sakine Cansiz, Fidan Dogan and Leyla Saylemez 16:27 Thu 18 Jan by séamas carraher 0 comments

On a day this week, January 9th, 2013, Sakine Cansiz (Sara), Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Paris Representative Fidan Doğan (Rojbin), and Leyla Şaylemez were shot dead in their Paris office

textTurkey: Kurdish left-wing Deputies Jailed 11:18 Fri 12 Jan by séamas carraher 0 comments

In the first days of 2018, the Peoples’ Democratic Party released the list of HDP deputies jailed in Turkey in the last number of days

textTURKEY: NEW YEAR? NEW STRUGGLE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS 20:57 Wed 10 Jan by séamas carraher 0 comments

Following Turkish President (and Chairman of the ruling Justice and Development Party) Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s threats last summer to impose prison uniforms on Turkish political prisoners (following the appearance in court of a post-coup soldier wearing a tee-shirt with the word “HERO” on it) the year has ended with the passing of Emergency Decree 696...

textCizre: Two Years On Still Waiting 20:10 Thu 04 Jan by séamas carraher 0 comments

“For 79 days, the people of Cizre witnessed an exceptional massacre in history. For the sake of a humane and free life, they lost their daughters and sons during the resistance. Yet they have not surrendered, and have not asked for mercy.” (The Cizre Report, April 17, 2016, Peoples’ Democratic Party [HDP])

textA Visit with an H Block Prisoner 00:26 Wed 13 Dec by Michael Steinbertg 0 comments

Last August (1990) I was among a delegation from Irish Northern Aid (Noraid), which visited current prisoners in Long Kesh.

2017protestvsduterte.jpg imageStatement on the Trump Visit to the Philippines 06:27 Sun 19 Nov by Laban ng Masa (LnM) 0 comments

Filipino left coalition condemns Trump's visit, demands end of support for Duterte's human rights abuses

textMeasles Alert 18:51 Wed 15 Nov by Vax Now ! 5 comments

Responding to a recent measles outbreak in which 17 adults and children have been infected with the highly infectious disease , Dr Deirdre Mulholland, Director of Public Health for HSE East, has urged people to get themselves and their dependants vaccinated , saying, “the best protection is to be fully vaccinated with 2 doses of MMR vaccine."
The majority of the patients currently being treated are from north Dublin; five are from Meath, the HSE said today. A spokeswoman for the Measles Outbreak Control Team said that alerts regarding the disease have been sent to all Emergency Departments and GPs in Dublin, and Meath.

textReligious Groups Call for Aid and Debt Relief for Puerto Rico and Dominica 23:49 Sun 22 Oct by Kate Zeller 0 comments

More than 130 faith communities across the United States are praying and acting for hurricane victims ‎during religious services this weekend.

The president of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont casts his vote - turn out is exceptionally high despite Spanish state violence. imageGood Cop/Bad Cop : Spanish Guardia Civil attack Catalan president's electoral vote centre. 10:17 Sun 01 Oct by iosaf mac diarmada 3 comments

A little over a week ago the Spanish state attempted to take control of the Mossos d'Esquadra the Catalan national police force whose men and women have sworn an oath of fealty to Catalonia and answer to the Catalan government "la Generalitat". The Mossos sidestepped all such attempts.
The Spanish ministry of the Interior ordered the Mossos to cordon off with "do not cross police" tape and guards all potential 6000+ electoral centres. A civil rights movement emerged intent on protecting those centres. Friday afternoon parents and teachers as well as children stayed
At 06h23 this morning I went to the school in my area, known to some as the "Forat". A neighbourhood which has a long and sometimes difficult history of confrontation policing (lives lost or ruined), and is considered by some the anarchist heart of the city. I joined the civil rights movement there.

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textBrazil wants true justice for Lula! Jan 13 by João Mac Unaima 0 comments

Lula's trial must be annulled, Sergio Moro must be removed from the magistracy, dangerous element he is, and Wilson Center’s staff must recycle their behavior patterns! Humanity is tired of this mud! We all know that much more and much better is possible!

imageSex, Drugs and Rollickin' Roles: Dec 14 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin 0 comments

Christmas is an ancient feast that has many positive associations for people around the world. While the bible places the birth of Christ in Bethlehem it does not say when, but by the 4th century the Churches in the East were celebrating it on January 6 and the Churches of the West on December 25.

One thing is certain about Christmas is that it is rooted in many traditions and superstitions relating to nature that existed long before Christmas and many have continued in one form or another to the present day. The many strands of Christmas can be seen in the variety of different traditions associated with, or originating in, places all over Europe. These strands are, inter alia, the solstice, the Nativity, Saturnalia, Yuletide, St Nicholas, Father Christmas, and Grandfather Frost (Ded Moroz).

imageThe Not-So-Subtle Art of Protesting: Dec 04 by Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin 0 comments

In 1762 Jean Jacques Rousseau published his book, The Social Contract, in which he wrote,

“In Greece, all that the populace had to do, it did for itself; it was constantly assembled in the public square.”

Rousseau was well aware of the importance of public spaces when it came to political change. Indeed, the storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789 showed the power of the populace against armed guards defending the medieval fortress, armory, and political prison in Paris which at the time represented royal authority. Interestingly enough, the decision had also been taken to replace the Bastille with an open public space and the fortress was demolished within five months. Since then many open public spaces around the world have been the centres of political activity.

imageStrikes and Solidarity: Interview with a worker at Irish Rail Dec 02 by wsm 0 comments

Irish Rail workers were out on strike recently. What’s going on?

The WSM recently caught up with J, an activist and worker at Irish Rail, to find out.

For background details, see our analysis, "Why Irish Rail workers are right to strike", published here.

imageThe October 1917 Revolution and Lenin Nov 27 by Party of the Laboring Masses (PLM) 0 comments

Contribution to the Discussion on the Centinnial of the October 1917 Bolshevik Revolution

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textGovernment Shutdown Solutions Could Leave Out Disaster Aid for Puerto Rico Jan 19 Jubilee USA Network 0 comments

As the Senate and White House struggle to avert a government shutdown, US disaster victims from Puerto Rico to Texas worry a deal on relief and recovery aid will continue to be delayed.

imageIreland must follow UK in pledge to eliminate plastic waste, say environmentalists Jan 13 0 comments

A repost from Green News by Niall Sargent highlight the presence of plastic microbeads in every day products and why they should be banned immediately.

The State must step up its game to tackle plastic pollution in the wake of the UK’s new pledge to eliminate plastic waste by 2042, Ireland’s leading environmental coalition has said.

Launched by Prime Minister Theresa May this morning the 25 Year Environment Plan sets out the UK’s strategy to tackle plastic waste over the next quarter century.

textShannon Vigil Jan 12 LLA 0 comments

Anti-war meeting at the Shannon Airport.

textTo the people of Ireland: Save Parvani Hall Jan 10 0 comments

Parvani Hall stands beautifully and gracefully upon the ancestral lands of Shivam O'Brien, the maker and visionary of this magnificent building. Galway County Council want to knock this building down on the grounds that it is 'not sustainable' yet it is the absolute epitome of sustainable architecture, exemplary in fact. They refused meetings with Shivam, cost him and his family many years of aggravation and 22,000 euros in cost. Support him in his own right, on his own land, to be and build and live peacefully, in beauty and in harmony with the land.

imageBuild For A Major Housing Protest On April 7th Dec 20 0 comments

The housing crisis is a running sore in Irish society. It cries out for a campaign of ‘people power’ to force through a programme of council house building, rent controls and to end landlord evictions.

For the past two years, People Before Profit has been working with others to help create a coalition that can bring tens of thousands onto the streets.

That coalition is the National Homeless and Housing Coalition.

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