
Migration and national social democracy in Britain

We look at the recent history of migration to the UK and the current discussion about migration and wage decline, in particular within the nation state policies of Labour. We criticise the effort of trying to reconcile a largely liberal 'pro-migrant' position with Labour's national perspective and share our experiences of working and organising amongst migrant workers in west London.

Sustaining the anarchist movement in a foreign country does not work

We wrote this text as a response to „The Kurdish people should get involved in and support campaigns on Local and National issues“ from Zaher Baher. We hope the experience of the migrants from our movement will prove useful for our comrades from other countries.

The Kurdish people should get involved in and support campaigns on local and national issues

Demonstration for Kurdish rights

This article explains the problems that the ethnic minorities are facing and who is their common enemy. This article particularly concentrates on Kurdish diaspora who lives in Europe, US and other countries; it provides evidence that the Kurdish diaspora faces the same problems as the native people in the host country. Despite being facing the same problems or sometimes even more so, but they still do not involve themselves in the local and national campaigns.

The article points at the reasons that may contribute to the cause of not involving the campaigns.

Community action shuts down fascist meeting in Rome

In Rome, hundreds of anti-fascist residents shut down a meeting between fascists and the local council, clashing with militants from far-right organisation Casapound as well as riot police who had been defending them.

Vogelfrei. Migration, deportations, capital and its state - Antithesi

Blockade of the railways at Idomeni

The publication of our pamphlet entitled Vogelfrei. Migration, deportations, capital and its state aims at contributing to the analysis and critique of the politics of the EU and the Greek state on the control and biopolitical management of migration from a proletarian standpoint.

DSEI: A supermarket for state surveillance and border wars

As borders are increasingly militarised and their operation privatised, migration, more than ever before, is also an anti-militarist struggle, write Amy Hall and Sara Woods of Shoal Collective.

Police brutality leads to pro-migrant march in Rome

After a refugee eviction in Rome ended with shocking scenes of police violence, migrants and their supporters took to the streets.

Racial discrimination in employment? The Bristol bus boycott of 1963

Some of the leaders of the boycott

A student dissertation with lots of information about the 1963 boycott of Bristol's buses against the ban on recruiting workers of colour enforced by the TGWU union and the state-owned Bristol Omnibus Company.

Black and white on the buses: the 1963 colour bar dispute in Bristol

Bristol bus boycott demonstration

A detailed pamphlet by Madge Dresser on the Bristol bus boycott, when a mass campaign defeated the TGWU union's bar on black and Asian people working in bus crews.

LGBT refugee wins legal battle to stay in UK

Aderonke Apata

Aderonke Apata was accused of faking her sexuality, but has now won her 13 year battle for asylum.