- published: 19 May 2014
- views: 499566
Sumy (Ukrainian: Суми [ˈsumɪ], Russian: Сумы) is a city in north-eastern Ukraine, and the capital of the Sumy Oblast (region). As of 2015, the city's population is 269,000. Private planes are served by Sumy Airport.
Sumy was founded in 1652 at the bank of the Psel River (a left tributary of the Dnieper) as a Cossack fortress. It was intended to protect Sloboda Ukraine from the Crimean Tatar attacks. After their attacks ceased and the territory was incorporated into the Russian Empire, Sumy evolved into an important economical centre, mainly focusing on sugar industry.
During the German occupation of Ukraine during World War II (1941 – 1944), Sumy sustained heavy damage. Sumy itself was occupied from October 10, 1941 to September 2, 1943. After the war, the destroyed parts of the city were built anew. Sumy has been a twin town of Celle, Germany since January 17, 1990.
The city formerly was divided into two urban raions (districts), Zarichny and Kovpakovsky, as well as 13 micro-raions. The first were dissolved in 2006.
Ogromne sumy na spinning ponad 300kg i 7m
Trzy wielkie sumy w 15 minut - Odrzańskie połowy sumów 2015 # Wędkarstwo sumowe [ HD ]
Dwa sumy w tym samym czasie
Przynęty na sumy i szczupaki - wykład Majkiego, Złotów 2016
Welcome to Sumy
Sumy ludojady i inne atrakcjie zamkniętej strefy w Prypeci - Czarnobyl Vlog #16
Rekordowe sumy złowione przez Polaków cz-1 -rzeka Pad
#1 My life in Ukraine: My city Sumy
Wakacje z wędką V (sumy) część druga
Trzy sumy o łącznej długości ponad 7 metrów i wadze ponad 300 kg zostały złowione w rzece Pad we Włoszech przez Siluro Team Robinson w składzie: Arkadiusz Gajewski, Tomasz Kurnik i Piotr Wojnowski. Dwa z nich, tj. o dł. 249 cm i 260 cm są najprawdopodobniej jednymi z największych (jak nie największymi) sumami na świecie, które zostały złowione metodą spinningową.
Jeden z lepszych wyjazdów na sumy w sezonie 2015 nad rzekę Odrę. Było bardzo dużo kontaktów z potężnymi rybami, oczywiście te największe albo nie pobierały, albo spadały po kilku sekundach na kiju. Przedstawione na filmie były największymi wyciągniętymi w tym wyjątkowym dniu :) Co ciekawe rybki pobierały na zewnętrznym zakręcie przy każdej z tam - zasumiony odcinek rzeki ! MIEJSCE PETARDA SUMY SAME SIĘ NIE ZŁOWIĄ ! http://compfishing.pl/sklep/strefa-sumowa/ - sklep dla sumiarzy ! FANPAGE : https://www.facebook.com/COMPFISHING/
Wczorajszy dzień zaczęliśmy ze względu na upały o 19:30. O 19:41 dwa piękne brania Na woblery Czesława Sowińskiego w tej samej sekundzie. Niesamowite.
W dniach 24 i 25 czerwca br. reprezentacja redakcji "Wiadomości Wędkarskie" po raz kolejny spotkała się ze społecznością wędkarzy w Złotowie. "Dzień z Wiadomościami Wędkarskimi" to jeden z elementów złotowskiego "Euro Eco Festivalu". Spotkanie było znakomitą okazją do porozmawiania o najnowszych trendach w wędkarstwie. W pierwszej części sprawozdania z tego wydarzenia publikujemy wykład Majkiego o przynętach na sumy i szczupaki. Wkrótce opublikujemy kolejny film z udziałem Majkiego (opowie o swoich sprawdzonych wędkach i kołowrotkach). W kolejnych wykładach zobaczycie Mariusza Getkę (wędkarstwo morskie), Tomasza Horemskiego (wędkarstwo spławikowe - przygotowywanie zanęt) oraz Józefa Wróblewskiego (spławikowe ABC).
Zobacz moje Playlisty: http://www.youtube.com/user/MocnyVlog/videos?flow=list&live;_view=500&sort;=dd&view;=1 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/VlogMocny Twitter: https://twitter.com/MocnyVlog Instagram: http://instagram.com/mocnyvlog G+ https://plus.google.com/b/100527924422655708354 Masz pytanie ? Zadaj je w temacie wiadomości wysłanej na adres: MocnyVlog+Pytanie@gmail.com Strona: http://www.MocnyVlog.pl
Taaakie Ryby.Piękną przygodę przeżyli Piotr Wojnowski,Tomasz Kurnik i Arkadiusz Gajewski z Teamu ,, Robinson,, Podczas wyprawy do Włoch złowili 3 sumy mierzące razem ponad 7 metrów.Reportaż z wyprawy można przeczytać w nr.6/2014 str.8-12 w Miesięczniku Wędkarski Świat
Привет всем:)Меня зовут Алина:)Я флекс-финалистка 14-15 и сюда я буду выкладывать свои влоги:)Сначала они будут о моей жизни в Украине:) P.S Извините за дрожащие моменты:D Это мое первое видео,я просто учусь:) Будем совершенствоваться вместе)
Magda życzy sobie by Dominik złapał króla polskich wód,Dominik przyjmuje wyzwanie... Zapraszamy do naszego sklepu http://sklep.malyrekin.pl/ Zapraszam wszystkich do polubienia nas na Facebook https://www.facebook.com/malyrekin/ oraz do odwiedzenia naszej strony http://malyrekin.pl
Hello and thanks for watching!)) Please feel free to visit my site to get more information about services and prices, dont hesitate to contact me! HTTP://NADIA-INTERPRETER.COM My VIBER - +380679750702 My EMAIL - 13interpreter@gmail.com My SKYPE - your.interpreter My FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/nadia.interpreter.ukraine My TWITTER - https://twitter.com/InterpreterForU/ My INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/interpreter_ukraine_kiev/ My VK - http://vk.com/interpreterukraine/ Hope to be helpful!
Hello and thanks for visiting my channel! My name is Nadia and I am English interpreter in Ukraine. I provide my services as interpreter, translator, guide, business assistant and concierge. Please feel free to visit my site http://nadia-interpreter.com to get more information. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me! I will be happy to help! My VIBER - +380679750702 My EMAIL - 13interpreter@gmail.com My SKYPE - your.interpreter My FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/nadia.interpreter.ukraine My TWITTER - https://twitter.com/InterpreterForU/ My INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/interpreter_ukraine_kiev/ My VK - http://vk.com/interpreterukraine/
A walking tour around the city of Konotop, the provincial city of the Sumy region in Ukraine, during a period of a few days in March 2016.
Sumy State University is located in Sumy city in the North-East of Ukraine. Its history began in 1948. Today, SSU is a leading university of a classical type with the III-IV accreditation level in the region. The University currently serves more than 16,000 students who are pursuing pre bachelor, bachelor, specialist and master degrees in 43 majors and 21 fields of knowledge according to the list of majors 2015. About 1250 foreign students represent more than 50 countries worldwide. Sumy State University is in the TOP-group (5 %) of leading universities of the world, according to the international ranking of higher education institutions QS World University Rankings. SSU is in the TOP-100 according to the QS University Rankings: EECA (with the overall score 61-70) among the universities ...
Sumy Hotels, travel, vacation and holidays Sumy Hotels, travel, vacation and holidays Sumy Hotels, travel, vacation and holidays Sumy Hotels, travel, vacation and holidays Sumy Hotels, travel, vacation and holidays 10. Barcelona - The city is a pioneer in smart city and low-carbon solutions. 9. Hong Kong - The city has also been a leader in the use and adoption of smart cards, which are already used by millions of residents for services like public transit, library access, building access, shopping, and car parks. 8. Copenhagen - The city has committed to carbon neutrality by 2025 and 40% of its citizens regularly commute via bicycle. 7. Berlin - Berlin is testing out vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technologies in the hopes of creating a virtual power plant from electric vehicles. 6. Tokyo - ...
Join for FREE: http://www.UkraineSingles.com/go/YouTubeUkraine Visit the one and only Kherson on a Romance Tour. Meet hundreds of single women and enjoy the vacation of a lifetime. Travel with purpose. Visit the Ukraine Singles website to find out how to get started.
Hello and thanks for watching! If you plan to go to Kharkiv and need English guide, do not hesitate to contact me, I will help to make your trip interesting and memorable! Please feel free to visit my site to get more information about services and prices, dont hesitate to contact me! HTTP://NADIA-INTERPRETER.COM My VIBER - +380679750702 My EMAIL - 13interpreter@gmail.com My SKYPE - your.interpreter My FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/nadia.interpreter.ukraine My TWITTER - https://twitter.com/InterpreterForU/ My INSTAGRAM -https://www.instagram.com/interpreter_ukraine_kiev/ My VK - http://vk.com/interpreterukraine/ Hope to be helpful!
Book it now! Save up to 20% - http://hotelsale.club/ukraina Less than a 10-minute walk from Yubileiny Stadium in Sumy, Reikartz Sumy offers rooms with cable TV. Free Wi-Fi is provided in all areas. The rooms of Hotel Ukraina enjoy a simple interior, decorated with wooden furnishings. All rooms are equipped with a refrigerator and a private bathroom. Some rooms have a separate living area. Guests can benefit from the convenient 24-hour reception Reikartz Sumy provides. It also offers free Wi-Fi in its public areas, a laundry facility, and a ticket service. Reikartz Sumy’s restaurant serves local and international cuisine. Many shops, restaurants and bars are less than 657 feet from the hotel.
True Story
Everything That I Wanted, I Found It In You
Everything That I Dreamed of, You Made It Came True
Knew That There Were No Limits To What You Would Do for Me
But I Messed That Up Now
For a Night of Fun
What the Hell Was I Thinking?
Damn I Was Dumb, Had Too Much To Drink and
Now I'm Stuck With the Look On My Face of Disgrace
And I'm Feeling Like a Fool.
My Momma Told Me Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold
And If You Find a Good Woman Then
Baby Boy You Better Hold On
But I'm Weak Like Adam To Eve
I'm Down On My Knees
And Baby I Know
I Know That Sorry Doesn't Cut It
(I Refuse) To Let You Take Away Yo Loving
(I Refuse) Without You Babygirl I'm Nothing
(I Refuse) Tell Me What I Gotta Do
To Make Things Back Right With You
Because Sorry Is Not Enuff
I Know That Sorry Doesn't Cut It
(I Refuse) To Let You Take Away Yo Loving
(I Refuse) Without You Babygirl I'm Nothing
(I Refuse) Tell Me What I Gotta Do
To Make Things Back Right With You
Baby, Ever Since You've Been Gone
Everything's So Wrong, It Ain't Right
And Lately, I Ain't Finished No Songs
It's Like My Minds Is So Gone and I
All I Do Is Sit Here and Think About How I'm a Get My Baby Back
Damn Sammie You Done Messed Up Now
Gotta Fix It Up, Quick, Fast, Somehow
I Had Fun for One Night
But I Never Thought It'd Mess Up My Life
My Momma Said...
My Momma Told Me Everything That Glitters Ain't Gold
If You Find a Good Woman Then Baby Boy You Better Hold On
But I'm Weak, Like Adam Was to Eve
I'm Down On Bended Knees
Baby, I know...
I Know That Sorry Doesn't Cut It
(I Refuse) To Let You Take Away Yo Loving
(I Refuse) Without You Babygirl I'm Nothing
(I Refuse) Tell Me What I Gotta Do
To Make Things Back Right With You
Because Sorry Is Not Enuff
I Know That Sorry Doesn't Cut It
(I Refuse) To Let You Take Away Yo Loving
(I Refuse) Without You Babygirl I'm Nothing
(I Refuse) Tell Me What I Gotta Do
To Make Things Back Right With You
Sorry Don't Cut It, Sorry Don't Cut It (No More),
Sorry Don't Cut It, Sorry Don't Cut It (No No)