• Dresden, altar in the Church of Our Lady
    Dresden, altar in the Church of Our Lady ©DZT (Andreas Antoni)
  • Eisenach, Wartburg Castle
    Eisenach, Wartburg Castle ©Bildarchiv Monheim GmbH Monheim
  • Erfurt, fish market, town hall (1870) and Roland statue
    Erfurt, fish market, town hall (1870) and Roland statue ©Stuhler, Werner
  • Worms, Luther statue
    Worms, Luther statue ©Schwarz, Astrid (Schwarz, Astrid)
  • Bretten, Memorial Hall in Melanchthon's House
    Bretten, Memorial Hall in Melanchthon's House ©KulturBüro M. Schödel
  • Luther statue in the memorial church
    Luther statue in the memorial church ©Evang. Landeskirche /Stadt Speyer
  • Giebichenstein Castle near Halle
    Giebichenstein Castle near Halle ©Sachsen-Anhalt Landesmarketing GmbH
  • Oppenheim, St. Katharine's Church
    Oppenheim, St. Katharine's Church ©DZT (Jeiter, Michael)
  • Wittenberg, Luther memorial
    Wittenberg, Luther memorial ©Lutherstadt Wittenberg Marketing GmbH
  • Augsburg skyline
    Augsburg skyline ©Regio Augsburg Tourismus GmbH
  • Nuremberg, Kaiserburg Castle
    Nuremberg, Kaiserburg Castle ©Cowin, Andrew (Cowin, Andrew)
  • Mansfeld Castle
    Mansfeld Castle ©Stadt Mansfeld
  • Eisleben, house where Luther was born
    Eisleben, house where Luther was born ©Eisleben Fremdenverkehrsverein Lutherstadt

Мартин Лютер 2017: 500-летие Реформации. По следам реформаторов

С 2008 по 2017 год в Германии проходит лютеровская декада, в рамках которой по всей стране организуются выставки, концерты и различные мероприятия, посвященные годовщине появления знаменитых лютеровских тезисов.

500 лет прошло с тех пор, как Мартин Лютер прибил свои 95 тезисов на ворота Замковой церкви в Виттенберге. И хотя это событие не стало общеизвестной знаменательной датой, оно радикально изменило мир. Славная годовщина будет праздноваться в 2017 году – и не только в Виттенберге и Эйслебене. Мартин Лютер – монах, профессор и реформатор – является главным действующим лицом декады. Германия устраивает торжества в честь одного из своих славных сынов.

Совершите путешествие по Германии в великую эпоху Реформации по следам Мартина Лютера!

30/04/2016 - 31/12/2018 - Rothenburg ob der Tauber
From May 2016 to the late 2018 the Medieval Crime Museum is mounting a major exhibition on the history of people's belief in and persecution of witches - from the early days to the end of the great witch hunts.
12/04/2017 - 28/01/2018 - Leipzig

In the location of the Leipzig guildhall there once stood Pleißenburg Castle. Breaking his promise to keep silent, which he had made after his hearing at the Reichstag in Augsburg, Martin Luther participated in the Leipzig ...
19/05/2017 - 11/02/2018 - Torgau

As residence of the Saxon electors from the line of the Ernestines Torgau was the political centre of the Reformation. Although the town became less important after the electoral dignity had been transferred to the Albertin ...
01/09/2017 - 28/01/2018 - Magdeburg
Magdeburg, with 30,000 residents one of the largest cities of the Holy Roman Empire in the 16th century, assumed a leading role in the renewal of the church emanating from Wittenberg. The Kulturhistorische Museum will be presentin ...
08/09/2017 - 28/01/2018 - Leipzig

The Leipzig Bach Museum is located in the former dwelling house of Bach’s friend, the rich manufacturer Georg Heinrich Bose, next to the former school Thomasschule where Bach lived and taught. The special exhibition on the ...
10/09/2017 - 11/02/2018 - Torgau

Schloss Hartenfels Castle in Torgau became a magnificent residence under Elector Frederick the Wise and his successors. The castle church is the first new Protestant church building and was consecrated by Martin Luther hims ...
08/10/2017 - 28/01/2018 - Greifswald

The North celebrates its 500th anniversary Reformation. Although Luther himself never stayed in the north, his ideas developed there a special dynamic. Almost all areas in the north and around the Baltic joined the Reformat ...
12/10/2017 - 11/02/2018 - Leipzig

Martin Luther’s criticism of the preaching of St. Peter’s indulgences marked the beginning of a struggle for the true faith and for the proper form of the Church, which would alter Europe to its core. Reformist preaching ra ...
25/05/2018 - 10/06/2018 - Halle (Saale)

Every year celebrated baroque musicians perform at the Handel Festival in Halle, Saxony-Anhalt, the birthplace of George Frideric Handel. ...
08/06/2018 - 10/06/2018 - Wittenberg, Lutherstadt

Fanfares, processions, historical re-enactments: Lutherstadt Wittenberg is never short of ideas when it celebrates the wedding of Martin Luther and Katharina von Bora every year in the town where they exchanged vows.  ...

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