Three secrets to hiring the right candidate for the role

Edit Your Story 25 Sep 2017
Most people like to believe that if they trust their gut about a candidate, they will be able to hire the right person. Nothing could be ......

Fr Ted actor to lead protest against live cattle exports

Edit Irish Independent 25 Sep 2017
Father Ted, Angela’s Ashes, Shameless and EastEnders actor Pauline McLynn will be amongst those leading a protest outside the Irish Department of Agriculture against the live export of animals. The protest is being organised by animal welfare charity Compassion in World Farming’s Irish supporter group. After the demonstration they will be handing in a petition against live export from Ireland which has gained over 23,000 signatures....

Neanderthal Child's Skeleton Reveals They Took Even Longer To Develop Than Us

Edit IFL Science 25 Sep 2017
It turns out that the extinct human species grew at an incredibly slow pace, taking even longer to develop their brains than even we do, supporting the idea that they were highly intelligent and complex beings ... It shows that even by the age of eight, its brain was only 87.5 percent of the size of a typical adult, while in a human child of the same age, their brains tend to be around 95 percent of their eventual adult size....

The Youth of Africa.

Edit The Petition Site 25 Sep 2017
Why so, because we are ......

Anthem protests are anything but un-American

Edit News Chief 25 Sep 2017
MINNEAPOLIS — They are football players. They are teammates ... And they are human beings.And that gives Mike Evans and DeSean Jackson the right to do what they did Sunday.As the national anthem played before their game against the Vikings, they knelt and placed their hands over their hearts.Peacefully, they protested the divisive words of the president. Without ... ....

Editorial: Arts at the Seaport

Edit Boston Herald 25 Sep 2017
It should go without saying that human beings crave more than high-rise ......

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Heritage, flags and statues

Edit NWF Daily News 25 Sep 2017
Concerning the local controversy brewing over the removal of Confederate flags and statues, I am puzzled by the argument that these symbols should be celebrated because they symbolize "heritage."According to the actual documents filed by each Southern state, "the issue of slavery" (or similar wording) was the number one reason for secession. Men and women wanted to keep their right to enslave other human beings ... ....

Saskatoon play uses destruction to humanize military

Edit CBC 25 Sep 2017
Gordon Portman’s play Grounded carries a message of human beings’ capacity for destruction, and he hopes through that it reminds audiences of the humanity of military service personnel ... ....

Metropolis is devastated in this Nightwing: The New Order #2 exclusive

Edit AV Club 25 Sep 2017
People do extreme things when they fear for their safety, and the DC Comics miniseries, Nightwing. The New Order, looks at an alternate reality where the danger of superpowered beings has compelled the U.S. government to take drastic measures to subdue people with extraordinary abilities. Leading the charge is Dick…. Read more... ....

Time to wake up

Edit Canton Daily Ledger 25 Sep 2017
The climate in which we are immersed is garbage. It’s as if everyone has decided they’re not going to obey laws, rules, and standard procedures human beings have been expected to respect and honor for a couple of centuries or so ... ....

What Most Americans Don’t Know about Extreme Poverty

Edit Bitcoin Warrior 25 Sep 2017
766,010,000 people. That’s how many are living in extreme poverty today, defined by the World Bank as having roughly $2/day or less in current US purchasing power. Think about that number. seven hundred and sixty-six million, ten thousand human beings. [1] In just one generation, the number of folks not in poverty has doubled. That’s [...] ... ....

Combining addiction and mental health

Edit Fox31 Denver 25 Sep 2017
At Sovereign Health, patients are the highest priority. They believe that mental illness, addiction and cognitive deficits are brain diseases that constrain people’s lives, but they do not define them. They see their patients as human beings and honor them for their independent qualities. Their world-class, licensed treatment professionals focus on treating the individual inside ... Dr. Tonmoy Sharma, the CEO of Sovereign Health ... ....

‘Why shouldn’t I be the one to do it?’: Lights unveils new Skin & Earth ...

Edit Toronto Sun 25 Sep 2017
So I was just, ‘Why shouldn’t I be the one to do it?’ I’ve always drawn ... Did you think you could always be strong? ... There are times where you don’t think you can be one of those strong women ... I think notoriously comics are about superheroes, untouchable beings, but this character’s not ... It’s funny it took a fictional character for me to be my most authentic self ... The hardest one will be Japanese....