- published: 10 Feb 2017
- views: 5171
The Longsheng Rice Terraces (simplified Chinese: 龙胜梯田; traditional Chinese: 龍勝梯田; pinyin: Lóngshèng Tītián), also called the Longji Rice Terraces (simplified Chinese: 龙脊梯田; traditional Chinese: 龍脊梯田; pinyin: Lóngjǐ Tītián), are located in Longsheng County, about 100 kilometres (62 mi) from Guilin, Guangxi, China.
The terraced fields are built along the slope winding from the riverside up to the mountain top, between 600 m to 800 m above sea level. A coiling terrace line that starts from the mountain foot up to the mountain top divides the mountain into layers of water in spring, layers of green rice shoots in summer, layers of rice in fall, and layers of frost in winter. The terraced fields were mostly built about 650 years ago.
Longji (Dragon's Backbone) Terraced Rice Fields received their name because the rice terraces resemble a dragon's scales, while the summit of the mountain range looks like the backbone of the dragon.
In early June, water is pumped over the rice paddies and young plants are transferred to the main terraces.
HOME:http://www.weboth2.info/h%203.htm 龍脊梯田景色秀麗、如詩如畫。龍脊梯田整齊有序,線條豐富多彩,線條形狀以曲線為主,曲線賦於人們一種動態美,尤其是那些長長的曲線和波浪線,使人聯想到這些梯田好像是天上飄落的彩帶。金坑梯田還有象形美,有些小山沿著山體的形狀修滿了一圈圈的梯田,像寶塔一樣,增強了田園造形美;有的梯田連片看像山鷹展翅;有的梯田如七星伴月,有的梯田就是典型的梯形圖形,還有花邊田等。金坑梯田比較有層次感,由於金坑地勢陡峭,梯田以帶狀形的較多,它的高低層次較多,遠近層次也很豐富。再就是金坑梯田有音樂般的美感,它體現在梯田的節奏與韻律感之中。
廣西桂林屬世界著名的風景遊覽城市和中國首批歷史文化名城,享有“桂林山水甲天下”的美譽。聯合國世界旅遊組織/亞太旅遊協會旅遊趨勢與展望國際論壇永久舉辦地。從文獻資料來看,從明洪武五年(1372年),靖江王府修建成,東西巷所處的位置一直是靖江王的宗廟與社稷壇所在,專門用以供奉天地先祖。桂林東西巷定位為桂林首家多功能立體式特色商業城,是桂林市一個集旅遊、民俗、文化、購物、餐飲、休閒、娛樂為一體的綜合型商業街區。東西巷是桂林明清時代遺留下的唯一的一片歷史街巷,空間尺度宜人,是桂林古歷史風貌的觀景區,包含了正陽街東巷、江南巷、蘭井巷等桂林傳統街巷。體現了桂林的歷史文脈。因此東西巷歷史文化商街作為桂林歷史文化名城的重要組成部分,是以傳統居住、傳統商業、文化體驗、休閒旅遊等主要功能為基礎、融合景區遊賞,以“市井街巷、名人府邸”特色,旨在打造桂林最有特色的歷史文化街區。東西巷早在明清時期就盛極一時,當時還有“青龍白虎”寶地之美譽。不僅鴻儒商貿雲集往來,達官顯貴也在此棲居。鑒於此,桂林秀峰區政府把正陽東西巷列入“十二五”規劃重點建設專案。為桂林市東西巷打造“國際旅遊勝地”城市旅遊消費和品牌的一大地標之作。規劃總用地面積2.45萬平方米,總建築面積5.5萬平方米,總投資估算為5.5億元人民幣。 龍脊梯田,在廣西龍勝各族自治縣龍脊鎮平安村龍脊山,距縣城22公里。距桂林市80公里。龍脊梯田分為金坑(大寨)瑤族梯田觀景區,平安壯族梯田觀景區。通常意義上的龍脊梯田是指龍脊平安壯族梯田,也是開發較早的梯田。梯田分佈在海拔300米至1100米之間,最大坡度達50度,前往梯田幾乎都是盤山公路,一直升到約海拔600米以上,到梯田時海拔達到880米。龍脊梯田開墾元代到清初,整整650年。梯田處處有,可像龍脊梯田這樣大規模的集中實屬罕見。從流水湍急的河谷,到白雲繚繞的山巔,從萬木蔥蘢的林邊到石壁陡崖前,凡有泥土的...
Longji terrace located in Longsheng county,Guangxi province: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longsheng_Rice_Terrace https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE3LV1t4ql0N4uigh_ntZUwRGWKvcCXO0
若遊梯田 當願眾生 悟所作性 証無常觀
龍脊梯田,是指在龍脊山上開發出的梯田,從廣義說叫做龍勝梯田,從狹義上稱為龍脊梯田。位於廣西龍勝各族自治縣龍脊鎮平安村龍脊山,距縣城22公里,距桂林市80公里。 龍脊梯田開墾元代到清初,整整650年。梯田如鏈似帶,把一座座山峰環繞成一隻只巨大的螺絲,有的像巨扇一樣半摺半開,斜疊成一個個狹長的扇;有的則像天鏡被分割,然後有層次地鑲嵌成多種圖形的碎塊,在這個廣闊的方圍內,小路悠悠地,蜿蜒在跌宕有致的梯田裡,飄忽成一根根細繩,而緊緊地縈繞在它上空的龍脊壯族山歌,縹緲成一縷縷雲煙;那一幢幢被水光映照,被雲影拂弄的壯族“麻爛”,則被空靈成仙宮了。
Hiking up Longsheng Rice Terraces (Longji Dragon's Backbone) in Guilin, China (龙胜梯田 - 龙脊梯田) 龍勝梯田 Here we are at the Longji Rice Fields which are located just outside of Guilin. We've had such good luck. Check out the weather and the views behind. So we are hiking up to one of the viewing platforms. This is going to be tough because it's like forty degrees outside and we're been told it'll take 30 minutes to one hour depending on our pace. So I'm trying to stay hydrated. Audrey is going to have to workout today. Awwwww. It's tired. It's so cute. Hello! GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDis...
桂林風情之旅 2016.04.10-2016.04.14
Hiking up Longsheng Rice Terraces (Longji Dragon's Backbone) in Guilin, China (龙胜梯田 - 龙脊梯田) 龍勝梯田 Here we are at the Longji Rice Fields which are located just outside of Guilin. We've had such good luck. Check out the weather and the views behind. So we are hiking up to one of the viewing platforms. This is going to be tough because it's like forty degrees outside and we're been told it'll take 30 minutes to one hour depending on our pace. So I'm trying to stay hydrated. Audrey is going to have to workout today. Awwwww. It's tired. It's so cute. Hello! GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDis...
Things to do in China Travel Guide: Guangxi Province (Guilin, Yangshuo, Li River, Rice Terraces) playlist: 1) A tour of Yangshuo night life including visiting a night market and eating Chinese street food (阳朔夜市和街头食品) China 2) Red Yao Hill Tribe Long Hair Performance at Lonji Longsheng Rice Terrace in Guilin, China (瑤族 - 瑶族) (龙胜梯田 - 龍勝梯田) 3) Li River Bamboo Boat Cruise down the Li River from Guilin to Yangshuo, China (Lijiang: 从桂林到阳朔漓江竹游船) 4) Hiking up Longsheng Rice Terraces (Longji Dragon's Backbone) in Guilin, China (龙胜梯田 - 龙脊梯田) 5) Bicycle ride around scenic rural and countryside areas just outside of Yangshuo, China (骑自行车在阳朔乡间) 6) A tour around Guilin, China at night including night markets, street food, pagodas and lakes 晚上桂林 7) Taking the train in China from Hong Kong to Guangzho en...
The Longsheng Rice Terraces, also called the Longji Rice Terraces, are located in Longsheng County, about 100 kilometres (62 mi) from Guilin, Guangxi, China. The terraced fields are built along the slope winding from the riverside up to the mountain top, between 600 m to 800 m above sea level. A coiling terrace line that starts from the mountain foot up to the mountain top divides the mountain into layers of water in spring, layers of green rice shoots in summer, layers of rice in fall, and layers of frost in winter. The terraced fields were mostly built about 650 years ago. Longji (Dragon's Backbone) Terraced Rice Fields received their name because the rice terraces resemble a dragon's scales, while the summit of the mountain range looks like the backbone of the dragon. In early June,...
To say that this place is special is an understatement. Apart from the harrowing ride up, this place will always resinate with us. We stayed at the Dragons Den Hostel, another really special place. Their english was great (better than my Chinese) and the map to get to the hostel, part of the Dazhai village, was clear with photographic monuments along the way, just don't forget the map like we did! If you do there is free wifi next to the cable car entrance. Be prepared for a 45 minute hike up with breathtaking scenery, theres plenty of rest stops and chickens along the way so take advantage, half the trip is the way up. ___________________________________________________________________ Music: Sundara by ODESZA https://soundcloud.com/search?q=sundara%20odesza Kev. - Bubble Bath by Ch...
The eve of the 2013 Spring Festival and we travel to the Longji Rice Terraces near Guilin. We stay in Ping'an which is more or less in the middle part of the Longji Terraces. This walk takes us out into the countryside to Old Longji village, a distance of about 6 kilometres. We easily get there and back in a day and we have time to climb up to the 2 viewpoints. It's raining. If you enjoy this video take a look at Hiking in the Longji Rice Terraces - Ping'an to Tian Tou. Music in this video is the track Tender Hearts from the Epic Romance collection used under licence from Primary Elements.
Join us on our adventure to the Longsheng Rice Terraces. On the last day of the trip I was out exploring Ping'An Village, walking throught the small and narrow alleys and give you a glimpse of our hostel. On the sixth and last part of our trip we had to face again some transportation difficulties so stay tuned for more. For pictures click here: http://journeytosoutheast.wordpress.com/2013/04/08/bilder-von-den-longsheng-rice-terraces-%e9%be%99%e8%83%9c%e6%a2%af%e7%94%b0/
Join us on our adventure to the Longsheng Rice Terraces. At this video we were hiking the rest of the way to Ping'An Village and went to both of the viewpoints there, "Nine Dragons and Five Tigers" and "Seven Stars with the Moon". Also witness some "Chinese Culture", kids urinating in public. For pictures click here: http://journeytosoutheast.wordpress.com/2013/04/08/bilder-von-den-longsheng-rice-terraces-%e9%be%99%e8%83%9c%e6%a2%af%e7%94%b0/
The use of travelling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, you get to see them as they are. Guilin offers vast landscapes of mind-blowing scenery that satisfies your inner curiosity. Join us as we follow this lovely French couple, Nicolas and Camille, to reveal the mysterious beauty of Longji Rice Terrace. This is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Guilin. This region is filled with ancient traditional villages lined along the slopes of the mountain from the river bed to the mountain top. It is a place that has inspired many great artists who have revealed this mysterious beauty in paintings and photographs. ↓↓↓Discover more by joining our communities↓↓↓ ▲ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/GoGuilin/ ▲ Instagram - https://www.in...
If you're lucky enough to travel to the Dragon's Backbone Rice Terraces in Ping An, China, make sure to take my advice and go on this great hike that few people take advantage of. Over the course of two days we saw less than 10 other people on this trail - and the views are spectacular!
Highlights of a tour of the Longsheng Rice Terraces in Longsheng near Guilin, China. Filmed: November 2016.
A quick tour through the Longsheng Rice Terraces aka Dragon's Backbone Terraces located in Guangxi Province near Guilin.
In this video we help you figure out how to get to Ping An, China - where the world famous Dragon's Backbone Rice Terraces are located. Travel Guides and internet searches didn't bring up any directions specific enough to be helpful. So, we thought we'd share what we learned, including directions on a DIRECT bus. This is as easy as it gets! www.LaurenInAsia.com www.LaurenBercarich.com Lauren Bercarich
Captured during my travels to the Longsheng Rice Terrace in China. Time lapse was done using a Fujifilm X-T1. Sorry for the short break at the beginning, I had some technical issues with my settings which had to be fixed!
Things to do in Guilin and Yangshuo Top Attractions Travel Guide 1) Bicycle ride around scenic rural and countryside areas just outside of Yangshuo, China (骑自行车在阳朔乡间) 2) Red Yao Hill Tribe Long Hair Performance at Lonji Longsheng Rice Terrace in Guilin, China (瑤族 - 瑶族) (龙胜梯田 - 龍勝梯田) 3) Li River Bamboo Boat Cruise down the Li River from Guilin to Yangshuo, China (Lijiang: 从桂林到阳朔漓江竹游船) 4) Tour of Yangshuo night life visiting a night market and eating Chinese street food (阳朔夜市和街头食品) China 5) Hiking up Longsheng Rice Terraces (Longji Dragon's Backbone) in Guilin, China (龙胜梯田 - 龙脊梯田) 6) A tour around Guilin, China at night including night markets, street food, pagodas and lakes 晚上桂林 GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm I...
Stunning morning views of the rice terraces from outside Li'an lodge, where we stayed the night. Follow our travel blog at www.andyandmeeshswedding.com.
Our journey has come to an end. We are leaving Ping'An Village by a small bus on bumpy mountain roads towards Heping (which turned out to be a mistake to get off there instead of Longsheng), witnessed a fight of Chinese drivers and ended up in an illegal taxi with a Belgium family to go to Guilin. Guilin bus station and it's surroundings can't be described in words, so just follow me, especially to the public toilet. Our bus supposed to leave Guilin at 17:40 (~12h drive). At the end we left the bus station at 19:45, had to stop at a gas station to fill up the tank and somewhere else to pick up more people. For the reason we all had to work the next day we thought there might be plenty of time. Far from it! We had to stop from 2:00-5:00 somewhere in the middle of nowhere, dropped people of ...