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All The News You Didn’t Even Know Was Going Down

This week brought everything from predictions on the collapse of civilization in 2040 as a result of a global food crash, to an increased...

Excerpt from the new book, ‘On Anarchism: Dispatches from the People’s...

What follows is an excerpt from the new book On Anarchism: Dispatches From The People’s Republic of Vermont. Dispatches contains works written by David...

Los Angeles Community Mobilizes and Sends ICE Packing

By Black Rosa/Rosa Negra LA and BRRN Social Media Team With Trump planning a major wave of ICE raids targeting Northern California in the coming weeks, especially...

The Guillotine #3: MLK, Iran Protests, Offshore Drilling, and #OperationPUSH

This episode was plagued with technical difficulties. The sound quality suffered because of it. We apologize; it won’t sound this bad in the future,...

Building the Movement for Mutual Aid: Spring Tour 2018

The following statement comes from Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, and announces their spring tour in 2018 across parts of the US.  Friends, I am so excited...

First Incarcerated Worker Industrial Union Branch Forming

The following article from the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC) of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) announces that the Mandingo Warriors &...

#OperationPUSH Phone Zap Monday January 22nd

Flood the Florida Department of Corrections Phone Lines - Respect the Demands! A call-in campaign is happening in support of #OperationPUSH Monday, January 22nd. You...

Updates on January 21st Resistance to White Supremacists in Knoxville, TN

This is an update from antifascists in Tennessee about a community mobilization to resist the Traditionalist Worker Party, a neo-Nazi group that is planning...

Neo-Nazis On 4Chan Ready New Poster Campaign to Target Women’s Studies...

Cover photo: An Alt-Right flyer posted up on top of an African-American studies bulletin board in South Carolina. Neo-Nazis and Alt-Right trolls organizing on Discord...

New York: Wobbly Waiters Stage “Sip In” to Demand IWW Recognition

This following report and video comes from the Stardust Family Diner, which is a group of workers who are fighting as part of the...

Tenants Demand Nuspor Investments drop Rent Increases

This morning a group of our neighbours from 1251 King, along with members of Parkdale Organize, travelled together from Parkdale to the uptown offices...

San Francisco: Trump Supporters reunite with the Alt-Right against Sanctuary Cities

On Saturday December 16, right wing activists organized two separate but coinciding events after Jose Inez Garcia Zarate was acquitted for the accidental death...

Update on the Earth First! Winter Rendezvous in Southern Mississippi

The following event announcement comes from Earth First!, and offers details about the Winter Rendezvous in Southern Mississippi.  Greetings and a Happy Gregorian New Year...

Red Fawn Fallis Reaches Non-Cooperating Plea Agreement

Mandan, ND: Attorneys for Red Fawn Fallis today notified the court of a change of plea pursuant to an agreement with prosecutors. If the...

Durham, NC: “NO WALL NO BORDER” Graffiti in Solidarity with #J20...

The following short report was sent anonymously to It's Going Down:  A group of friends spent a casual and soon-to-be snowy evening decorating a huge...

Norfolk, VA: Solidarity with Operation PUSH

The following report from Tidewater IWW details an action in solidarity with #OperationPUSH:  On January 15th, in lieu of our regular letter writing hours, a...

Red Fawn Fallis Enters Non-Cooperating Plea Agreement

Mandan, ND – Attorneys for Red Fawn Fallis have announced that they have reached an agreement with government prosecutors in her case, which was...

Defend Maru!: ICE Targets Long Time Immigration Activist with Deportation

Long time community and immigration activist Maru Mora Villalpando, who has led ongoing protests in Tacoma, Washington as part of the group, Northwest Detention...

Two Paychecks Podcast: Blockade Against McKenzie Forest Logging

In Oregon, Cascadia Forest Defenders are resisting the logging of public lands of the McKenzie Forest by by setting up blockades and occupying treesits. Logging...

On Yellow Ribbons and Counter-Insurgency: From a Veteran

"We have million dollar skills, and we must give them up. Not to Tiger Swan, not to Blackwater, or the local PD, but to...

“We All Need It To Survive”: Fighting the Bayou Bridge Pipeline

This is the first time in Louisiana that we have seen environmental justice, African-American communities, we have seen indigenous communities, we have seen crawfishers,...
"We have million dollar skills, and we must give them up. Not to Tiger Swan, not to Blackwater, or the local PD, but to those struggling for liberation across the board." America has been engaged in the global war on terror for the past 16 ½ years. I could give...
By BRRN Anti-Criminalization Committee On January 15, 2018 prisoners across the state of Florida will refuse to work, as part of a protest against the inhumane environmental and labor conditions in the Florida Department of Corrections.  This protest, named Operation PUSH, will take place on Martin Luther King day. On January...
By Black Rosa/Rosa Negra LA and BRRN Social Media Team With Trump planning a major wave of ICE raids targeting Northern California in the coming weeks, especially targeting sanctuary cities, organized community responses are essential to beating back these attacks. The goal, as always with immigration enforcement, is to strike fear in...
Cover photo: An Alt-Right flyer posted up on top of an African-American studies bulletin board in South Carolina. Neo-Nazis and Alt-Right trolls organizing on Discord and 4chan are planning to follow up the spread of flyers and memes featuring the saying, "It's Okay to Be White," with newer anti-immigrant posters...
What follows is an excerpt from the new book On Anarchism: Dispatches From The People’s Republic of Vermont. Dispatches contains works written by David Van Deusen, and in some cases, the Green Mountain Anarchist Collective. This excerpt is the introduction to a strategic plan that was put forward by...
“The present catastrophe is that of a world actively made uninhabitable. A sort of methodical devastation of everything that remained liveable in the relations of humans with each other and with our environments.”—The Invisible Committee, Call It has been one year since the collection of friends associated with this project called...