17 January 2018

False alarm of incoming missile in Japan

By Peter Symonds, 17 January 2018

The false alert, coming days after a similar incident in Hawaii, highlights the advanced preparations by the US and its allies for war with North Korea.

Hawaii’s “false alarm” and the advanced preparations for war against North Korea

The missile alert in Hawaii
Thirty-eight minutes of chaos

“If we can’t support patients coming in emergency rooms…more people are going to die”
Flu epidemic exposes scandalous state of US health care system

By Kate Randall, 17 January 2018

The intensity of the outbreak has strained hospitals and outpatient facilities, which are struggling with shortages of medical supplies amid an influx of sick patients.

“The state trooper choked me because I was telling the truth”
Former coal miner in Eastern Kentucky speaks about police assault at public meeting

By Sheila Brehm, 17 January 2018

Gary Michael Hunt, a former coal miner who was assaulted by a state trooper for criticizing local authorities about the lack of safe water for area residents, spoke with the WSWS.

Kentucky water crisis outrage: Another US worker arrested for criticizing government officials

Deportation of 30-year US resident from Detroit sparks outrage

By Kathleen Martin, 17 January 2018

Jorge Garcia, a resident of metro Detroit for three decades, was deported to Mexico by ICE agents on Martin Luther King Day on the orders of federal immigration officials.

Cost of hookworm treatment beyond reach of many Alabama residents

By Warren Duzak, 17 January 2018

Working class and poor residents in the southern US state face an outbreak of the hookworm parasite due to unsanitary conditions.

Trump administration escalates attack on data encryption

By Will Morrow, 17 January 2018

In a sign that the White House is moving to criminalize encryption, deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein argued that “warrant-proof” files are unconstitutional.

After Ontario minimum wage hike
Canadian businesses claw back wages from low-paid workers

By Carl Bronski, 17 January 2018

While there is widespread anger in the working class at the outrageous actions of big business, it finds no political expression in the bogus protests launched by the trade unions.

Families and survivors hold seven-month commemoration of Grenfell Tower fire

By our reporters, 17 January 2018

Some 1,500 people, including survivors and the families of those who died in last year’s Grenfell Tower fire, staged their monthly Silent March on January 14.

Fraud of official inquiry into Grenfell fire exposed by forced withdrawal of project management adviser

UK government refuses to pay for essential safety improvements six months after Grenfell fire

UK: The political lessons of Carillion’s collapse

By Julie Hyland, 17 January 2018

When CEOs, accountants, regulators and governments are all implicated in such events, it is not the corruption of a single corporate entity that is at issue, but the capitalist profit system itself.

German trade unions beat the drums for another grand coalition

By Johannes Stern, 17 January 2018

Talks between the CDU, CSU and SPD point to the formation of the most right-wing government in Germany since the end of the Second World War.

For new elections and a socialist offensive against the grand coalition in Germany

Direct Spanish rule to continue if exiled Catalan leader tries to govern from Belgium

By Alejandro López and Paul Mitchell, 17 January 2018

The Spanish government is preparing to extend Article 155 of the Constitution, invoked to take control of Catalonia.

Romanian prime minister resigns amid rising social tensions

By Andrei Tudora and Tina Zamfir, 17 January 2018

There is an increasing mood of militancy among Romanian workers, with autoworkers at Ford locked in a struggle against management, the union and the government.

Stricken Iranian tanker sinks, causing major oil spill in East China Sea

By Robert Campion, 17 January 2018

After the ship exploded, all its crew members were presumed dead and concerns were raised about the worst petroleum condensate discharge in history.

Australian government continues deportations of New Zealanders

By Tom Peters, 17 January 2018

New Zealanders who have spent most of their lives in Australia are being detained and expelled for minor offences or on “character” grounds.

New in Russian

Массовые протесты против мер жесткой экономии и социального неравенства сотрясают иранский режим

Кейт Джонс, 17 января 2018 г.

Протесты подпитываются глубоко укорененным классовым гневом в стране, где уровень безработицы среди молодежи достигает 40 процентов, а половина населенияживет в нищете.

New in Turkish

Tunus’ta Bin Ali’nin devrilmesinin yıldönümünde binlerce kişi yürüdü

Alex Lantier ve Kumaran Ira, 17 Ocak 2018

Tunus’ta ve uluslararası ölçekte diğer tüm yollar tükenirken, işçi sınıfına devrimci bir önderlik inşa etmekten ve doğrudan iktidar mücadelesine girişmekten başka bir seçenek kalmıyor.

ABD Suriye’de 30.000 kişilik “sınır gücü” kuruyor

Peter Symonds, 17 Ocak 2018

Irak ve Şam İslam Devleti’nin (IŞİD) yenilgisini ilan etmiş olan Washington, Suriye’den ayrılma niyeti olmadığını göstermiştir.

Julian Assange’ın internet sansürüne karşı açıklaması WSWS’nin “Direniş Örgütleme” toplantısında okunacak

17 Ocak 2018

WikiLeaks’in kurucusu Julian Assange, Dünya Sosyalist Web Sitesi’ne (WSWS), hükümetlerin ve şirketlerin demokratik bilgi paylaşımını kesme çabaları konusunda uyarıda bulunan önemli bir açıklama gönderdi.

Facebook WSWS’nin sansür karşıtı videosunun paylaşımını engelliyor

Eric London, 17 Ocak 2018

Facebook, kullanıcılarının, WSWS'nin “İnternet sansürüne karşı direniş örgütleme” konulu çevrimiçi toplantısını tanıtan bir sosyal medya videosunu paylaşmasını engelledi.

New in Spanish

La “falsa alarma” en Hawái y los avanzados preparativos para una guerra contra Corea del Norte

Por Bill Van Auken, 17 enero 2018

El episodio de terror desatado contra la población de Hawái no puede ser captado por fuera de los numerosos otros ejercicios del Pentágono en preparación para una invasión de Corea del Norte.

Los trabajadores griegos se manifiestan en contra de la imposición del “proyecto de ley múltiple” de austeridad de la UE por parte de Syriza

Por Alex Lantier, 17 enero 2018

Syriza tiene por objetivo seguir recortando los niveles de vida mientras ilegaliza el derecho a la huelga de los trabajadores griegos, consagrado en la constitución, para defenderse.

Protestas masivas en Perú por el indulto de Fujimori

Por Cesar Uco, 17 enero 2018

El acuerdo alcanzado para evitar la vacancia del presidente Kuczynski a cambio del perdón a Fujimori solo ha profundizado la crisis del gobierno burgués en Perú.

Estados Unidos formará una “fuerza fronteriza” de 30.000 efectivos en Siria

Por Peter Symonds, 17 enero 2018

Tras proclamar la derrota de Estado Islámico, Washington está determinado a deshacerse del régimen sirio respaldado por Irán y Rusia.

“Sigan luchando, tenemos que aunar esfuerzos”
Educadores denuncian el ataque a la profesora de una escuela de Luisiana Deyshia Hargrave

Por Nancy Hanover, 17 enero 2018

Lectores del WSWS Teacher Newsletter explican su apoyo a la profesora de Luisiana que fue arrestada por expresar su opinión en una sesión de la junta de su escuela la semana pasada.

Por nuevas elecciones y una ofensiva socialista contra la gran coalición en Alemania

Por Johannes Stern, 17 enero 2018

La oposición en la población a la política antiobrera y militarista de la gran coalición es enorme.

New in French

Les travailleurs grecs font grève contre l’imposition par Syriza du « multi-projet de loi » d’austérité issu de l’UE

Alex Lantier, 17 janvier 2018

Syriza vise à détruire davantage le niveau de vie, tout en interdisant aux travailleurs grecs d’exercer leur droit de grève protégé par la constitution pour se défendre.

La « fausse alerte » d’Hawaï et les préparatifs avancés de la guerre contre la Corée du Nord

Bill Van Auken, 17 janvier 2018

La terreur déclenchée contre la population d’Hawaï ne peut être comprise en dehors des myriades d’exercices menés par le Pentagone en prévision d’une invasion de la Corée du Nord.

Porto Rico, plus de cent jours après l’ouragan Maria: les questions de classe

Genevieve Leigh, 17 janvier 2018

L’absence de planification pour l’ouragan et la réaction quasi inexistante des gouvernements locaux et fédéraux ont eu des conséquences mortelles.

Canada: Les libéraux d'Ontario imposent l'emploi à deux vitesses aux travailleurs de l'auto

Carl Bronski, 17 janvier 2018

Les protestations hypocrites d'Unifor ne peuvent pas dissimuler le fait que ce syndicat a aidé à faire élire des gouvernements libéraux successifs.

New in German

Raketenalarm in Hawaii: 38 Minuten Chaos

Patrick Martin, 16. Januar 2018

Am Samstag schockierte eine falsche Warnung vor einem bevorstehenden Atomangriff Millionen Menschen.

Stahl-Fusion ThyssenKrupp und Tata
Stimmt gegen den Tarifvertrag der IG Metall! Verteidigt alle Arbeitsplätze!

der Sozialistischen Gleichheitspartei, 16. Januar 2018

Die Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei ruft die Stahl-Beschäftigten von ThyssenKrupp dazu auf, den IGM-Tarifvertrag abzulehnen und Kampfmaßnahmen zur Verteidigung aller Arbeitsplätze vorzubereiten.

Tunesien: Tausende demonstrieren am Jahrestag von Ben Alis Sturz

Alex Lantier und Kumaran Ira, 16. Januar 2018

Die Protestwelle speist sich aus der Wut über Massenarbeitslosigkeit, Korruption und höhere Abgaben durch ein neues Finanzgesetz.

Wien: Großkundgebung gegen die rechtsradikale Regierung

Marianne Arens, 16. Januar 2018

Am Samstag demonstrierten in Wien mehrere zehntausend Teilnehmer gegen den extrem rechten Kurs der neuen ÖVP-FPÖ-Regierung.

Minderjährige bei der Bundeswehr

Stefan Steele, 16. Januar 2018

Bei ihrer Rückkehr zu einer aggressiven Außen- und Großmachtpolitik greift die herrschende Klasse in Deutschland zu immer skrupelloseren Maßnahmen. Diese schließen nunmehr auch die massenweise Rekrutierung von Minderjährigen für den Armeedienst ein.

New in Indonesian

Surat terbuka untuk Google: Berhentikan penyensoran Internet! Berhentikan blacklisting politik terhadap World Socialist Web Site!

16 January 2018

Google memanipulasi mesin pencariannya untuk membatasi kesadaran umum dan akses ke situs internet sosialis, anti-perang dan golongan-golongan kiri.

New in Norwegian

Masseprotester mot arbeidsledighet ryster det tunisiske regimet

Alex Lantier, 15 January 2018

Protester mot arbeidsledighet og nedskjæringsbudsjettet for 2018 i industrielle kjerneområder i det sørlige Tunisia sprer seg nå til hele landet.

Washington forbereder utplassering av «anvendelige» atomvåpen

Bill Van Auken, 15 January 2018

En politisk gjennomgang som skal bekjentgjøres senere denne måneden krever utvikling av nye små atomvåpen til bruk mot Russland.

«Det haster; det må heves stemmer!»
Dokumentarfilmskaperen John Pilgers støtteerklæring for nett-seminaret «Organisering av motstand mot Internett-sensur» den 17. januar kl: 01:00 (norsk tid)

15 January 2018

Denne utsagnet ble sendt av den prisbelønte journalisten og dokumentaristen til støtte for nett-diskusjonen med Chris Hedges og David North.

Tyske konservative og sosialdemokrater forbereder dannelsen av en ytre-høyre regjering

Peter Schwarz, 15 January 2018

Det er krise i regjeringsdannelsen fordi Den kristeligdemokratiske union, Den kristelig sosiale union og sosialdemokratene forbereder et skarpt skifte til høyre, som ikke har noe støtte i befolkningen.

New in Persian

اعتراضات گسترده علیه ریاضت و نابرابری اجتماعی رژیم ایران را لرزاند

کیت جونز, ۳ ژانویه ۲۰۱۸

طی شش روز گذشته، تظاهرات علیه افزایش قیمت مواد غذایی ، بیکاری گسترده، نابرابری اجتماعی درحال گسترش و برنامه وحشیانه ریاضت اقتصادی و سرکوب سیاسی جمهوری اسلامی، ایران را به لرزه در آورده است.

Other Languages


Bernie Sanders seeks to derail growing working class opposition to capitalism

17 January 2018

The Vermont senator issued an appeal to oppose mounting global inequality that makes no mention of capitalism, socialism, war or the class struggle.

Earlier Perspectives »

Organizing Opposition to Internet Censorship

Facebook blocks sharing of WSWS anti-censorship video

By Eric London, 15 January 2018

Facebook announces major plan to censor news content

Featured Commentary

The bicentenary of Marx’s birth, socialism and the resurgence of the international class struggle

3 January 2018

The year 2018—the bicentenary of Marx’s birth—will be characterized, above all, by an immense intensification of social tensions and an escalation of class conflict around the world.

Final reflections on the centennial year of the October Revolution

By David North, 30 December 2017

Arts Review

Steven Spielberg’s The Post: To reveal government secrets and lies or not?

By Joanne Laurier, 17 January 2018

The new film recounts the internal struggle at the Washington Post over whether or not to publish the Pentagon Papers in 1971.


#MeToo allegations against 95-year-old Marvel comics legend Stan Lee backfire

By Laura Tiernan, 16 January 2018

Martin Luther King Day marked with an open racist in the White House

By Fred Mazelis, 16 January 2018

Trump’s racist diatribe against “shithole countries” exposes bipartisan conspiracy against immigrants

Greek workers strike against Syriza’s imposition of EU austerity “multi-bill”

By Alex Lantier, 16 January 2018

UK: Election of pro-Corbyn slate to Labour’s National Executive Committee underscores left shift in working class

By Chris Marsden, 16 January 2018

Threat of trade war looming larger

By Nick Beams, 16 January 2018

Thousands march to mark anniversary of Ben Ali’s overthrow in Tunisia

By Alex Lantier and Kumaran Ira, 15 January 2018

Workers Struggles

The merger of Germany’s Thyssen with Tata Steel
Vote “No” on union-backed steel contract! Defend all jobs!

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 16 January 2018

German industrial workers continue strikes

More on autoworkers issues »

25 years ago: Bill Clinton sworn in as 42nd US president

A founding figure of the right-wing Democratic Leadership Council, Clinton’s aim was to adapt the Democratic Party to the policies of austerity and war put forth by the Republicans.

More »

50 years ago: Britain to withdraw from east of Suez

On January 16, 1968, Britain announced plans to withdraw all its military forces stationed east of the Suez Canal by the end of 1972.

More »

75 years ago: Soviets establish land corridor to the besieged city of Leningrad

On January 18, 1943, as part of an offensive against the German military, the Red Army’s 372nd Rifle Division and 123rd Rifle Brigade established a land corridor that would provide some relief to the starving population of Leningrad.

More »


100 years ago: Bolsheviks dissolve Constituent Assembly in Russia

On January 19, the Russian Constituent Assembly, elected the previous November 25, convened in Petrograd. It was dissolved the same day by order of the Bolshevik-dominated Soviet Central Executive Committee.

More »

NHS Fightback

Virgin Care and other private companies seize another £3.1 billion of NHS assets

By Ajanta Silva, 15 January 2018

By running down National Health Service-run provision across the country, the Tories have opened up new avenues for private companies to cherry pick lucrative areas.

Featured Video

"Capitalism puts a price tag on everything, including lives."

Death and destruction in Puerto Rico

On-the-spot interviews from Caguas, Puerto Rico, where more than 100 days after Hurricane Maria residents lack access to electricity and water, leading to the death of a dialysis patient.

More on Puerto Rico »

Puerto Rico, more than 100 days after Hurricane Maria: The class issues

The deadly impact of Hurricane María extends to US hospitals
Power outages set off IV bag shortages

Mehring Books

New publication by Mehring Books (UK)
The falsification of David King’s work

12 January 2018

Mehring Books has produced a new pamphlet to memorialise David King, who devoted his extraordinary artistic gifts to salvaging the historical truth of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and its aftermath.

Book Review

The crisis of dental care under American capitalism

By Esther Galen, 11 January 2018

Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America, exposes the reality of poor dental health and lack of dental care endured by the working class and poor in the US.

The tragic and needless death of Deamonte Driver, a victim of dental disease

By Esther Galen, 11 January 2018

New in Arabic

WSWS publishes Arabic translation of “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.”

We are publishing here, in one part, the Arabic translation of the two-part article series, “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.” This was first published on the World Socialist Web Site on November 7/8, 2017.

Socialist Equality Party

Local government election in Sri Lanka: Support SEP campaign against austerity and war! Fight for a workers’ and peasants’ government!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 9 January 2018

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
December 25-31: Soviet government nationalizes the banks

27 December 2017

The year 1917 closes with the Russian Revolution in a precarious situation. The new Soviet government is menaced on all sides by hostile armies. Meanwhile, the imperialist war rages on, and the October insurrection catalyzes revolutionary struggles around the world.

Russian television’s Trotsky serial: A degraded spectacle of historical falsification and anti-Semitism

By Fred Williams and David North, 25 November 2017

The eight-part serial is an exhibition of the political, intellectual and cultural depravity of all those involved in its production.

The Place of the October Revolution in World History and Contemporary Politics

By David North, 13 November 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon begins operations in Australia

By Patrick Kelly, 28 December 2017

Amazon worker dies after vomiting blood at Sacramento, California fulfillment center

By Kristina Betinis, 23 December 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Google Censorship

Net neutrality and the drive to censor the internet

By Andre Damon, 25 November 2017

The conspiracy to censor the Internet

By Andre Damon and Joseph Kishore, 18 October 2017

The elites “have no credibility left:” An interview with journalist Chris Hedges

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017


Watch: Stop online censorship!

More on Google Censorship »