SFL rehabilitated two laboratories of the English department and fixed doors and windows of the three other laboratories.
Three years after the conflict, Ahmed and his colleagues are back to studying in Kikla.
The Stabilization Facility for Libya handed over Alittihad School and the polyclinic of Sirt to a construction company.
The South Reconciliation Forum offered a platform for the various social components in the South to discuss the main challenges to peace in Fezzan.
Mohamed needed desperately to take his nephew to Sebha hospital. Ubari General Hospital arranged the transportation with one of the ambulances provided by the Stabilization Facility for Libya (SFL).
“Peace Libya” campaign will be launched with this core message: “promotion of peaceful coexistence is the responsibility of every Libyan citizen.”
The project is also planning to transfer two ambulances to Alkufrah Atia Kaseh General hospital.

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