Welcome to the FEI Database

The FEI Database is updated in real time by the National Federations and the FEI. It contains detailed information on:
FEI Calendar & Results: The FEI Calendar and Results tool allows you to search the entire FEI Calendar (over 3,400 events worldwide) according to any set of filters (date, discipline, venue, event type, etc). The information is presented in two parts: Upcoming Events with a handy google map and Past Events.
In Past Events, you can click through (first on the venue and then on the specific competition) to the online results for all FEI disciplines.

Horses: 272,000 are entered in the FEI Database. Nearly 60,000 are registered each year by the National Federations.

Competitors: 102,000 competitors are entered in the FEI Database; 30,000 are registered each year by the National Federations.

Officials: 9,300 FEI Officials (Judges, Course Designers, Technical Delegates, Stewards and Veterinarians) are managed by the FEI.

Rankings & Standings are updated on a monthly basis in each discipline.

National Federation Pages include information about National Federations affiliated with the FEI, including statistics, achievements, and contact details.

Access to FEI documents

FEI Documents (formerly FEI Family) groups all official documents with information (i.e. minutes, GA annexes, working docs, etc.) for

  • Bureau Members
  • FEI Tribunal
  • National Federations
  • Eventing NSO & Course Directors
  • Steward Course Directors

To access FEI Documents, click here. A password is required to access this section. Should you need an access, please contact us.

FEI Rankings & Standings