Eight villages from Hancesti district connected their schools, kindergartens, and mayoralties to biomass heating systems replacing the gas or coal ones.
Together, we shaped Moldova’s vision for 2030, for a better life for all people.
During the 2016 presidential elections one out of ten voters was a young person aged 18–25 years.
News about the traditional touristic complex „Gagauz Sofrasi” built in the village of Congaz has traveled fast.
Everyone called me ‘kamikaze’ because I decided to seek justice.
Natives from 14 communities are invited by local authorities and hometown associations to donate for local development projects.
14 young boys and girls were designated today as winners of the contest “Talent does not take bribes. Integrity in images”.

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of people live below 4.3 USD per day


of people are unemployed


of Parliamentary seats held by women


of primary energy supply is from fossil fuels

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