ATTN TEST CHAIRS: The new Judges Panel Free Skate Test Forms and Trial Judge Free Skate Test Forms are now available.

    (1/16) - The deadline to apply to attend the 2018 National Technical Panel Seminar is this Sunday, January 21. For more information and to apply, please click here.

    (1/11) - There are no new technical notifications today.

    (12/14)- Technical Notification #201 - IJS Tables of Factors for Nonqualifying-Level Events and Scales of Values for Non-Standard Elements - has been updated here. The updates are on page 11.

    (12/13) - FAQ documents regarding the Test Refresh Project are now available on the Tests page and the Judges page.

Club Spotlight: Bridgestone Skate America Gives Two Sisters Special Memories

Click Here For Full Story

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