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On December 7, 1964, days before he received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Martin Luther King Jr. gave a major address in London. The recording was recently discovered by Brian DeShazor, director of the Pacifica Radio Archives. 

“I must say to you tonight that I never intend to become adjusted to the madness of militarism and the self-defeating effects of physical violence, for in a day when Sputniks and explorers are dashing through outer space and guided ballistic missiles are carving highways of death through the stratosphere, no nation can win a war. It is no longer the choice between violence and nonviolence; it is either nonviolence or non-existence. And the alternative to disarmament, the alternative to a greater suspension of nuclear tests, the alternative to strengthening the United Nations and thereby disarming the whole world, may well be a civilization plunged into the abyss of annihilation. And I assure you that I will never adjust to the madness of militarism.“ - Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Full speech here. 

martin luther king mlk day mlk weekend martin luther king jr speech history archives audio
We are begging to our President Trump and to the public to stand up and ask for our permanent—not temporary—legalization. We have been in the U.S. for more than 20 years, and they didn’t give us any permanent status. I think we are honorable people. We do the work other people don’t want to do. We earn very little money. We pay for housing and taxes and school for the children—for my three children—and they go to the school. And today I feel very sad, because they want to take the TPS from us.
Urania Reyes, Salvadoran TPS recipient, speaking in New York City. The Trump administration has announced it will end protections that shielded up to 250,000 Salvadoran immigrants living and working in the U.S. from deportation. Advocates say the decision is “unconscionable” and a “nightmare” for families. Full story.
tps el salvador immigration immigrants trump deportations savetps salvadorans nyc protest
America needs slave labor. Since the dawn of America, since it began, we have had a slave labor class. What we see now is the privatized prison system… If you can name a corporation right now, they are profiting off of labor, enslaved labor, given by privatized prison systems. To fill those spots, they need to be able to put bodies into those prison systems. And those bodies right now are being collected on the streets of America through cannabis arrest.

Wanda James, CEO of Denver-based cannabis company Simply Pure and Colorado’s first Black woman pot entrepreneur.

Read the full interview: Colorado’s First Black Woman Pot Entrepreneur on Edibles, Incarceration & the Industry’s Whiteness

cannabis marijuana war on drugs racism private prisons interview archive news jeff sessions
Interview with Shaun King: For Erica Garner, Justice Delayed Was Justice DeniedShaun King spoke with Democracy Now! about his friend, 27-year-old activist Erica Garner, who died Saturday:
““A lot of people failed Erica and failed the Garner family....

Interview with Shaun King: For Erica Garner, Justice Delayed Was Justice Denied

Shaun King spoke with Democracy Now! about his friend, 27-year-old activist Erica Garner, who died Saturday:

“A lot of people failed Erica and failed the Garner family. And I’m a rather new New Yorker. When I moved to New York, there was this view that I had of the city that it was a progressive haven. And I think that irritated Erica that people saw this city as incredibly progressive, and yet she couldn’t get the most basic form of justice for her family.

And so, they never fired Officer Daniel Pantaleo, which, you know, I even confronted the chief of police myself about this. And they talk about rules and regulations that make it difficult. But here we are, over three years later, and he clearly violated NYPD policy. They didn’t fire him. The city, including the mayor, fought the family, over and over and over again, for the release of his disciplinary records, which was just ridiculous. I think that Mayor de Blasio will look back on this with deep regret. It was a missed opportunity to do right by a family. And now, I really don’t even think it’s something he can make right. Erica was the most fierce defender of her father. And I don’t think there’s really a way that the mayor could fix this at this point.

And so, even the Obama administration and the Justice Department really seemed to make a commitment to Erica—even Donald Trump made a commitment to the Garner family—that they would do something about this. And people continued to just kick the can or, you know, just continued to put it off. And here we are now with Erica’s loss. And it just shows justice delayed is justice denied, in so many ways. And I’m pissed, and Erica was furious. And I think I’m angrier now than I’ve ever been to see a family denied justice like this.”

Full interview here.

erica garner police brutality news black lives matter justice nypd new york city shaun king nyc

Erica Garner, Anti-Police Brutality Activist, In Coma & Declared Brain-Dead After Heart Attack

Erica Garner, a nationally recognized anti-police brutality activist, is in a coma after suffering a heart attack, and doctors have now declared her brain-dead with no chance of recovery. She is just 27 years old. Erica helped lead the struggle for justice for her father, Eric Garner, who was killed when police officers in Staten Island wrestled him to the ground, pinned him down and applied a fatal chokehold in 2014. His final words were “I can’t breathe,” which he repeated 11 times. Erica’s mother says her daughter was hospitalized on Saturday after an asthma-induced heart attack. 

Erica in her own words on Democracy Now! last year:

I’ve protested. I’ve spoke on panels. I traveled across this nation. I exhaust all avenues. I even endorsed Bernie Sanders to get my message out. And it’s like we keep having a conversation I exhausted for two years. And, you know, how much talking do we need to have? The Black Lives Matter movement been very compassionate, patient, and basically begging the nation. You know, we are under attack as black people. We are being gunned down every day. And these officers are not being held accountable.

More here.

erica garner eric garner i can't breathe police brutality black lives matter racism independent media news nyc
DACA Recipients’ Message to Democrats: Stop Playing with Our Lives, and Pass a Clean DREAM Act NowImmigration activist Erika Andiola is one of eight activists just released from jail after protesting and undertaking a hunger strike to call for a...

DACA Recipients’ Message to Democrats: Stop Playing with Our Lives, and Pass a Clean DREAM Act Now

Immigration activist Erika Andiola is one of eight activists just released from jail after protesting and undertaking a hunger strike to call for a “clean” DREAM Act. She denounces Democrats’ inaction on immigration:

“I know that Democrats actually, you know, say they support the DREAM Act. Every time they go and, you know, try to get re-elected in their elections, they always use the DREAM Act as a way to get Latino voters and other folks who support it. But when it comes to actually trying to pass it, there is no will. And it’s been years… 

We don’t even know how else to ask Democrats to actually not just speak about us and tell our stories, but actually act and do what needs to be done, use their leverage.”

Read the full interview with Erika Andiola here.

dream act daca immigration democrats congress politics deportations migration
One begins to wonder if that’s actually a strategy, that you make people poor enough, you make them obsessed with working out where their next meal is going to come from, they’re not going to vote, and so you can happily ignore them.
Philip Alston, the United Nations special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights. Alston says the GOP tax bill will make the U.S. the “world champion of extreme inequality.” His office has just released a scathing report on poverty in the United States. Read the full interview here
Poverty tax bill GOP tax plan Inequality United States United Nations Philip Alston election Republicans Trump working class human rights economy congress news political news
Obviously, it was very frustrating to hear that coming from Trump, but it was not surprising, because U.S. complicity with the Israeli occupation is not new. It’s something that has spanned over generations. And for Palestinians, it’s something that is expected, because a nation like the United States, that has been built on colonization, it’s only natural for them to support another colonizer state in Israel.
Budour Hassan, 27-year-old Palestinian activist and writer, responds to Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. See more coverage of Palestinians responding to Trump’s announcement.
Palestine Israel jerusalem trump occupation colonization media news quote budour hassan palestinian
Native American Woman Olivia Lone Bear, Mother of 5, Missing in North Dakota Oil FieldsOlivia Lone Bear, Native American woman and mother of five, has gone missing in the oil fields of North Dakota. We spoke with her brother, Matthew Lone Bear, who...

Native American Woman Olivia Lone Bear, Mother of 5, Missing in North Dakota Oil Fields

Olivia Lone Bear, Native American woman and mother of five, has gone missing in the oil fields of North Dakota. We spoke with her brother, Matthew Lone Bear, who is part of a daily search to look for his sister since she went missing on October 25th in New Town, North Dakota. He is calling for more support from local authorities:

“She was outgoing, and yeah, she liked to hang out at the casinos and bars, and she also really cared for her children. …

We do still need water support. We do need people on the ground, definitely, because the Fort Berthold reservation is… just about a million acres. So that’s a lot of ground to cover. The more people we can get in before the snow falls and before the lake freezes—we want to get as much done as possible before then.”

Read or watch the story.

olivia lone bear native american north dakota mother oil fields missing interview news missing woman man camps
There is nothing in this plan that suggests that they intend to reform the tax system. This is simply the oligarchs of America reaching into the pockets of the middle class, and especially the upper middle class and the moderately prosperous, the people in America who make $100,000 a year up to about a million dollars a year, and taking money out of their pockets. People who make $100,000 to $250,000 a year would actually see their taxes rise under this plan, based on what we know so far. This is simply a huge redistribution scheme by the rich, for the rich and paid for by everybody who is not already rich.
Reporter David Cay Johnston on Trump’s planned tax overhaul. See the full story: Trump’s Proposed Tax Overhaul Would Give Billions to Trump & Cabinet While Sparking Global “Tax War”
taxes trump news one percent 99% tax policy david cay johnston trump cabinet