Monthly Archives: March 2016

If there are no terrorists, then invent them: The criminalisation of anarchy in spain and the condemnation Mónica Caballero e Francisco Solar

All acts of terrorism, all the attacks that have struck and that strike the imagination of men and women, have been and are either offensive or defensive actions. Experience has long since shown that, if they are part of a … Continue reading

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The anarchist critique of democracy (2): CrimethInc.

The anarchist collective CrimethInc. initiated this month a critical analysis and discussion of “democracy”, promising a series of reflections.  What follows is the second essay, From Democracy to Freedom, preceded by the introduction to the series and an introduction to … Continue reading

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Freedom of movement, movement of freedom: Transgressing borders with migrants

Those who cross national borders “illegally” are anti-Statists in action, if not in thought, for they rebel against the violence of sovereignty. Those who transgress frontiers without authorisation are anti-capitalists, for capitalism cannot function without an imposed division of labour … Continue reading

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The anarchist critique of democracy (1): CrimethInc.

The anarchist collective CrimethInc. initiated this month a critical analysis and discussion of “democracy”, promising a series of reflections, the first of which we help to diffuse below.  Preceding it is the introduction to the series …

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Portrait of anarchy by a young artist

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Erasure as resistance: The street artist Blu gives back/commons the walls of Bologna

Street art doesn’t exist, there is just you and the world outside. Do what you like in the best way and think about what you are doing. Blu, Kolah Studio Interview Capitalism is a machine of appropriation, capturing agencies and … Continue reading

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Transfeminism: The promise of freedom in feminism

Our struggle is every day, we are women and not commodities. Against capital, anal pleasure; Against the vatican, clitoral pleasure; Against patriarchy, pleasure everywhere. I was a saint, I was a witch, I was a whore, but I will did not silence myself. … Continue reading

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The rebellion of a generation in dire straights: The 12th of march movement 2011 portugal

The 12th of May of 2011 in portugal marked the beginning of the largest protest movement in the country since the 25th of April 1974 revolution.  What came to be known as M12M began as a call on the social … Continue reading

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Occupy, Resist, Produce: The rebellious factory okupations-cooperatives of europe

What is it to speak of alternative economies to capitalism?  Wherein lies the alterity of initiatives that seek to produce beyond profit, to produce for the satisfaction of human needs?  What is an anti/post capitalist production?

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The revolutionary strike: Vitoria, spain, 1976

The wave of strikes that swept through Vitoria, spain, in 1976, culminating in a city wide general strike on March the 3rd, were a revolutionary moment that sought to break with the controlled transition, after the dictator Francisco Franco’s death, … Continue reading

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