Monthly Archives: May 2014

Fellah Hallucinations in Lavapiés

Lines are not more than you. Don’t let yourself be completed by a line. They only have conceptual elegance.  But they have neither beautiful dresses, nor fashonable hair. Madrid graffiti In the taberna alforro, an elegant woman invites her company … Continue reading

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A Madrid May: Where is 15M?

Two young women danced among those who walked in protest on the 17th of May, from Cibeles to Puerta del Sol.  They bore upon their heads plastic vaginas with the slogan, "ni sumisa, ni devota" ("neither submissive, nor pious").  And with the sound … Continue reading

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A Madrid May: resistance, escraches, occupations – the struggle for a commons

In February, 2013, a 47 year old woman walked into a bank in Almassora, Castellón, poured inflammable liquid over herself, and then set herself afire, screaming as she did so: “Look at what you have done to me! You have … Continue reading

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A Madrid May: A rebellion´s music

The general assemby of 15M Madrid in Sol, celebrating the 3 years of the movement, was opened and closed by performances of the orchestra and choir La Solfónica, born in the wake of the of the first protests in the … Continue reading

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A Madrid May: 15M – A school without walls

The assembly in Puerta del Sol marking the 3rd anniversary of the 15M movement begins with presentations on the current economic crisis, that falls to the responsibility of the Economics and Justice groups of Sol, a heritage of the original … Continue reading

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An anniversary of lives in movement: Spain’s 15M

The upcoming 15th of May marks a commemoration, not of anniversary of a past reality, but of a present, in movement.  Spain’s 15M, over three years, has multiplied, proliferated, metamorphosised; to become not larger in numbers, but in deeper in … Continue reading

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Rethinking Anarchism: Carlos Taibo

The following is a partial translation of the “Prologue” and a complete translation of “Chapter 1” of Carlos Taibo’s Rethinking Anarchy: Direct Action, Self-Management, Autonomy (La Catarata, Madrid, 2013).  We have translated and posted work by Taibo before, but this … Continue reading

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On the Passage of a Few Thousand People Through a Brief Period of Time

The following is a critical description and an analysis of almost four years of political protest in portugal; critical both for its understanding of social movements and as a point of comparison with other contemporaneous movements.  Posted on (07/05/2014), … Continue reading

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The lyricism of revolution: José Afonso

Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth. Theodor Adorno   If creation is the constitution of new spaces and times, as Gilles Deleuze once said, then the creativity of music and that of politics, if not the … Continue reading

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Recuperation as eviction, resistance as occupation

“Spain shows again that it has regained the confidence of the markets.” (Le Monde 04/05/2014)  The interest rate on the spanish debt, at ten years, has dropped below 3%, Madrid’s stock market registers an increase in value of 25.58% over … Continue reading

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