- published: 12 Jan 2018
- views: 120466
1987 (MCMLXXXVII) was a common year starting on Thursday (dominical letter D) of the Gregorian calendar, the 1987th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 987th year of the 2nd millennium, the 87th year of the 20th century, and the 8th year of the 1980s decade.
"When The Day Comes" is a song by Norwegian hip hop duo Nico & Vinz. It was released as the third single from their second studio album Black Star Elephant (2014). It was released as a digital download in Norway on September 30, 2014. The song has peaked at number 9 in Norway.
A music video to accompany the release of "When The Day Comes" was first released onto YouTube on September 30, 2014 at a total length of six minutes and seven seconds.
The dramatic video features a Japanese warrior is on a mission to save a young boy from dying.
“When The Day Comes” debuted and peaked at #9 in Norway
The Story So Far is an American pop punk band from Walnut Creek, California, formed in 2007.
The Story So Far formed in Walnut Creek, California in 2007. The band consisted of Parker Cannon on vocals, Kevin Geyer and Kevin Ambrose on guitar, Ryan Torf on drums, and Kelen Capener on bass. On December 22, the band released the 5 Songs EP. Ambrose parted ways with the band when he went to college in 2008 and he was replaced by William Levy. In March 2010 it was announced the band had signed to Pure Noise. Two months later the band released an EP, While You Were Sleeping (2010). In November, the band released a split with Maker.
Barrett Records released a split of The Story So Far and Morgan Foster in May 2011. Pure Noise released the band's debut album Under Soil and Dirt in June. On March 26, 2013, they released their second studio album, What You Don't See, which debuted at number 46 on the Billboard 200 chart in the U.S. They have also released a split with Stick to Your Guns on June 18. The band was featured on the cover of Alternative Press' March 2013 issue "100 Bands You Need to Know." The band played the entire Warped Tour 2014 on the main stage.
영화 '1987'의 실제 인물에게 듣는 그때의 이야기! '나는 왜 그때 입을 열었나'
1987, 감동할 수 밖에 없었던 포인트
영화가 좋다, 1987
'1987' 티저 예고편
당신은 몰랐던 이 영화 엔딩의 비밀
상상 이상의 완성도, 한국 영화의 수준을 다시 보게 하다 : 1987 리뷰 - 쇼킹한 리뷰
[1987] 짜장면 먹기 실패하는 하정우
'1987' 메인예고편
영화 1987 명장면 2 엔딩장면 그날이오면
'1987' 제작기영상
[대만반응] 영화 '1987' 대만개봉! 대만네티즌, 한국인의 민족성에 놀랐다
※스포주의※ 1987 ◆강동원◆ 등장씬!! 극장에서 여자들이 소리질렀다는 그장면 역대급존잘
6월 항쟁 한 방에 정리! 1987 보기 전에 봐야할 영상
뉴스타파 목격자들 - 1987, 그날의 비둘기
(1987) 절친 우현에 미적 가치관 붕괴된 우상호 "얘가 못생겼나..?" 썰전 253회
1987 가이드 리뷰 by 발없는새
1987: When the Day Comes (2017) Movie Scene
La Gusana Ciega - 1987 (Video Oficial)
The Best Songs Of 1987 (100 Hits)
Miguel Araújo - 1987 (com Catarina Salinas)
Actors: Ennio Morricone (composer), William Friedkin (director), Grace Zabriskie (actress), Andy Romano (actor), William Friedkin (producer), William Friedkin (writer), Art LaFleur (actor), Edith Fields (actress), Peter McKernan (actor), Royce D. Applegate (actor), Nicholas Campbell (actor), Whit Hertford (actor), Michael Biehn (actor), Trudy Ramirez (miscellaneous crew), Michael Tamburro (actor),
Plot: Liberal district attorney decides to seek the death penalty for a man who slaughtered a family at Christmastime, then drank their blood. He escapes, though, and starts killing again.
Keywords: based-on-novel, based-on-play, blood, capital-punishment, independent-film, shot-to-death, violence“그들의 선택이 세상을 바꾸다.” 박종철 고문치사사건과 1987년 6월 항쟁을 다룬 영화 ‘1987’ 포스터의 중심에 작게 쓰여진 이 문구는 영화의 주제를 관통한다. 31년 전의 민주화 운동은 정치인들의 작품이 아니며, 자신의 자리에서 묵묵히 소임을 다한 평범한 사람들의 드라마라는 것이다. 장준환(48) 감독 역시 “양심의 소리를 내기 위해 피땀을 흘린 분들을 생각하면서 영화를 만들었다”고 말했다. 양심을 따르는 것 만으로도 목숨이 위태롭던 엄혹한 시절. 경찰의 물고문 가능성을 증언한 내과의사 오연상(60), 고 박종철씨의 시신을 보존하고 부검할 것을 명령한 최환(74) 전 검사, 사건이 조작됐다는 사실을 교도소 밖으로 끄집어낸 전 교도관 안유(74)ㆍ한재동(71)씨는 두려움을 이겨내고 선택했다. 그리고 그들은 말한다. 그저 해야 할 일을 했을 뿐이라고. 영화'1987'의 실존 인물에게 그때 당시의 상황을 생생히 들어봤다.
타오르는 열기로 가득했던 1987년, 진실을 위해 용기 냈던 사람들의 가슴 뛰는 이야기 [1987] 위대하고 뜨거운 실화의 힘, 그리고 2017년을 대표하는 배우들의 완벽한 하모니! “한 순간도 눈을 뗄 수 없었습니다.” 알씨네 여신 김현민의 눈을 사로잡은 바로 그 영화! 미리 엿보는 2017년 기대작 [1987] 성공적이다 못해 감동적인 멀티캐스팅부터 - 머리와 가슴! 일타이피! 예리한 이야기의 힘까지! 그리고! 마치, 카메라도 함께 연기를 하는 듯한 - 생동감 넘치는 카메라워크까지 돋보이는 영화! 게다가! 1987년의 디테일한 재현까지 완벽하다! 불과 30년 전의 이야기이자 - 불과 몇 달 전에 반복되었던 역사 [1987] 2017년, 이 영화를 볼 수 있음에 감사해지는 이 순간! #영화_알만한_사람들이_만드는_알씨네에서_확인하시라 #영화보고_알씨네봐도_꿀잼 #알씨네보고_영화봐도_꿀잼 #1987 #장준환 #대왕_스포_주의 #가슴_뜨거워지는_영화 - 영화정보 #1987 (1987:When the Day Comes, 2017) 감독: 장준환 / 출연: 김윤석, 하정우, 유해진, 김태리, 박희순, 이희준
인생 영화 '1987'을 보고 발견했던 여러 의미들을 제 나름대로 분석해보았습니다. 여러분들도 영화를 보시고 느꼈던 점을 댓글로 남겨주세요. 엉준의 SNS 팔로우 해주시고, 좋아요, 구독도 잊지 마세요!! 엉준 페이스북 : http://goo.gl/rwzblg 엉준 인스타그램 : http://goo.gl/KnPLRC 엉준 왓챠 : https://goo.gl/jijXIC 촬영장소 : 스튜디오 일기당천 (서울특별시 서대문구 37-42 지하1층) 페이스북 : https://www.facebook.com/1vs1000Studio/ 오시는길 : https://goo.gl/maps/qij1UiY7npr
상상 이상의 완성도! 한국 영화의 수준을 다시 보게 만드는 수작! 1987년, 모두가 뜨거웠던 그 해 6월. 남영동 대공분실, 서울대생 박종철의 죽음. 그 진실을 알리기 위해 활약하는 영웅들과 진실 너머로 등장하는 진정한 악의 그림자. 그리고 그림자에 맞선 또 다른 영웅들. 지금의 대한민국을 만든 그 날의 이야기. 김윤석, 하정우, 김태리, 유해진 주연. 장준환 감독. 1987리뷰입니다. 라이너 복귀작.
☆ 반응 번역글 출처 : 가생이닷컴 http://www.gasengi.com ☆ 영화 "1987"이 대만에서 지난 1월 12일에 정식 개봉되었습니다. 야후 영화평과 대만 영화포럼의 댓글을 합쳤습니다. ☆ 배경음악 Chris Zabriskie의 What Does Anybody Know About Anything은(는) Creative Commons Attribution 라이선스(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)에 따라 라이선스가 부여됩니다. 출처: http://chriszabriskie.com/dtv/ 아티스트: http://chriszabriskie.com/
1987 보기 전에 6월 항쟁 알고 가자! (6분 순삭) 영화 1987 보려는 애들은 꼭 봐야할 영상! 6월항쟁이 뭔지 진짜 쉽게 한 방에 설명해준다! @친구야 1987 보러가자 각이다 더 많은 꿀잼유익 영상들을 보고 싶다면? https://www.youtube.com/user/Gpictures1 쥐픽쳐스 채널 구독! 쥐픽쳐스 페이스북 페이지 https://www.facebook.com/Gpictures2013/ 국범근 페이스북 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001923176001 국범근 트위터 https://twitter.com/gook2011
6월 민주항쟁의 숨은 주역, 한재동 씨를 아시나요? 1987년 영등포 교도소 교도관 시절, 교도소 밖으로 비밀편지를 전하며 박종철 고문치사사건의 진실을 알리는 데 기여했습니다. 영화 '1987'이 개봉하면서 새삼 주목받고 있는 한 전 교도관을 '목격자들'이 만났습니다. ☞더 상세한 내용을 기사로 확인하세요 : http://newstapa.org/43572 ☞뉴스타파 Youtube 채널 구독 : https://goo.gl/51OLCU ☞소리로 듣는 뉴스타파 : https://soundcloud.com/newstapa ☞뉴스타파 후원하기 : http://newstapa.org/donate ☞뉴스타파 제보하기 : https://jebo.newstapa.org ☞텔레그램 알림 받기 : https://t.me/newstapa ☞뉴스타파 페이스북 : https://fb.com/newstapa #뉴스타파 #newstapa #뉴스 #탐사보도 #진실 #비영리 #독립언론
과거 사진으로 화제가 된 우상호 의원과 배우 우현 우현이 못생겼다 생각해본 적이 없는 우상호 (ㅋㅋ) 당시 인연이 된 배우 안내상과도 절친한 사이 우상호 의원의 폭로! 안내상은 '미국 블랙리스트' Please enter subtitle of this video in your own language. Anybody can enter subtitle by referring to existing English subtitle. You can make viewers all over the world pleased with your subtitle. Please click below link if you are interested in participating with subtitle. ◎ SUBTITLE SUBMITTING TUTORIAL → Contribute closed captions and subtitles ☞ → https://youtu.be/b9cKgwnFIAw "JTBC Youtube channel communicating with fans faster" View more videos & informations ☞ ▶ Homepage : http://www.jtbc.co.kr ▶ Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/jtbcentertainment ▶ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/JTBClove ▶ Twitter : https://twitter.com/jtbclove ▶ INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram....
채널 구독하기 ▶ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=nofeetbird 채널 둘러보기 ▶ https://www.youtube.com/nofeetbird 페이스북 ▶ https://www.facebook.com/nofeetbirdstudio 인스타그램 ▶ https://www.instagram.com/nofeetbirdshelter 장준환 감독의 신작이라서 기대했던 1987의 가이드 리뷰입니다. 6월 항쟁의 도화선과도 같았던 박종철 고문치사사건을 여러모로 흥미롭게 다룬 영화였습니다. 연말을 맞아 신과 함께: 죄와 벌이나 1987 같은 영화와 함께 보내셔도 좋을 것 같네요. 부디 행복한 연말을 맞으시길 바랍니다! 총괄: 발없는새 편집: 영래기
1987: When the Day Comes (2017) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6493286/ Watch Full Movie: http://www.wannahd.com/1987-when-the-day-comes-full-movie-online
Escucha el nuevo EP "Borregos en la Niebla I" en todas las plataformas digitales: https://ONErpm.lnk.to/borregosenlaniebla "1987" nos habla de una de las épocas favoritas de la banda: los 80's. Letra: Noche mágica, zona rosa en mi caribe. Ella sola y yo sin pareja. Coincidimos en la cadena de Dancetería en Diciembre de 1987. Y yo sabía que tú querías Tú sabías que yo. Cómo pude perder de vista, esos días no van a regresar. Nada personal en la radio, luz de tablero ilumina tu mano en mi pierna. Aparcamos en el mirador, nos besamos. La ciudad descansa tranquila mientras tú... Y yo sabía que tú querías Tú sabías que yo. Cómo pude perder de vista, esos días no van a regresar. Hace tiempo que no recordaba como me miraba. Por supuesto sería genial volver a be...
Videoclip: André Tentugal 1987 Letra e música: Miguel Araújo Miguel Araújo: voz, guitarras, bandolim, contrabaixo e coros Catarina Salinas: voz Mário Costa: percussões Gravado e misturado em casa do Miguel em Janeiro de 2017 por Bruno Pereira Masterizado por Bruno Gonçalves nos estúdios 8 Ball em Esposende Videoclip: André Tentugal 1987 87 Dentes de leite E uma chiclete Dentro dum sorvete Doce deleite, doce deleite sob o sol 87, o troco vai em chiclas de mentol A volta ao mundo De biciclete E uma cassete Que se repete 48k, k7, panike e um sumol Depois das sete, depois das sete Vê-se o futebol E o chicote na porta da dispensa, Sangemil? Na vassoura a trote Como o bud spencer e o terence hill Brasília, Bazar paris Parque itália, salão londres E dallas logo ali O mundo é po...
À la demande d'un Abonné qui l'a déjà demandé sur une autre chaîne. Mais comme j'avais moi aussi acheté l'instrumental je le met S'il vous plait !!! Évitez de demander à tous les karamakers le même karaoké ça nous fera faire des économies
Karaoké de 1987 de Calogero Extrait de son album "Liberté Chérie" sorti en septembre 2017
song we are going to have the kids sing at church....
Respectez les droits d'auteurs, cette vidéo n'a que le but de vous amuser pendant vos soirées Karaoké endiablées en famille ou entre amis ... Si un ayant droit en souhaite la suppression, elle sera effectuée. (un karaoké, c'est aussi faire perdurer une oeuvre)
CDG disponivel na Comunidade de karaoke do orkut: KKT - karaokes nacionais free http://www.orkut.com/Community?cmm=108404569 Comunidade de playbacks gratis do orkut: CPG - compartilhar playbacks gratis http://www.orkut.com/Community?cmm=55109204
She's Like The Wind by Patrick Swayze Karaoke HD Composed by: Patrick Swayze and Stacy Widelitz Released: 1987 from Album: Dirty Dancing Soundtrack
Subscribe:http://goo.gl/iiBXvy This is not my song. All rights belong to the author, singer, the records ... This video is just for fun not for money. Copyright Infringement is never intended. Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Infernale dilemma - Zero 1987 - Renato Zero
Download "Hungry Eyes" in the style of Eric Carmen in MP4 or MP3+G formats available here: https://karaoke.stingray.com/search/song?searchText=Hungry%20Eyes&karaokeId;=KAR:G:10946 Sing, record and share this karaoke song online: http://www.thekaraokechannel.com/online/#sid=15109 For more karaoke songs with lyrics, SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheKARAOKEChannel?sub_confirmation=1 Website: http://www.thekaraokechannel.com/ Karaoke Download Store: http://karaoke.stingray.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheKARAOKEChannel Twitter: https://twitter.com/karaokelounge Get The KARAOKE Channel Mobile App, and take this karaoke song to go! http://www.thekaraokechannel.com/mobile/
Great song deserves a great karaoke sing along for the first time on youtube. "Reason to Live" is a song by the American hard rock band Kiss. It is featured on the group's 1987 studio album Crazy Nights.
6월 민주항쟁의 숨은 주역, 한재동 씨를 아시나요? 1987년 영등포 교도소 교도관 시절, 교도소 밖으로 비밀편지를 전하며 박종철 고문치사사건의 진실을 알리는 데 기여했습니다. 영화 '1987'이 개봉하면서 새삼 주목받고 있는 한 전 교도관을 '목격자들'이 만났습니다. ☞더 상세한 내용을 기사로 확인하세요 : http://newstapa.org/43572 ☞뉴스타파 Youtube 채널 구독 : https://goo.gl/51OLCU ☞소리로 듣는 뉴스타파 : https://soundcloud.com/newstapa ☞뉴스타파 후원하기 : http://newstapa.org/donate ☞뉴스타파 제보하기 : https://jebo.newstapa.org ☞텔레그램 알림 받기 : https://t.me/newstapa ☞뉴스타파 페이스북 : https://fb.com/newstapa #뉴스타파 #newstapa #뉴스 #탐사보도 #진실 #비영리 #독립언론
This is the parade on Moscow's Red Square devoted to the 70th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, 7 November 1987. In this year Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's reforms of Perestroika continued to gain steam, with more liberalizing economic and political reforms starting to take place. The idea being Perestroika was a direct continuation of October, and this certainly seems to be reflected by the theme of this year's parade. Units dressed in Russian Revolution and Civil War era uniforms can be seen, along with soldiers dressed in Great Patriotic War era uniforms as well. In the following month the historical INF Treaty would be signed in Washington DC by Gorbachev and US President Ronald Reagan - eliminating an entire class of nuclear missiles. Taking the salute is newl...
"Катенька" / 1987 Они были молоды, любили друг друга и собирались пожениться. Гриша был частым гостем в их семье и становится объектом любви не только своей невесты Дарины, но и ее младшей сестры - Катеньки. Катенька сохранила любовь к Грише на всю жизнь, несмотря на то, что была им однажды отвергнута. Спустя много лет, герой фильма приезжает в родной город, встречается со знакомыми людьми и переосмысливает прошлое. Режиссер: Леонид Белозорович В ролях: Майя Булгакова, Оксана Арбузова, Владислав Демченко, Елена Дробышева, Вадим Андреев, Виктор Гоголев, Всеволод Платов, Мария Барабанова, Валентин Букин, Алла Мещерякова, Ян Янакиев, Евгений Платохин, Надежда Евдокимова, Сергей Скрипкин, Татьяна Чернопятова, Артур Нищенкин, Ольга Григорьева
Something Special For 80s Disco Fans! This Is Top 100 Of Year 1987 by DJ Crayfish, Czech https://www.facebook.com/crayfishdj Seach Your Dance & Pop Hits ! incl. Taylor Dayne, Sandra, Pet Shop Boys, Rick Astley, Bananarama, Michael Jackson, Samantha Fox, Whitney Houston, C.C. Catch, Sabrina, Depeche Mode, Kim WIlde... Next years 1979-2016 on my YouTube channel & Web http://www.discohits.cz/ You found a song(s) which you search long years ? Im happy : )) You want next year ? :O My Comment for year 1987 (Czech) : Nej hitem roku byla pro mne píseň “Tell it to my heart” od TAYLOR DAYNE, dokonce překonala i mojí best fav star SANDRU s jejím velkým hitem “Everlasting love” PET SHOP BOYS si vypůjčili klasiku “Always on my mind” a jejich zpracování bylo opět skvělé, pro tento rok třeba také “It´s...
■생방 일정 화: 쇼킹탑텐 (카카오TV) 수: 초보영어 (카카오TV) 금: 금요사건파일 (카카오TV) 토: 토요미스테리 (카카오 TV) (월, 목, 일 은 휴방 또는 랜덤) Instagram 인스타: 디바제시카 검색 감사합니다.
Predator (1987) https://goo.gl/7uzXnf A team of commandos on a mission in a Central American jungle find themselves hunted by an extraterrestrial warrior. Director: John McTiernan Writers: Jim Thomas, John Thomas Stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Kevin Peter Hall
Watch the complete final round and playoff broadcast of the 1987 Masters. Larry Mize wins in dramatic fashion on the second playoff hole, defeating Seve Ballesteros and Greg Norman.
1987: Hollolan lentokenttä Venla 1 1 OK Hedströmmen SWE 2:59:22 Kerstin Haglund 51:40 2 2 Vakka-Rasti FIN +1:41 Eija Koskivaara 53:25 3 3 Helsingin NMKY FIN +3:38 Tiina Äijälä 56:40 4 4 NTHI NOR +4:24 Ellen Olsvik 54:47 5 5 Tullinge SK SWE +6:09 Barbro Lönnkvist 56:24 6 6 OL Trollelg NOR +6:23 Kjellrun Sporild 53:24 7 7 Tampereen Pyrintö FIN +6:30 Annika Heino 53:28 8 8 IL Tyrving NOR +6:30 Kjersti Strete 56:27 9 9 Almby IK SWE +6:42 Karin Rabe 53:54 10 10 Viitasaaren Suunta FIN +6:48 Tarja Hämäläinen 54:24 Jukola 1 1 Hiidenkiertäjät FIN 7:57:28 Kari Sallinen 1:30:11 2 2 Ockelby OK SWE +34 Joakim Ingelsson 1:23:39 3 3 IFK Södertälje SWE +6:42 Atle Hansen 1:41:14 4 4 Kalevan Rasti FIN +6:50 Arto Muhonen 1:30:01 5 5 NTHI NOR +9:27 Håvard Tveite 1:29:28 6 6 Helsingin NMKY FIN...
Dr. Jonas Carson, a scientist, invents Chip, an android teenager. Dr. Carson sends Chip to school with his daughter Becky to see whether an android could interact with others. But his former employer decides to try and make a profit by stealing the mechanical boy.
Director: John Huston Producer: Chris Sievernich Based on "The Dead" by James Joyce Starring: Anjelica Huston Donal McCann Helena Carroll Cathleen Delaney Rachael Dowling Ingrid Craigie Dan O'Herlihy Marie Kean Donal Donnelly Sean McClory Frank Patterson Music: Alex North Cinematography: Fred Murphy Edit: Roberto Silvi Release date: 18 December 1987
Eine Bitte an die Zuschauer: wer kennt oder wer sind die Akteure im diesem Film - bitte melden Sie sich bei mir! mailpeteradler@aol.com Peter Adler war zur Messe in Leipzig. Ein feinfühliger Beobachter. Was er einfing für die ARD-Reihe »Unter deutschen Dächern«, ließ den messestädtischen Hauch ebenso spüren wie die kleinen Sehnsüchte der Einwohner.
The new extended 45 minutes version of 1987 year end chart will be uploaded very soon.
Miles Davis band in Pori Jazz, Finland. 9th July 1987 Line up: Miles Davis: Trumpet Darryl Jones: Bass Joe McCreary: Piccolo Bass Kenny Garrett: Saxophone Bobby Irwing: Keyboards Adam Holzman: Keyboards Mino Cinelu: Percussions Ricky Wellman: Drums
TRACKLIST: 01 De Mi Enamorate - Daniela Romo 00:00 02 A Quien Le Importa - Alaska Y Dinarama 03:26 03 Ahora Te Puedes Marchar - Luis Miguel 06:50 04 Cruz De Navajas - Mecano 10:00 05 Besos De Ceniza - Timbiriche 15:00 06 Tu Carcel - Los Bukis 17:50 07 Fiesta En America - Chayanne 21:23 08 Y Quien Puede Ser - Jose Jose 25:05 09 Es Tan Dificil Quererte - Gloria Y Noemi Gil 28:43 10 Hasta Que Te Conoci - Juan Gabriel 32:16 11 Doce Rosas - Lorenzo Antonio 39:26 12 Macumba - Veronica Castro 43:13 13 Autos, Moda Y Rock & Roll - Fandango 46:45 14 La Puerta De Alcala - Ana Belen Y Victor Manuel 49:50 15 Duri Duri - Click 54:33 16 Se Como Duele - Karina 59:28 17 Castigame - Lucia Mendez 1:02:39 18 Timido - Flans 1:05:45 19 Viviendo De Noche - Veni Vidi Vici 1:09:22 20 Baila Conmigo - Tatiana 1:13:...
Acid-wash Guess with the leather patches
Sportin' the white Diadoras with the hoodie that matches
I'm wearing two Swatches and a small Gucci pouch
I could have worn the Lugi but I left it in the house
Now, my niggas, Duce and Wayne got gold plates with their names
With the skyline on it, with the box link chain
I'm wearing my frames, they match my gear with their tint
And you know Lagerfields is the scent
Now, my nigga Rafael just got his jeep out the shop
Mint green sidekick, custom-made rag top
'Strictly Business' is the album that we play
'You're A Customer', the pick of the day
Now there's a nigga on the block, never seen him before
Selling incense and oil, my man thinks that he's the law
But why on earth would this be on their agenda?
As he slowly approaches the window
"Uh, uh, I've seen you before, I've been you and more
I was the one bearing the pitcher of water
I rent the large upper room, furnished with tidings of your doom
Or pleasure, whichever feathers decrease"
Yo Ralph, is he talking to me?
"No I'm talking to the sea son's resurrected
I'm the solstice of the day
I bring news from the blues of the Caspian"
My man laughs, he's one them crazy motherfuckers
Turn the music back up 'cause I'm the E-Double
"Wait, but, but, but, but I know the volume of the sea
And sound waves as I will
Will you allow me to be at your service?"
My man Ralph is nervous, he believes
That this strange tongue deceives
And maybe he's been informed that
He's pushing gats hidden in the back, beneath the floor mats
Come on Jack, we don't have time for your bullshit or playin'
A'salaam a something' or another
"Wait isn't Juanita your mother?"
"I told you I know you, now grant me a moment"
At the gates of Atlantis we stand
Ours is the blood that flowed from the palms of his hands
On the plow till earth till I'm now
Moon cycles revisited, womb fruit of the sun
Full moon of occasions wave the wolves where they run
And we run towards the light casting love on the winds
As is the science of the aroma of sleeping women
Lost in his eyes they soon reflect my friend's are grinning
But I'm a pupil of his sight, the wheels are spinning
Yo, I'll see ya'll later on tonight
In the beginning her tears where the long awaited rains
Of a parched Somali village
Red dusted children danced shadows
In the newfound mound of mascara that eclipsed her face
Reflected in the smogged glass of Carlos, east street bodega
Learning to love, she had forgotten to cry
Seldom hearing the distant thunder in her lovers ambivalent sighs
He was not honest, she was not sure
A great grandmother had sacrificed
The family's clarity for God in the late 1800's
Nonetheless she had allowed him to mispronounce her name
Which had eventually led to her misinterpreting her own dreams
And later doubting them but the night was young
She the firstborn daughter of water faced darkness and smiled
Took mystery as her lover and raised light as her child
Man, that shit was wild, you should have seen how they ran
She woke up in a alley with a gun in her hand
Tupac in lotus form minutes, blood on his hands
She woke up on a vessel, the land behind her
The sun within her, water beneath her
Mushed corn for dinner or was it breakfast
Her stomach turned as if a compass
She prayed the east and lay there breathless
They threw her overboard for dead
She swam silently and fled into the blue sea
La soh fa mi, re do, si
The seventh octave, I don't mean to confuse you
Many of us have been taught to sing
And so we practice scales
Many of us were born singing
And thus were born with scales
Mermaids, cooks and field hands
Sang a nightsong by the forest
And the ocean was the chorus
In Atlantis where they sang
Those thrown overboard had overheard
The mystery of the undertow
And understood that down below
There would be no more chains
They surrendered breath and name
And survived countless as rain
I'm the weather man
The clouds say storm is coming
A white buffalo was born, already running
And if you listen very close, you'll hear a humming
Beneath the surface of our purpose lies
Rumors of ancient man, dressed in cloud face minstrels in the sky
The moon's my mammy, the storm holds my eye
Dressed in westerlies
Robed by robes ol' man river knows my name
And the reason you were born is the reason that I came
Then she looks me in the face
And her eyes get weak
Pulse rate descends, hearts rate increase
Emcees look me in the face and their eyes get weak
Pulse rates descends, hearts rate increase
Emcees look me in the face and their eyes get weak
Pulse rates descends, hearts rate increase
It's like "beam me up, Scottie", I control your body
I'm as deadly as AIDS when it's time to rock a party
We all rocked fades, fresh faded in ladidadi
And when we rock the mic, we rock the mic
And when we rock the mic, we rock the mic
And when we rock the mic, we rock the mic
But let's look feminine side, ignore the feminine side
Let's the feminine side, ignore the feminine side
Let's the feminine side, ignore the feminine side
Let's the feminine side
I presented my feminine side with flowers
She cut the stems and placed them gently down my throat