

Only the Brave review: A corny but heartfelt look at devastating real-life story

(M) 134 minutes

There aren't many great films about firefighters, even fewer about those who battle bushfires. That's because real fire is dangerous to film around; and controlled fire sets outdoors generally look fake.

That would make it a perfect job for computer-generated imagery, but that is still hard to do well – which is why Only the Brave represents a kind of breakthrough. I don't know how they did it, but this is probably the most realistic film that's ever been made about what Americans call wildfires.

The fires here are majestic when seen from the air and terrifying from close up. The sense of force, speed and unpredictability comes through loud and clear in the character played by Josh Brolin – chief of the Granite Mountain Hotshots of Prescott, Arizona – who's haunted by his knowledge of what fires can do.

Eric Marsh (Brolin) leads a group of 20 young men who work for the Prescott fire department. They're Type 2-certified, which means they can cut firebreaks and do controlled burns, but they are not frontline-qualified. The US has more than 100 "hotshot" teams – highly trained men who travel around the country – but in 2011, not one of those came out of a regional fire department.

They were all part of larger organisations, such as the forest service. There's a brutal scene that tells us about the hierarchy, when the leader of a California hotshot team tells March and his men to do what they do best – stand back and clean up after the big boys have done their job (although he uses less polite language).


Marsh decides his men are good enough to get hotshot status. That provides the first act of the film, along with the story of Brendan McDonough (Miles Teller), a pothead who decides to clean up his act. Brendan is a town joke, getting kicked out of bars and doing short prison sentences, until a waitress he barely knows (Natalie Hall) has his daughter. She wants nothing to do with him, but he decides to reform and becomes a firefighter. Marsh gives him a start, even though some of his existing crew think Brendan is a loser.

This sentimental storyline doesn't augur well for the movie, but it is in fact true, so what the hell. More than most films that bear the label, Only the Brave really is based on a true story – and for once, I wish it wasn't. It goes to a dark place.

Brolin anchors the film, as he usually does. He's Hollywood's favourite New West guy these days – the strong silent cowboy type, but sensitive and centred, a little Steve McQueen, a little Glenn Ford. Jennifer Connelly, as his wife Amanda, jokes about this idea when they are in the bathtub together. Do you wanna talk about it or do your John Wayne thing, she asks? With Jeff Bridges and Andie MacDowell as their older mentoring friends, the film has better casting than I expected. That may be because a subject like this attracts respect, as a kind of tribute film.

This is only the second feature of director Joseph Kosinski. In his first film, , Kosinksi did a good job of rehabilitating Tom Cruise's reputation as an actor. Only the Brave is much more of an ensemble piece for, and from, the American heartland.

It's corny at times, but heartfelt. It deserves credit for the way it tells a difficult story. And it leaves you with the sense that the men and women who do this work – in North America or Australia or anywhere else – deserve our gratitude and respect. Some of them will find this movie confronting.

Originally published on smh.com.au as 'Only the Brave review: A corny but heartfelt look at devastating real-life story'.