

The Harbour review: Scott Bevan's ambitious exploration of Sydney's gem

The Harbour
Scott Bevan
Simon & Schuster, $49.99

Any Sydneysider worth their salt treats water as a bridge rather than a barrier. In The Harbour, Scott Bevan enthusiastically embraces this attitude as he traverses every bay inside the Heads in a kayak, slicing through serene channels and ferry wake on an extended oneiric drift doubling as a device for relaying a robust history of Australia's largest city through a range of voices. Bevan's variety of exploratory maritime journalism is novel, ambitious, and inspiring, but also undermined by wince-worthy foibles.

The book begins, predictably and unfortunately, with a flourish of nationalism and reference to James Cook, setting the temporal bedrock of the historic narrative in the 18th century and largely side-stepping the presence of more than 5000 known archaeological sites in the area, which clearly indicate people had been cruising this harbour for thousands of years.

Aboriginal oral histories also largely elude Bevan's fastidious scholarship. He learns, for instance, that the shoreline was 30 kilometres east of the Heads 15,000 years ago and that the Cammeraygal people carry knowledge of the (currently underwater) terrain out to that point, passed down through generations. Yet Indigenous history in The Harbour is "shared history", a concept often deployed as a veil occluding the pre-invasion past while appearing culturally sensitive.

Even so, the hardback tome weighs in at almost 600 pages and is a beautiful mosaic of space through time, covering art, architecture, biography and history, with a sprinkling of memoir.

The ambitiousness of the project is staggering; it is difficult to imagine how much time Bevan spent paddling, talking to people and digging through archives to assemble this material. Not that he is one to pat himself on the back, he consistently downplays the physicality of the journey, detouring the reader from the sensual into the cerebral. This is his modus operandi: each point of contact in his kayak is an opportunity to drill down into the history of a place, often triggered by a conversation, artefact or monument.


As a result, history geeks will relish The Harbour. In the course of the journey, we learn, for instance, that a Parramatta river ferry called Experiment was literally horse-powered by four horses on a treadmill, that by 1908 13 million passengers a year were being carried across the harbour by five major ferry companies, and that when the Gladesville Bridge was built in 1964, it was the longest concrete arch bridge in the world.

We learn that the Japanese subs that snuck into the harbour during World War II and sank the HMAS Kuttabul had followed Manly ferries in, that Chowder Bay takes its name from 19th-century American whalers who made "clam" chowder from the oysters on the rocks, and that the first governors banned the building of boats to prevent escape.

Bevan is sensitive to the fact that the bays he explores are adorned with names bestowed by invaders and that most of the histories in the book are colonial histories. Yet his interview subjects are, for the most part, a parade of wealthy Australians. Scott glides up to the waterside studios of famous artists, has drinks on yachts, tells us about the cruises he has taken, and introduces us to his mates with military honours and members of his (slightly tongue and cheek) "gentleman kayakers' club".

And although the book seems, at times, blind to its celebration of a kind of "blokey" nationalism, Bevin is also clearly frustrated by how the harbour has become, in the words of his friend Ken Unsworth, an "ornamental lake". He even goes so far as to suggest that in today's Sydney Harbour "the only thing not private is the display of private wealth".

As such, as much as the book expands our historic and geographic imaginations, it also reinforces our collective sense that this is a city run by jerks in boat shoes. Bevan seems conflicted in this regard. He celebrates "regeneration" as a force for cleaning up the harbour, and champions the preservation of public land in the face of development. He is someone who has clearly benefited from wealth and connections – both of which get him access to extraordinary locations – and cannot help but be frustrated by the inequality he is cruising past.

The narrative cuts deepest toward the end of the book as Bevan traverses Circular Quay and The Rocks, decries gentrification and the clearing of social housing, and gives voice to subaltern history of the area, including one of the last occupants of the doomed Sirius building. In Darling Harbour, the book is a working-class elegy relayed in the shadow of the Barangaroo "development".

At his best Bevan challenges us, by refracting the present through the past, to imagine a more inclusive future for our "ornamental lake".

The word "harbour" means to protect and often it feels like what this harbour protects most is rich waterside investors and a wonky sense of history. But Bevan beautifully describes how Sydney's bays and coves can seem inhibiting to exploration until seen from the sea, and ultimately encourages us to use our ability to explore to reinvigorate a sense of place.

Just as he suggests that the best way to experience a bridge is to paddle under it, because the pace of a bridge is a matter of perspective, perhaps we can also imagine a future Sydney built more for adventure than investment. The lynch pin to such an imagination is, of course, the harbour.

Bradley Garrett is a research fellow at the University of Sydney and the author of four books, including Explore Everything: Place-hacking the City (Verso).

Originally published on smh.com.au as 'The Harbour review: Scott Bevan's ambitious exploration of Sydney's gem'.