

A Sea-Chase review: Roger McDonald takes to the ocean in a search for meaning


A Sea-Chase
Roger McDonald
Vintage, $32.99

Roger McDonald's latest book, A Sea-Chase, is a tribute to sailing. The author, best known for his award-winning novel Mr Darwin's Shooter, is himself a sailor. He thanks his wife Sue Fisher in the author's note "for being my heartfelt companion in a dinghy, a trailer-sailer, and a sloop just big enough for two. The feeling of that closeness spills over into these pages in ways I find words inadequate to express."

In A Sea-Chase, the closeness McDonald refers to, the compact world of sailboats – erotic, stifling, romantic, lonely – serves as an allegory of self-discovery. The book's protagonist is Judy Compton, a 21-year-old teacher; it opens as Ken Redlynch, a school inspector, finds Judy crying at her desk. He tells her not to sell herself short, they climb into his sports car and go to meet Ken's third wife, Dijana Kovacic, at the pub. There, Dijana introduces Judy to copper-haired, blue-eyed Wes Bannister, who lives on Ken's boat, Rattler, which is where Judy wakes up the next morning, "in the love bunk". Judy falls in love with Wes like she falls in love with sailing: immediately.

The motley crew is assembled, only the two women in the group, the mean, Serbo-Croatian artist Dijana, and wholesome Australian Judy, don't like each other very much, which is a bit of a pity, a bit of a cliche, and gets the book off to a rocky start. But Judy perseveres: she's found something she loves and from then on, she bounces along on the open ocean, determined, though not unwaveringly, to beat the elements.

The tension that drives A Sea-Chase is Judy's search for a vocation and sense of self as she navigates her relationships with Wes, Tony Watson – a devoted childhood friend – and her smart, remote mother, Dr Elizabeth Darke, a research scientist. McDonald describes the Darkes as "an intellectual, freewheelingly arrogant sort of brainy family". Judy struggles against the Darke reputation for high-achievement, wondering at a dinner a few weeks later, "if it was possible for her to feel smaller and more insignificant as a force for good in the world than she felt".


It is Australia in the '80s, and soon the whole gang is up in arms about French nuclear testing in the Pacific. They join the Scientists Against Nuclear Testing (SANT) campaign and Wes devises a plan to sail Rattler from Sydney to Auckland in protest, without Judy. He has a flag stitched up showing uranium's peaceful uses: "electrons whizzing around a proton core, framed by a microscope, a wheatsheaf and a medical snake."

When Judy asks why she hasn't been included, Wes accuses her of never being a part of anything or wanting to, and Judy asserts that sailing is her job as much as it is his – she has left teaching for the time being. Then, for selfish reasons, Dijana convinces Ken not to make the journey, and Wes allows Judy to take Ken's place on the boat. The couple and another friend set sail, racing to get to New Zealand. But when bad winds slow the boat's progress, Wes makes a dangerous decision that drives him and Judy apart.

A Sea-Chase will satisfy landlubbers and boaties alike with nautical jargon and poetic ocean scenes, though it's McDonald's unexpected turns of phrase – a childhood injury that has left Ken's eyeball "glazed as a mulligrub" – that set him apart. Judy's friction with her mate is compelling – she decides that Wes will have to be her competitor, too, if they are to be equals. Early on in the book Judy, crying, worries that, "All the small, perfect worlds she made for herself bumped and collided, then sprang apart".

A Sea-Chase is a story about being a little lost and looking for a steadfast belief, a guiding star: love and freedom to temper self-doubt and anxious expectation.

Originally published on smh.com.au as 'A Sea-Chase review: Roger McDonald takes to the ocean in a search for meaning'.