
Consumer Affairs

Credit card fraud has a huge affect on trust.

Trusting for a better 2018

My New Year resolution to attempt to always default to kindness came asunder very quickly, with a bank email informing me that my credit card details had been hacked.

Matt Dooley managed to get internet connected to his house after police stepped in.

Police negotiate NBN bundle for Telstra sit-in protester

When Matt Dooley refused to leave a Telstra store after months of battling with the telco, the last people he might have expected to fix his problem were the police called to remove him from the store.

Generic sales, boxing day sale, retail, shopping, mall, shops.

Record sales predicted for Christmas, Boxing Day

Australians are on track to spending $50 billion before Christmas, but the shopping won't stop there with the country's peak retail body predicting a record Boxing Day spend of $2.36 billion.

LOL Surprise dolls, which are one of the most popular Christmas gifts for children this year.

Meet the 'toy of your capitalist nightmares'

With a clear wrapper, a plastic shell, and layers of packaging inside, one of this year's most popular children's Christmas gifts has been labelled the 'toy of your capitalist nightmares'.