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The 'gang crisis': backing people into a corner simply won't work

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The headline: "African" robs 7-11.

There it was, dropped neatly onto Twitter by the national broadsheet "for the informed Australian". Three words.

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Andrews takes on Dutton

On his first day back from holidays, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has slammed Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton's comments on 'African gang' violence in Melbourne.

The current news cycle requires no greater context, the headline was the inevitable distillation of the latest frothing "crisis" – any crime that could be linked to an alleged offender "believed to be of African appearance" was grist to the mill.

That evening, pushing a pram through a park in Melbourne's western suburbs to will a restless baby to sleep, I happened upon a man "of African appearance". He was with his beloved, a woman also of African appearance, guiding her through some of the finer points of shooting hoops. We traded pleasantries and the pair made the appropriate gurgles of appreciation for my offspring. Clouding the exchange was a sense I have never experienced with any other neighbour; an apologetic air for their very existence in this public space.

I returned home, tucked in the now-sleeping baby, kissed his elder brother goodnight. All the while thinking that whatever challenges they may face growing up in Melbourne, their skin colour would not be one of them. I sat at the computer to catch up on some work. Instead, I tweeted.

I have reported for a local community newspaper based in Melbourne's western suburbs since 2010. My round includes coverage of courts and crime, and I come across offenders of virtually every race, colour and creed. This includes, at times, men of African appearance. In recent weeks, some high-profile "public order" and violent incidents have included perpetrators alleged to be of African origin. Is this a spate? A trend? A full-blown nationally significant crisis? Politicians and much of the media have settled firmly on the latter.


Crime in Melbourne's west is trending downwards in almost every category. In the 12 months to last October, the most recent available data, overall reported crime dropped by more than 10 per cent in Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay, Brimbank and even Wyndham.

Yet 2018 is an election year in Victoria. And January is always a vacuum for "meaty" news. Enter a string of highly visible crimes involving men "of African appearance", and media crews from every outlet were suddenly descending en masse upon ground zero for all that apparently ails the outer-west – Ecoville Community Park in Tarneit.

Victorian opposition leader Matthew Guy came out swinging, vowing to deliver a tough-on-crime crackdown on "ethnic gangs". Premier Daniel Andrews swiftly upped the ante by vowing to deliver police greater powers.

Federal Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton chipped in to suggest people in Melbourne are "scared to go out" to restaurants at night because of African street gang violence, while the Prime Minister of Australia made known his grave concerns regarding the plight of cowering Victorians.

Beneath the thundering chest-thumping one can hear a faint sound – the collective sigh of relief from Australia's Muslim population as attention shifts, however fleetingly.

Some reports on the "African gang crisis" have handled the situation sensitively and cut through the chest-thumping political rhetoric. Others have poured further fuel on the flames, generating undue heat for African communities Australia-wide and emboldening sickening racist attacks.

The first standard in journalism's code of ethics is to report and interpret honestly, striving for accuracy, fairness and disclosure of all essential facts. The second is to avoid placing unnecessary emphasis on personal characteristics, including race, ethnicity and nationality. This latter standard has been trampled in recent weeks. It does not prohibit references to perceived race, but it is indisputable that there has been "unnecessary emphasis" on the African element in swathes of recent media accounts.

This was the substance of my Twitter vent – to draw attention to violent crimes in Melbourne's west in recent years in which the race and ethnicity of the accused was never highlighted, a marked contrast with reporting of recent crimes alleged to have involved people of African origin.

The thread took off. Responses began pouring in – supportive at first but soon followed by a wave of vitriol. By Thursday evening, the lead tweet in the thread was nudging 3000 retweets and 4000 likes, the thread 'earning' more than 1 million impressions over a 24-hour period – small fry for some but a tad unusual for a suburban hack. Some 48 hours later, my notifications had not stopped pinging.

A mature society can talk about these issues in a way that does not paint every member of a particular community as a potential or likely threat. It is able to address concerns around the behaviour of troubled youth without demanding a blanket rejection of refugee and migration programs.

It can sensibly consider the root causes of disaffection and disconnection and aim to stamp out violent crime without itself mindlessly baying for the blood of those who for whatever reason are seeking some solace or solidarity as part of a real or imaginary gang. From a purely pragmatic perspective, backing people into a corner at times of heightened tension and outrage simply doesn't work.

As the week has progressed, there have been subtle shifts in reporting in some outlets, while others remain full-steam-ahead on the "Street Gang Crisis" express.

On Thursday evening, I returned to the tweet by The Australian that had been the straw that broke my patience. I clicked. The article was still there, but it was topped by a new headline.

"Barefoot thug robs 7-Eleven, flees in stolen Mercedes-Benz".

Baby steps.

Benjamin Millar is a senior journalist with Star Weekly and The Age. He tweets @BenjaminMillar. A version of this article first appeared in Meanjin.