Cartoon for MLK Jr Day

This cartoon was posted today on The Nib.

If you enjoy my cartoons, and can spare it, please support them on Patreon! A $1 pledge means a lot.

The legacy of MLK Jr. is awe-inspiring, but cannot be summarized in a single line. He was a radical who somehow, in many Americans’ memories, has morphed into a moderate.

Or even, in some cases, a right-winger. The specific thing that inspired this cartoon was a Facebook post from Sarah Palin. This was in 2014, so the president she was addressing was Barack Obama. Here’s what Palin posted:

Happy MLK, Jr. Day!

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mr. President, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. and all who commit to ending any racial divide, no more playing the race card.

Oy vey.

Transcript of cartoon:

A Black woman sits in an armchair, holding a little baby. The baby is crying.
CAPTION: MLK Jr was born.

A young Black boy sits up in bed, in a dark bedroom, clutching his blanket.
CAPTION: Then he had a dream.
BOY: I had a dream that someday our children would be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin! So stop playing the race card!
OFF-PANEL VOICE: Martin, go to sleep!

Panel three shows a graveyard, The gravestone in the foregound has, carved on it, “Martin Luther King Junior. “Stop Playing The Race Card.”
CAPTION: And he NEVER said or did anything else EVER. And then he died. The end!


Posted in Cartooning & comics, Race, racism and related issues, Racism | 10 Comments  

Cartoon: Our (Shit)Whole Immigration Policy

A new cartoon on Spliter today!

If you enjoy these cartoons, and you can spare it, please support my Patreon! A $1 pledge means a lot.

This is definitely a strange month for me! Normally four out of four cartoons I do each month are only published on my social media – here, Patreon, Twitter, Facebook. But this month, as it turns out, three out of four are being published elsewhere! (I have an MLK-related cartoon coming up, which I suppose they’ll post tomorrow.)

This cartoon was published today on Splinter. And, in a first for me, I didn’t pitch the idea to Splinter – instead, Splinter reached out to me and asked if I could do something for something on Trump’s “shithole” comment. It’s not something I ordinarily do – “shithole” is very much a story-of-the-week, and I prefer to do cartoons on more lasting issues – but it was so nice to be asked that I said “yes.”

Aside from Trump’s use of a swear word, what struck me is how much Trump’s statement puts the lie to the frequent Republican claim that they’re in favor of merit and judging people as individuals. Trump said that we shouldn’t be accepting anyone from some nations – basically, from majority Black nations – a view that is the polar opposite of merit and judging people as individuals. So I decided to try and get at that in my cartoon.

Some people might say that this is Trump, not the Republican party. But as far as I’m concerned, Trump IS the Republican party. When you elect someone President, you’re also electing them to be the face of your party; if the GOP had wanted someone else, they would have chosen someone else. And although Trump expresses it crudely, it’s clear that he’s saying nothing about immigration that the Republican base doesn’t agree with.

That’s why I drew a random Republican spokesman here, rather than drawing Trump himself. We don’t want to fall for the illusion that Trump is something radically different from the GOP, rather than the long-existing garbage in a cruder bag.

Artwise, I had to draw this fast – I actually did this in one day. (A long day – I was scheduled to eat dinner at a friend’s house that night, and brought my tablet and finished drawing it at their dining room table! – but still just one day). A strip like “Toxic Masculinity Stew” I spent ages drawing, but you can’t do that when an editor has asked for a cartoon to be delivered fast.

So I chose a single figure standing at a podium – which is just about the easiest thing I could draw. But, having chosen that, I did my best to work hard on the single figure – doing his suit by careful cross-hatching instead of just solid black, trying to make his expressions and hand movements varied and animated, etc. It’s simple, but I can still try to do a good job with it.

Transcript of cartoon:

Panel 1
A middle-aged or older man, handsome in a grandfatherly way, stands behind a podium wearing a brown suit. He looks stern and serious, and raises his left index finger into the air as he speaks.

MAN: Republican Immigration policy is NOT racist! “American first” is not racist! “Merit-based” is not racist!

Panel 2
A close-up of the man, who is now smiling genially, and shrugging.
MAN: The Republican policy isn’t about anything but MERIT! We want immigrants who can contribute to our society and grow our economy! Judging people as individuals is NOT racist!

Panel 3
Final panel. The man makes a fist and is now scowling angrily.
MAN: Oh, and we don’t want anyone from Africa, Haiti or any of those SHITHOLE countires. That’s it. Bye now!

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Immigration, Migrant Rights, etc, In the news, Race, racism and related issues | 3 Comments  

Mens Rights Activists, Feminism, and Male Workplace Deaths

If you like these cartoons, please help me make more, by supporting my Patreon! A $1 pledge matters a lot.

This cartoon was done months ago, for “Dollars & Sense Magazine,” but I guess I forgot to post it here on “Alas.” So… here it is!

Transcript of cartoon:


It’s outdoors; we can see a row of houses in the background, and some green space with trees. A woman with glasses and a yellow zip-up blouse turns, as if surprised by the man talking to her. The man has blonde hair and is wearing a yellow and orange striped shirt.

MAN: Did you know that 93% of workplace deaths happen to men? But feminists do nothing!


The woman puts a finger on her chin, in a “I’m thinking” gesture. The man looks uninterested.

WOMAN: Something should be DONE! How about stronger unions, so workers could DEMAND safer workplaces?
MAN: Meh.


The woman continues talking. The man turns away, looking placidly bored, his hands in his pant pockets.

WOMAN: How about strengthening OSHA, so works safety laws are actually enforced?
MAN: Whatever.


The man suddenly is yelling in the woman’s face, arms wide, fists clenched, totally engaged. The woman flinches back in surprise.

WOMAN: So how do you think we should–

Posted in Anti-feminists and their pals, Cartooning & comics, Feminism, sexism, etc | 1 Comment  

Open Thread and Link Farm, Fish Hurricane Edition

The amazing photos accompanying this Open Thread are by Andreas Hemb and Christian Vizl.

  1. The three most popular movies at theaters in the United States and Canada in 2017 — “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” “Beauty and the Beast” and “Wonder Woman” — were each driven by female characters, something that has not happened in at least 37 years, as far back as full box office data is available.”
  2. What Research Tells Us About How Women Are Treated at Work
  3. Well-adjusted man with good priorities sues Iliza Shlesinger over women-only comedy show 
    “Shlesinger’s “Girls Night In” is described as “a hybrid stand up show and interactive discussion between Iliza and the women in the audience aimed at giving women a place to vent in a supportive, fun and inclusive environment.”
  4. In the heart of Anti-Trump Country, voters still pine for an America better than its president | Will Bunch
  5. The Partisanship of Feminism – The Atlantic
    “A liberal woman’s emergence as a serious presidential contender in 2008, and then as her party’s nominee eight years later, drove feminists of both genders toward the Democratic Party and anti-feminists of both genders toward the GOP.”
  6. The Elusive Backfire Effect: Mass Attitudes’ Steadfast Factual Adherence by Thomas Wood, Ethan Porter :: SSRN
    A new study finds that citizens are more open to facts that go against their partisan preferences than some other studies have found. One possible reason for the difference, according to the paper: previous studies have used undergraduate samples rather than general population samples.
  7. The past year of research has made it very clear: Trump won because of racial resentment – Vox
  8. Trump’s Pick to Run 2020 Census Has Defended Racial Gerrymandering and Voter Suppression Laws – Mother Jones
  9. Sarah Silverman’s response to a Twitter troll is a master class in compassion – Blog | q | CBC Radio
  10. What Liberals Get Wrong About Identity Politics | New Republic
  11. #NotYourModelMinority: Asian Americans in the affirmative action debate | Urban Institute
  12. Justice Department inquiry renews debate over whether top colleges hold some applicants to an unfair standard — and what the data say about Asian-American applicants.
  13. The Uncomfortable Truth About Affirmative Action and Asian-Americans | The New Yorker
  14. Investigating Whether Affirmative Action Hurts Asians – The Atlantic
  15. What the Trans Moment Has to Offer Radical Feminism – The TransAdvocate
    “For to describe accurately the class of potential and actual victims of rape would necessarily mean including people who are trans, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, intersex, and otherwise not specifically cisgender.”
  16. How a Nearly Successful Slave Revolt Was Intentionally Lost to History | Smart News | Smithsonian
  17. Why dolphins are deep thinkers | Science | The Guardian
    Dolphins make plans and use tools.
  18. No, #MeToo Is Not a Witch Hunt – Pacific Standard
  19. This might be the best map of the 2016 election you ever see – Vox
  20. These are the arguments against net neutrality and why they’re wrong | TechCrunch

Posted in Link farms | 6 Comments  

Cartoon: White Lies

If you enjoy these cartoons, and can spare it, please support them at Patreon. A $1 pledge means a lot.

This cartoon is actually a sequel, to this other cartoon I did at least a decade ago. It’s interesting (to me, at least) seeing how my style has changed over the years.

Transcript of Cartoon

Fractured-looking letters say “White Lies.” Next to the lettering, a smiling white lady speaks directly to the viewer.
LADY: I don’t even see race!

A smiling white man explains himself.
MAN: I was only being FUNNY! I mean, “ironic.”

A white man stands holding a black woman in front of him. To his left, a white woman stands, hugging a little Asian boy, and holding an Asian baby with her other arm. The boy has an image of Captain America’s iconic shield on his t-shirt.
WHITE MAN: I have a Black wife!
WHITE WOMAN: I adopted Asian kids!
BOTH TOGETHER: So nothing we say could possibly be racist!

A young white man types at a laptop, his coffee cop besides him. Above him, we can see what he’s typing – a social media comment, with “his” picture, showing a pretty Black woman, besides the comment.
He is typing: As a strong Black woman, I think we Blacks talk too much about racism.

An angry white woman, standing near a fence with some giant sunflowers nearby, talks directly to the viewer.
WOMANL Only monsters are racist! So criticizing me for racism is calling me a monster! How dare you call me a monster? So uncivil!

A young white woman, stands in a coffee shop, holding a cup of tea and a saucer.
WOMAN: I DEFINITELY have a non-white friend who agrees with me.

A white woman in slacks and a polo shirt sits on a park bench, reading a newspaper (“Daily Opiate”) and speaking cheerfully to the viewer.
WOMAN: My vote for Trump had nothing to do with racism!

An older white man, with a friendly demeanor, a big white beard, and a sweater vest, speaks to the viewer.
MAN: I can’t be a racist, because I voted for Obama.

Two white people stand talking directly to the viewer: A man with a checkerboard shirt, and a woman wearing a sleeveless black shirt. The man, spreading his arms wide, has a angry expression; the woman is holding up one finger like a professor making a point.
MAN: When non-whites get ANGRY discussing racism, that proves they’re irrational!
WOMAN: And when whites speak calmly, that proves our opinions are super rational!

A white woman stands on a golf course, holding a golf club across one shoulder. She looks anxious.
WOMAN: If “Black Lives Matter,” that means white lives don’t matter!

An angry white man is yelling and pointing at a Black woman.
MAN: The word “racism” is unfair because it shuts white people up!
WOMAN (thought): If only…

In a small panel below the bottom of the comic strip, an angry white woman speaks directly to the viewers.
WOMAN: This cartoon generalizes about white people! That makes IT the REAL racist!

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Race, racism and related issues | 49 Comments  

Cartoon: Toxic Masculinity Stew

If you enjoy my cartoons, and can spare it, please support my patreon! A $1 pledge means a lot.

Transcript of cartoon

At the top of the strip, there’s a drawing of various unidentifiable shapes floating in a liquid in a pot. Lettering on top of the drawing, in cheerfully cartoony letters, says “Toxic Masculinity Stew.”

Panel 1
A man in a chef’s shirt talks directly to the viewer. He has a mustache, is bald, and looks to be middle-aged but vigorous. He’s holding a long spoon in one hand and making a “thumb’s up” sign at the viewers with his other hand; there are various bowls arrayed in front of him, with neon green stuff in the bowls, and a big stew pot to his right. (Throughout this strip, all colors are a bit desaturated and dull, other than the neon green.)
CHEF: Welcome! Today we’ll be making “toxic masculinity stew.” Yum!

Panel 2
The chef is stirring some neon green stuff in a pan.
CHEF: We’ll start by sautéing some feelings. We’ll bury these at the bottom of the pot, so no one will ever see them!

Panel 3
The chef hold out a neon-green egg towards the viewer. The egg is visibly cracked.
CHEF: Add a delicate sense of manhood. The slightest thing can make boys feel that this has been shattered! What fun!

Panel 4
The Chef mixes something in a bowl.
CHEF: In a separate bowl, put ht eidea that “the sex” is something held by women. Mix it with the belief that if a man can’t get “the sex” from a woman, one way or the other… Then he’s not a real man at all!

Panel 5
From above the pot, we see the chef’s hand holding a shaker (like a salt shaker) and sprinkling neon green specs into the stew.
CHEF: Now sprinkle in lots of gear of being soft or gentle or vulnerable. Nothing spoils this dish quicker than boys accepting these parts of themselves!

The Chef holds out a spoon towards the viewer. The spoon is dripping with a thick, neon-green liquid.
CHEF: Simmer for 10-40 years and there you have it… a lovely toxic masculinity stew! It tastes repulsive and bitter, but don’t worry. We’ll force it down.

A tiny panel below the bottom of the strip shows a woman yelling at the cartoonist.
WOMAN: Criticizing how society harms men means you’re anti-male!

Posted in Cartooning & comics, Men and masculinity, Sexism hurts men | 95 Comments  

The Music I’d Like to Put Back Into My Life

When I was in grade school, my grandmother taught me how to play the C major scale, bass and treble clef, on the Steinway upright piano she had in her apartment. From that moment on, I wanted to be a musician and, from that moment on, everyone in my family did everything they could to discourage me. My mother and stepfather did not allow me to join the orchestra in the elementary school I attended; and every time I brought the idea up, my grandmother made sure I understood there was no way I’d ever make a living at it. I didn’t know this at the time, but she had sung professionally when she was younger, on the radio (though I don’t remember the name of the program), and, if I remember the story I’ve heard correctly, Jimmy Durante was her accompanist at one point.

When I was in high school, I took revenge on my mother by joining the local drum & bugle corps. I wanted to join as a drummer, but the corps needed horn players, so I ended up playing the bass baritone bugle. I got be pretty good at it, but the hours I spent practicing drove my mother, and my neighbors, a little bit crazy. For a while I thought I might stick with drum corps, which is a pretty big deal once you get past a certain level, but that didn’t work out, and so making music was something I did pretty much only at my grandmother’s on that same Steinway upright—the original sales receipt for which my mother gave me recently so I could take, as she put it, “a trip down memory lane:”

All that playing at my grandmother’s must have done me some good, because when I finally had the chance to take piano lessons, a semester’s worth during my senior year of high school with a teacher named, I think, Ms. Wise (or Weiss), I was good enough to take a stab at Ernesto Lecuona’s Malaguena:

It’s a beautiful piece of music, well-worth listening to, if you have a few minutes:

By the time I started college, I was already beginning to think I’d be a writer, not a musician, so when I played piano—which I did for hours each week in the practice rooms at Stony Brook University—I did so only for myself. I never tried to learn any actual songs, though, preferring the improvised music I made based on what I’d learned in the couple of music theory courses I took, until I started working at Surprise Lake Camp and got involved with the drama program. I learned there to fake my way as accompanist through the music of Cats, A Chorus Line, Fiddler on the Roof and more. Then, I met my friend Bill, who had ambitions to become a singer-songwriter, and we started writing music together. We even performed once at The Bitter End, though whoever did the publicity spelled my name wrong:

When my friendship with Bill ended, maybe because it ended—we did not part on good terms and I was angry and devastated by the loss—I lost the desire to perform on stage. I was getting serious about my writing and I made a conscious decision to focus my energies there. I still played for my own enjoyment, and sometimes I’d play for friends at a party, but I no longer thought of music as something I wanted to pursue seriously. That changed, for a time anyway, when I discovered how easy it was to compose music with a MIDI synthesizer, a computer, and the right software. I might not have wanted to perform in front of an audience, but the idea of writing music appealed to me. So I bought the equipment I needed and got started.

Over the next three or four years, I composed fifteen or so pieces that I thought of as complete, but the five in the Soundcloud playlist at the top of this post are the only ones that survive. I found them on my computer not too long ago and I liked them well enough that I thought them worth preserving and sharing with others.

These days, I don’t play much piano at all, but I miss it. I really do.

Posted in Music | 6 Comments  

Open Thread and Link Farm, Creepy Face Swap Edition

Happy end of 2017, everybody!

  1. High School Is Too Late to Start Teaching Consent to Kids – Rewire
  2. Emergency rooms are monopolies. Patients pay the price.  – Vox
    ER “fees rose 89 percent between 2009 and 2015 — rising twice as fast as the price of outpatient health care, and four times as fast as overall health care spending.”
  3. An ex-cop from Arizona was acquitted for shooting an unarmed, sobbing man – Vox
  4. After Trent Franks, men worry if asking subordinates to bear their child is still okay – The Washington Post
  5. Focus group with Alabama voters who are sticking by Roy Moore (HBO) – YouTube
    This was from before the election, but I think still interesting slash horrifying.
  6. Trump Protesters Facing Felonies Say U.S. Wants To Criminalize The First Amendment | HuffPost
    “The government would have you believe that everyone, the hundreds of people in that section, are breaking the law simply because they didn’t get up and leave.”
  7. Letters of Note: To My Old Master
    “Jourdon’s 1865 reply to the person who enslaved his family, dictated from his home on August 7th, is everything you could wish for.”
  8. Obsessing over the deficit could further imperil those whom the tax bill leaves worst off.
    “In this interview, Stephanie Kelton, a professor of economics at Stony Brook University and former economic advisor to Bernie Sanders, explains why.”
  9. “Chain migration,” and why Donald Trump wants to end it, explained – Vox
  10. The Insane Plan to Give North Korea a ‘Bloody Nose’ | The American Conservative
  11. A Nashville Man Spent Two Decades Behind Bars. Now The Government Wants Him To Go Back. | Nashville Public Radio
    He was let out early by the Obama administration’s initiative to reduce the sentences of people in prison for crack, and by all accounts he is now a model citizen.
  12. Stash House Stings: When the Government Can Invent Crimes and Criminals | Cato @ Liberty
  13. Police Officers Should Be Trained in De-Escalation. It Works.
  14. A Pill to Make Exercise Obsolete | The New Yorker
  15. Are Soas students right to ‘decolonise’ their minds from western philosophers? | Education | The Guardian
  16. Yacob and Amo: Africa’s precursors to Locke, Hume and Kant | Aeon Essays
  17. Professors say they won’t advise students to work or study at U of Rochester
    Due to dissatisfaction with how Rochester’s administration protected a professor who was accused of sexual harassment by multiple graduate students and professors.
  18. How the discovery of extraterrestrial life would change morality | Aeon Essays
  19. Research suggests that increased pornography reduces rape – TUOC
    I think this is interesting. However, the argument that this research proves that porn reduces rape is treating correlation as causation. It could also be the case that the social changes that cause a society to decriminalize porn, also cause a reduction in rape.
  20. And after I wrote the above, I read this post in which a TUOC reader makes a similar argument (but better).
  21. ‘The Shed at Dulwich’ was London’s top-rated restaurant. Just one problem: It didn’t exist. – The Washington Post
  22. Proposed New Jersey Legislation Could Extend Voting Rights to Convicted Criminals | Observer
    If this becomes law, then NY will become the third state in which currently-incarcerated felons can vote (the other two are Maine and Vermont).
  23. Comment on “The Age of Outrage” by Jonathan Haidt – joftius – Medium
  24. Law Reviews reexamine prison gerrymandering case law | Prison Gerrymandering Project
  25. Wilfrid Laurier Exonerates Lindsay Shepherd, We Can All Move On Now – VICE
    What happened to Shepherd seems inexcusable – especially lying about student complaints when there had been none. Also, I don’t agree with the “move on now” message of the headline, exactly; this specific incident is being put to bed, but there are larger issues involved.
  26. Interesting graph of single motherhood rates and crime rates from Philip Cohen.
    The two trends, which once appeared to be moving in tandem, have seemingly diverged completely.

Posted in Link farms | 66 Comments  

Cartoon: What’s The Difference?

Transcript of cartoon:

A woman with glasses and a slightly frightened, anxious expression is in the foreground, speaking directly to the reader.

Behind her, on the left, are three angry student protestors, yelling stuff we don’t hear. A caption identifies them as “college students.”

Also behind her, on the right, are three wealthy-looking white men in suits – one of them is President Trump – who also look angry and are yelling things we don’t hear. A caption identifies them as “governors, senators, president.”

WOMAN: Both sides have scary radicals! So what’s the difference?

Posted in Cartooning & comics | 5 Comments  

Open Thread and Link Farm, Two-Face Was A Piker Edition

  1. “The hypocrisy is astounding”: this tax bill shows the GOP’s debt concerns were pure fraud
    In other news, ocean still wet.
  2. Can We Cut the Crap on the Debt from the Tax Bill Hurting Our Kids? | Beat the Press | Blogs | Publications | The Center for Economic and Policy Research
    The GOP tax bill is terrible – but the problem is not the effect of future debt on the children.
  3. GiveDirectly is launching their randomized control trial of long-term guaranteed basic income in Kenya. The Unit of Caring has gathered some highlights.
  4. Letting robots kill without human supervision could save lives | New Scientist
    You can’t read the whole article, because paywall, although you can read enough to get the gist of the argument.But honestly, I added this to the link farm because I just love the headline, about which someone on Twitter wrote “Was… was this written by killer robots?”

  5. What alarmist articles about transgender children get wrong.
    It’s not true that 80% – or anywhere near 80% – of transgender children either desist or detransition.
  6. Detransition, Desistance, and Disinformation: A Guide for Understanding Transgender Children… | Julia Serano
  7. Prepubescent Transgender Children: What We Do and Do Not Know – Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
    Only the first page here. To read the whole article, email me and I can hook you up.
  8. When “desisters” aren’t: De-desistance in childhood and adolescent gender dysphoria | Gender Analysis

  9. ‘Lady Bird’ Star Laurie Metcalf Might Be the Best Actress Working Right Now
    I saw “Lady Bird”; the movie was wonderful – it did mostly the usual coming-of-age narrative moves, but it did them all so well – and Metcalf, as the main character’s mother, was astounding. (Metcalf is most famous for playing Jackie on “Roseanne.”)
  10. Speaking of Roseanne, one of my favorite TV shows ever, there’s going to be a tenth season next year, with Metcalf and the rest of the original cast (including John Goodman) returning to their old roles. I hope it’s good.
  11. The Rise of the Post-New Left Political Vocabulary | The Public Autonomy Project
    Long and (to me) interesting comparison of New Left and Social Justice Left jargon, asking why the vocabularies changed and if it matters.
  12. Obama won lots of votes from racially prejudiced whites (and some of them supported Trump) – The Washington Post
  13. Liberals Are Becoming Knee-Jerk Anti-Trumpists | New Republic
    “The left should be encouraging the president’s moderation on foreign policy rather than distorting the truth about alleged gaffes.” Article by Jeet Heer. (In context, I think “moderation” means not that Trump is a moderate, but that Trump has moderated his rhetoric and approach compared to his previous statements.)
  14. The Right Way, And The Wrong Way, To Measure the Benefits Of Tax Changes | Tax Policy Center
  15. Facing deportation, Lucio Perez is adapting to life in Amherst church sanctuary |
  16. Here is a fantastic example of the difference between the male and female gaze. Patty Jenkins’ Amazon warriors on the left. Zack Snyder’s on the right.”
    I don’t think I agree with the terminology – perhaps I would call it a fantastic example of women as subjects vs objectification – actually, I’m not sure that’s right either – but whatever the terminology, it’s a striking comparison.
  17. The Zombie Fungus Takes Over Ants’ Bodies to Control Their Minds – The Atlantic
    Turns out the fungus is even creepier than previously thought. It’s like they plagiarized their ideas from “Get Out.”
  18. Sandy Hook Victim Noah Pozner’s Family Driven From Boca – The Forward
    Conspiracy theorists seem ridiculous, but they can (further) destroy people’s lives.
  19. How to stop sexism and raise a son who respects women.
  20. ZOA Rolled Out The Red Carpet For Steve Bannon — And It Backfired – The Forward
    The headline doesn’t really reflect the article. “Zionist Organization of America rolls out the red carpet for Steven Bannon, and this illustrates major divisions in the US Jewish community, and also Alan Dershowitz makes a cameo and is a jerk” would have been more accurate.
  21. A comic about every comment thread under any content involving a fat person existing. Ever.
    I’m jealous that I didn’t create this strip.
  22. An LAPD officer accidentally filmed himself putting cocaine in a suspect’s wallet – Vox
  23. Myths of the 1 Percent: What Puts People at the Top – The New York Times
    According to this economist, the answer isn’t trade, or information technology, or declining unions, or immigration. “Almost all of the growth in top American earners has come from just three economic sectors: professional services, finance and insurance, and health care, groups that tend to benefit from regulatory barriers that shelter them from competition.”
  24. Reflections of an Affirmative-Action Baby – The Atlantic
    The author, a white man, writes “the affirmative action I enjoyed, and the sexual harassment Sarah suffered, were connected. I was given extraordinary opportunity at TNR, in large measure, because talented women like Sarah Wildman were not.”
  25. Marvel takes on colonialism and white supremacy in ‘Thor: Ragnarok’
    The movie is an anti-colonial fantasy disguised as a screwball comedy disguised as an action movie. I really enjoyed it.
  26. Detroit cops posing as drug dealers tried to arrest Detroit cops posing as drug buyers and then they all had a fistfight in the middle of the street. This would make an awesome movie.
  27. The Disappearing Right to Earn a Living
    Do we really need someone to be licensed to hook up a stereo? “In the 1950s, about one in 20 American workers needed an occupational license before they could work in the occupation of their choice. Today, that figure stands at about one in four.” This is an issue I agree with libertarians about.
  28. Hari Kondabolu’s The Problem with Apu attempts to shut down The Simpsons’ racist caricature for good – The Verge
  29. The Last of the Iron Lungs
    The reporter found and interviewed the (as far as they know) last three people still using iron lungs to survive. All three are polio survivors, and boy, do they not like anti-vaxxers.
  30. I love Yoshitoshi Kanemaki’s wood carvings. Check out Kanemaki’s Behance page, and be sure to look at the gallery for the statue at the top of this post, which includes multiple angles as well as making-of photos.
  31. The bottom image is by Alessandro Sicioldr, another wonderful artist with a tendency to go all multi-face. Check out his behance, too.

Posted in Link farms | 103 Comments