Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Fake News

I hate the focus on "fake news" because it's nothing new and for years I've watched journalists respect "fake news" (talk radio, Fox news, etc.) as long as it had big financial backing.

When Rush Limbaugh has been treated like a king for years, it's a bit weird to get upset about dumb shit on facebook.

How Does Anything Work

He is so stupid.
Recently, Trump bemoaned the Republicans’ loss in a special election in Alabama and in part blamed Sessions, whose departure from the Senate to head to Justice necessitated the election.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Rock on.

Tuesday Night

Holidays are confusing.


I love the urban hellhole but we have no hills. I spent a month in an undisclosed location which rhymes with Sharona this past summer where I went on a 7-8 mile hike up into the hills most mornings. That was nice I miss it.


Every year my resolution is to read more books. 24 is my basic goal. 2 a month! Not hard! I rarely manage. This year I did!

The Sellout
Starter for Ten
The Goldfinch
Last Night In Montreal
A Landing on the Sun
The Lowland
The Interpreter
My Name is Lucy Barton
Everything I Never Told You
The Miniaturist
The Stockholm Octavo
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
Lincoln in the Bardo
Old Filth
The Peppered Moth
The Underground Railroad
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage
The Girl in the Road
The Children's Book
The Singer's Gun
The Summer Before The War
The Moor's Account
The Man In The Wooden Hat
Little Fires Everywhere

Boxing day cat blogging


Oopsie. Just a little mistake. Not intentional so stop saying that.
Thousands of government papers detailing some of the most controversial episodes in 20th-century British history have vanished after civil servants removed them from the country’s National Archives and then reported them as lost.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Monday Night

Goose was good. Have not had it in years.


Afternoon Thread

Today is Monday!!!

Afternoon Thread

Rock on.

Banning The Lot Of You

I am sorry but I have had to ban most of the commenters on this website because they said "Merry Christmas" and this is still against the law and I don't want to go to jail.

Everything Stops

A few years ago I was in London for Christmas. There was no public transit. At all. This was actually quite amazing. Obviously some people work on Christmas, but to an amazing degree nobody actually worked. Yes, again, of course some people did. Things do not stop for your silly holidays. But much more than here... everything stopped. It was weird.


Even in the early days of the internet, the Star Wars Holiday Special was kind of a myth. People whispered about it, but nobody really believed it was real. "Streaming video" was not a thing back then. So people talked about it and described it but... it was a myth. How could this be real?

I am pretty sure I saw it when it was on TV. The one time it was on TV. I remember reading about it on nerd forums in the late 90s when people would debate whether it was actually real. It's real! God it's horrible.

Happy Life Day!

I love you, Bea Arthur.

Christmas Is About Poop

Sure the South Park guys gave us Mr. Hanky, but they must have been inspired by Catalonia. There are two poop-related Christmas traditions in Catalonia. First is the caganer. Any nativity scene in Catalonia has a pooper. The original was just the pooping peasant, but of course because capitalism you can buy poopers of all kinds.

The other tradition it the Caga Tió. While Santa climbs down the chimney to bring us our presents, Caga Tió is the present pooping log. You sing a song, beat him with a stick, and then he shits out your presents. I am not making this up.

shit, log,
shit turrón,
hazelnuts and mató cheese,
if you don't shit well,
I'll hit you with a stick,
shit, log!

Why Are People So Cruel

On this day, the fake birthday of the baby Jesus, it's a good question to ask. I don't think I'm a particularly nice and generous person, but I hope I draw the line (mostly) at active and aggressive cruelty. I might not always give the homeless person some money, but I won't run across the street to kick them, either.

When I read stories of, say, police brutality or ICE abuses, I just can't quite fathom how people are capable of that. I'll even allow the "panicky cop shoots someone" defense, but some of these stories are just about sadism. I guess when I was a teenager and my brain was broken as is the norm of teenagers I could have been a bully, but I grew up? I don't get it.

Morning Thread

Getting to be time to start the donuts. Or the goose, as the case may be.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

The War On Christmas

We lost again. Next year, troops!

Sunday Happy Hour

Get happy

The Original "Electronic" Music

I recently saw a performance of a Conlon Nancarrow composition that wasn't one of his player piano pieces, but it reminded me of his... player piano pieces which I had forgotten about.