Columnists January 12
Aharon Appelfeld. Image: kellywritershouse/flickr
Rick Salutin | Israeli novelist Aharon Appelfeld, the Israeli novelist, died last week at 85.
Columnists January 12
Martin Luther King Jr. and Mathew Ahmann in a crowd at March on Washington. Image: Rowland Scherman/Wikimedia Commons
Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | A coalition has formed to organize poor people in the United States into what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called "a new and unsettling force" to fight poverty.
Columnists January 12
Protesters marching in Toronto against Islamophobia and Trump's ban on Muslims entering the U.S. Photo: J_P_D/flickr
Monia Mazigh | On January 29, 2018, Canada will commemorate the first anniversary of the shocking murder of six Muslim men in a Quebec City mosque. What has been achieved in the fight against Islamophobia?
News January 12
Photo: Wikimedia
Karl Nerenberg | In 1998, it looked like Jean Chrétien and his Liberals could remain in power forever. With his response to the near loss of the 1995 referendum, however, Chrétien sowed the seeds of his party's demise
Podcast January 11
Image: George Lessard virtually taking a picture of Tim Hortons in Yellowknife
Victoria Fenner | George Lessard and Victoria Fenner talk about how residents of northern Canada survive on minimum wage (spoiler: Tim Hortons pays more than minimum wage in Yellowknife).
Blog January 10
Shopping cart facing the aisle of a grocery store. Photo: Brian Talbot/flickr
David Suzuki | How did "throw-away," "disposable" and "planned obsolescence" become part of product design and marketing? It was deliberate.
News January 10
Ahed Tamimi. Image: Haim Schwarczenberg/Wikimedia Commons.
Jonathan Cook | The 16-year-old Palestinian teenager has incensed right-wing Israeli politicians with her defiant dignity.
Blog January 10
The Calgary skyline in 2016 (Photo: Kevin Cappis, Wikimedia Commons).
David J. Climenhaga | You can probably count on the nattering nabobs of neoliberal negativity at the UCP to come up with a new reason that is clearly the NDP's fault to explain why the sky is falling.
Podcast January 9
Image Copyright: Miranda Bailey and The Film Arcade. Used with permission.
David Peck | Miranda Bailey talks to David Peck talk about her film The Pathological Optimist, and the anti-vaxxer movement's chief advocate Dr. Andrew Wakefield.
Blog January 9
Many retail food sector jobs pay only minimum wage. Image: Dennis Gruending
Dennis Gruending | The business lobby is using alarmist tactics to oppose a minimum wage hike in Ontario.
Blog January 9
Kathleen Wynne (Photo: David Climenhaga)
David J. Climenhaga | Never mind the spin. The actual Bank of Canada note concluded that the benefits of increased minimum wages outweigh any depressant effect they may have on job creation.
Podcast January 9
Image: Modified from an image used with permission of the Vancouver Tenants Union.
Scott Neigh | Vancouver Tenants Union members Kell Gerlings and Neil Vokey talk about justice for tenants in an impossibly difficult city for renters.