13 January 2018

Trump’s racist comments trigger international condemnation

By James Cogan, 13 January 2018

Officials of the Trump administration have been left to make desperate attempts to contain the diplomatic fallout.

Trump’s racist diatribe against “shithole countries” exposes bipartisan conspiracy against immigrants

Activist detained and 18 arrested at Manhattan immigrant rights protest

More on the attack on immigrants »

German conservatives and Social Democrats agree to coalition talks

By Peter Schwarz, 13 January 2018

The 28-page document on the results of the exploratory talks conceals a deeply reactionary right-wing programme behind unctuous rhetoric about an “awakening,” “democracy,” “peace” and “justice.”

German politician proposes “final solution” of the refugee question

Workers must demand new elections in Germany!

German industrial workers continue strikes

By Ulrich Rippert, 13 January 2018

The IG Metall trade union is increasingly concerned by the unrest and radical atmosphere in the plants, but has indicated its readiness to compromise and reach a sell-out deal.

160,000 industrial workers strike in Germany

Greek workers stop work in opposition to Syriza anti-strike and austerity measures

By Robert Stevens, 13 January 2018

Strikes shut down the Athens rail system, ships were unable to sail, and state-run hospitals were forced to rely on reserve staff.

Trump vows to renew all-out economic war on Iran

By Keith Jones, 13 January 2018

Trump insisted he will issue no further waivers of economic sanctions unless the Iran nuclear agreement is rewritten in accordance with his demands.

Working class opposition erupts in Iran: A harbinger for the world in 2018

The working class unrest in Iran: The WSWS replies to an apologist of the Iranian regime

Aluminum giants lock out one thousand ABI workers in Quebec

By Laurent Lafrance, 13 January 2018

A joint venture of Alcoa and Rio Tinto Alcan, ABI has locked out 1,030 workers at its Bécancour smelter after they massively rejected the company’s final offer.

House Democrats supply votes to block limits on NSA spying

By Niles Niemuth, 13 January 2018

The Democratic Party’s support ensures the illegal surveillance program that began under George W. Bush and was expanded by Obama will pass unscathed into the hands of Donald Trump.

The deadly impact of Hurricane María extends to US hospitals
Power outages set off IV bag shortages

By Genevieve Leigh, 13 January 2018

Ongoing power outages in Puerto Rico have set off a severe crisis of IV bag shortages on the US mainland, exacerbated by a sharp increase in flu cases nationwide.

Deadly influenza outbreak spreads throughout US, most severe in California

Puerto Rico, more than 100 days after Hurricane Maria: The class issues

Walmart closes 63 Sam’s Club locations, lays off thousands of employees

By Trévon Austin, 13 January 2018

The closures and mass layoffs expose the media hype surrounding Walmart’s announced raising of wages.

December US jobs report reveals weaker than expected growth

Deadly mudslides in Southern California expose inadequate infrastructure

By Dan Conway, 13 January 2018

Four days after 3-foot-high mudslides raged through the California coastal community of Montecito, rescuers continue to search for survivors.

Fraud of official inquiry into Grenfell fire exposed by forced withdrawal of project management adviser

By Robert Stevens, 13 January 2018

The scandal over KPMG serves once again to dispel any illusions that the official Grenfell inquiry has anything to do with establishing the truth or holding the guilty to account.

UK government refuses to pay for essential safety improvements six months after Grenfell fire

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Members and supporters of 20 groups banned from entering Israel

By Jean Shaoul, 13 January 2018

The move is a violation of free speech and the right of free movement and travel.

Trump gives green light for Israeli repression of Palestinians

Court suspends Christmas pardon as Brazil’s jail population reaches world’s third highest

By Miguel Andrade, 13 January 2018

The last three years alone have seen 100,000 people thrown into the dungeons created by Brazil’s system of social apartheid.

Australian workers, youth speak out against witch-hunt over “African gangs”

By our reporters, 13 January 2018

World Socialist Web Site reporters conducted interviews about the xenophobic “anti-gang” campaign being fuelled by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and his government, in tandem with the Murdoch media.

Australian government promotes racist diversion over so-called “African gangs”

New in Persian

اعتراضات گسترده علیه ریاضت و نابرابری اجتماعی رژیم ایران را لرزاند

کیت جونز, ۳ ژانویه ۲۰۱۸

طی شش روز گذشته، تظاهرات علیه افزایش قیمت مواد غذایی ، بیکاری گسترده، نابرابری اجتماعی درحال گسترش و برنامه وحشیانه ریاضت اقتصادی و سرکوب سیاسی جمهوری اسلامی، ایران را به لرزه در آورده است.

New in Norwegian

Arbeidere må kreve nyvalg i Tyskland!

Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei – Det sosialistiske likestillingspartiet, 13 January 2018

Bak befolkningens rygg jobber styringsklassen for å installere den mest høyreorienterte regjeringen i Tyskland siden sammenbruddet av Hitlers Tredje rike.

New in Spanish

El arresto de la profesora en Louisiana: otro día, otro atropello

Por Jerry White, 13 enero 2018

Se puede percibir un cierto factor “estadounidense” en el trato que recibió Deyshia Hargrave al protestar los aumentos salariales para los oficiales educativos mientras que los profesores y estudiantes son privados de cada vez más recursos.

La diatriba racista de Trump contra los “países agujeros de mierda” expone la conspiración bipartidista contra los inmigrantes

Por Barry Gray, 13 enero 2018

El estallido de Trump fue una vergüenza para los demócratas, quienes durante la semana pasada se han apurado a llegar a un acuerdo con Trump que militarizaría aún más la frontera y ampliaría la represión contra los inmigrantes.

Un político alemán propone la "solución final" para la cuestión de los refugiados

Por Marianne Arens y Martin Kreickenbaum, 13 enero 2018

En una reunión a puertas cerradas del grupo parlamentario de la Unión Social Cristiana, Manfred Weber declaró que en 2018 una cuestión central sería "una solución final al problema de los refugiados".

Trabajadores alemanes de la Ford expresan su solidaridad con sus compañeros de trabajo rumanos

Por Marianne Arens, 13 enero 2018

Los comentarios de los trabajadores alemanes de la Ford dejaron claro que un número creciente de trabajadores automotores entienden la necesidad de unirse a nivel internacional para combatir a las corporaciones globales.

Artistas francesas rechazan la caza de brujas de #MeToo

Por Linda Tenenbaum, 13 enero 2018

Una carta abierta firmada por la actriz Catherine Deneuve y otras mujeres prominentes enfatiza la naturaleza profundamente antidemocrática del movimiento #MeToo y su repudio del debido proceso.

El fabricante de automóviles francés PSA se une a los sindicatos para preparar recortes masivos de empleos

Por Alex Lantier, 13 enero 2018

PSA Peugeot-Citroën está recortando empleos en toda Europa y en Francia, donde está utilizando provisiones de los decretos laborales antidemocráticos del Presidente Emmanuel Macron.

New in French

« La question est urgente ; les voix doivent s’élever ! »
Le documentariste John Pilger publie une déclaration de soutien au webinaire du 16 janvier, « Organiser la résistance à la censure sur Internet »

John Pilger, 13 janvier 2018

Cette déclaration a été envoyée par le journaliste et documentariste primé à l’appui de la discussion en ligne avec Chris Hedges et David North.

La diatribe raciste de Trump contre les « pays merdiques » révèle la conspiration bipartite contre les immigrés

Barry Grey, 13 janvier 2018

Le coup de gueule de Trump a gêné les démocrates, qui avaient cherché à la va-vite au cours de la semaine dernière un accord avec Trump pour militariser davantage la frontière et renforcer la répression contre les immigrés.

L’arrestation d’une enseignante en Louisiane : un autre jour, un autre outrage

Jerry White, 13 janvier 2018

Il y a quelque chose d'« américain » dans le traitement de Deyshia Hargrave, qui a eu la témérité de protester contre les augmentations de salaire pour les responsables de l’éducation alors que les enseignants et les élèves manquent de ressources.

Une enseignante de Louisiane emprisonnée pour avoir pris la parole lors d'une réunion du conseil scolaire

Nancy Hanover, 13 janvier 2018

Deyshia Hargrave a été expulsée d'une réunion, menottée et conduite en prison parce qu'elle s'opposait à une importante augmentation salariale pour le directeur de l'école, alors que les employés n'ont pas reçu d'augmentation depuis une décennie.

New in German

Verhaftung einer protestierenden Lehrerin in Louisiana: Jeden Tag ein neuer Skandal

Jerry White, 13. Januar 2018

Die Behandlung von Deyshia Hargrave, die es wagte, gegen Gehaltserhöhungen für Schulbeamte zu protestieren, während Lehrern und Schülern die Mittel immer weiter gekürzt werden, hat etwas typisch „amerikanisches“ an sich.

CDU, CSU und SPD einigen sich auf Koalitionsverhandlungen

Peter Schwarz, 13. Januar 2018

Das 28-seitige Papier über das Ergebnis der Sondierungsgespräche verbirgt hinter salbungsvoller Rhetorik über „Aufbruch“, „Demokratie“, „Frieden“ und „Gerechtigkeit“ ein zutiefst reaktionäres, rechtes Programm.

Weitere Warnstreiks in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie

Ulrich Rippert, 13. Januar 2018

Die IG Metall ist über die Unruhe und radikale Stimmung in den Betrieben in wachsendem Maße beunruhigt, signalisiert Kompromissbereitschaft und bereitet einen Ausverkauf vor.

Opel-Rüsselsheim: Kurzarbeit für mindestens sechs Monate

Marianne Arens, 13. Januar 2018

Mit der Kurzarbeit wollen Vorstand und Betriebsrat Zeit gewinnen, bis die Arbeitsplatzgarantie Ende 2018 abläuft. Der Umbauplan der Konzernmutter PSA Group sieht massive Angriffe auf die Arbeiter an allen europäischen Standorten vor.

Zweite Wahlveranstaltung der IYSSE an der HU
„Die rechte Gefahr kann nur mit einer sozialistischen Perspektive bekämpft werden“

den International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 13. Januar 2018

„Der Aufstieg der AfD und die Lehren der 1930er Jahre“ – darüber diskutierten am Mittwochabend an der Berliner Humboldt- Universität (HU) mehr als 80 Studierende und Arbeiter bei einer Veranstaltung der IYSSE.

Trumps Hetze gegen „Drecksländer“ entlarvt überparteiliche Verschwörung gegen Einwanderer

Barry Grey, 13. Januar 2018

Trumps Ausbruch gegen Länder wie Haiti und El Salvador ist den Demokraten peinlich, weil sie selbst an einem Deal mit dem Weißen Haus beteiligt sind, um die Grenzen weiter abzuschotten.

Französische Künstlerinnen widersetzen sich #MeToo-Hexenjagd

Linda Tenenbaum, 13. Januar 2018

Ein offener Brief von Catherine Deneuve und anderen prominenten Frauen betont den anti-demokratischen Charakter der #MeToo- Bewegung und ihre Ablehnung der Unschuldsvermutung.

Widerstand gegen Internetzensur

der Redaktion, 13. Januar 2018

Am 16. Januar 2018 diskutieren der Journalist und Pulitzer-Preis-Gewinner Chris Hedges und der Chefredakteur der WSWS David North in einem Video Livestream über Zensur im Internet. Der preisgekrönte Journalist und Dokumentarfilmer John Pilger unterstützt die Diskussion in einer Stellungnahme.

Other Languages


Facebook announces major plan to censor news content

13 January 2018

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the world’s largest social network will deprioritize news content, part of a coordinated effort to block access to information online.

Earlier Perspectives »

WSWS Online Webinar

Sign up to participate in the WSWS’s video livestream: “Organizing resistance to Internet censorship”

On January 16, 2018, the World Socialist Web Site will video livestream a discussion on Internet censorship featuring Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges and WSWS International Editorial Board Chairperson David North.

“The matter is urgent; voices must be raised!”
Documentarian John Pilger issues statement of support for January 16 webinar, “Organizing resistance to Internet censorship”

11 January 2018

This statement was sent by the award-winning journalist and documentarian in support of the online discussion featuring Chris Hedges and David North.

Featured Commentary

The bicentenary of Marx’s birth, socialism and the resurgence of the international class struggle

3 January 2018

The year 2018—the bicentenary of Marx’s birth—will be characterized, above all, by an immense intensification of social tensions and an escalation of class conflict around the world.

Final reflections on the centennial year of the October Revolution

By David North, 30 December 2017


Washington Post columnist goes after Woody Allen’s “lechery”

By David Walsh, 13 January 2018

In peculiarly American fashion, layers of the well-heeled middle class have suddenly discovered piety and morality, at least in public. An absurd and repulsive prudishness has overtaken the media and official circles.

A significant tremor in the bond markets

By Nick Beams, 13 January 2018

While the bond market has calmed since Wednesday’s sell-off, reports in the financial press indicate considerable nervousness over what the dip could signify.

Teacher’s arrest in Louisiana: Another day, another outrage

By Jerry White, 12 January 2018

“This is an outrage! The marshal should be arrested for assault”
Massive outpouring of support for victimized Louisiana teacher

Mass protests against unemployment shake Tunisian regime

By Alex Lantier, 12 January 2018

Freedom for Julian Assange!

By Bill Van Auken, 11 January 2018

France’s Socialist Party attacks Catherine Deneuve for opposing #MeToo witch-hunt

By Alex Lantier, 11 January 2018

French artists rebuff #MeToo witch-hunt

Featured Video

"Capitalism puts a price tag on everything, including lives."

Death and destruction in Puerto Rico

On-the-spot interviews from Caguas, Puerto Rico, where more than 100 days after Hurricane Maria residents lack access to electricity and water, leading to the death of a dialysis patient.

More on Puerto Rico »

Workers Struggles

Indian unions betray Tamil Nadu bus strike

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 13 January 2018

The unions ordered workers back to work without any of their demands being met and despite the fact that they had defied a court order to end the strike for a week.

India: Workers defend WSWS supporters against attack by union leaders

By our correspondents, 13 January 2018

The willingness of workers to defend the WSWS team is a reflection of growing sympathy for a socialist and internationalist perspective and hostility towards the unions.

Sri Lankan nurses strike over fingerprint attendance system; Australian power workers vote for industrial action
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

13 January 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

German Ford workers express solidarity with their Romanian co-workers

By Marianne Arens, 12 January 2018

Romanian Ford workers defiant as company seeks to impose blackmail contract

Romanian Ford workers must make international appeal!

Huntsville, Alabama Toyota-Mazda plant announcement highlights shift in auto production to southeastern US

By Ed Hightower, 12 January 2018

More on autoworkers issues »

US coal mining fatalities nearly doubled in 2017

By Clement Daly, 12 January 2018

Mehring Books

New publication by Mehring Books (UK)
The falsification of David King’s work

12 January 2018

Mehring Books has produced a new pamphlet to memorialise David King, who devoted his extraordinary artistic gifts to salvaging the historical truth of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and its aftermath.

Arts Review

Diego Rivera in the Soviet Union: An exhibition in Mexico City

By Alex González, 12 January 2018

The policies and atmosphere of the second Gilded Age
Metropolitan Museum of Art implements mandatory admission charge for non-New Yorkers

By Fred Mazelis, 11 January 2018

Robert Mann (1920-2018), founder of the Juilliard String Quartet

By Fred Mazelis, 10 January 2018

Book Review

The crisis of dental care under American capitalism

By Esther Galen, 11 January 2018

Teeth: The Story of Beauty, Inequality, and the Struggle for Oral Health in America, exposes the reality of poor dental health and lack of dental care endured by the working class and poor in the US.

The tragic and needless death of Deamonte Driver, a victim of dental disease

By Esther Galen, 11 January 2018

New in Arabic

WSWS publishes Arabic translation of “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.”

We are publishing here, in one part, the Arabic translation of the two-part article series, “100 years since the Balfour Declaration.” This was first published on the World Socialist Web Site on November 7/8, 2017.

Socialist Equality Party

Local government election in Sri Lanka: Support SEP campaign against austerity and war! Fight for a workers’ and peasants’ government!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 9 January 2018

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
December 25-31: Soviet government nationalizes the banks

27 December 2017

The year 1917 closes with the Russian Revolution in a precarious situation. The new Soviet government is menaced on all sides by hostile armies. Meanwhile, the imperialist war rages on, and the October insurrection catalyzes revolutionary struggles around the world.

Russian television’s Trotsky serial: A degraded spectacle of historical falsification and anti-Semitism

By Fred Williams and David North, 25 November 2017

The eight-part serial is an exhibition of the political, intellectual and cultural depravity of all those involved in its production.

The Place of the October Revolution in World History and Contemporary Politics

By David North, 13 November 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon begins operations in Australia

By Patrick Kelly, 28 December 2017

Amazon worker dies after vomiting blood at Sacramento, California fulfillment center

By Kristina Betinis, 23 December 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Google Censorship

Net neutrality and the drive to censor the internet

By Andre Damon, 25 November 2017

The conspiracy to censor the Internet

By Andre Damon and Joseph Kishore, 18 October 2017

The elites “have no credibility left:” An interview with journalist Chris Hedges

An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!

25 August 2017

Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.

Watch: Stop online censorship!

More on Google Censorship »