
SMH Editorials

PM gets a negative grade on negative gearing

SMH editorial dinkus

In the lead-up to the July 2016 federal election, Malcolm Turnbull suggested that Labor's proposals on rolling back some of the tax breaks available to property investors were like a "big sledgehammer" aimed at the value of the family home. It is clear now that the utensil the Prime Minister was using when he framed those comments was a "big egg-beater".

A day of chaos on the trains

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​Public transport is the lifeblood of any large city, and Sydney is no exception. The health of our train, bus and ferry system is one of our city's vital signs. So it is worrying that, over the past month, some serious glitches have disrupted the circulation of the city's trains.

Fast track to a rort

SMH editorial dinkus

By now, voters have become accustomed to privatisation and public-private partnerships.

Still the Lucky Country, despite the stumbles

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When Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States in January 2017, he set the tone for what has emerged as a chaotic year for global politics, upending accepted norms on discourse and diplomacy.

Boxing Day a test of stamina and skill

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Once upon a time, nothing vied for our sporting attention against the powerful one-two punch of the Boxing Day Test and the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race. But it doesn't begin and end there, at least not any more.

The difference Christmas makes

SMH editorial dinkus

Are we there yet? The eternal cry from the back seat could apply just as well to the rush before Christmas as it does to the long, hot drive to the holidays that follow. The answer – reliable only in never being very reassuring – is usually the same too: not long now.

Bennelong gives Turnbull another chance

SMH editorial dinkus

Nothing was going to overshadow the result in the Bennelong byelection for Malcolm Turnbull – not the swing against the government, not his re-elected member's questionable attempt at humour, nothing.

We cannot stand by as genocide takes place on our doorstep

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The extreme cruelty by Myanmar's armed forces, local militia and even Buddhist monks is almost beyond comprehension, but believe it we must. The deliberate killing of a specific ethnic group has gone far beyond a mere humanitarian crisis.

Faceless man in hopeless strife

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If Sam Dastyari had dealt with his role in the promulgation of Chinese influence openly and contritely, he might have survived.

Law must adapt to deal with sexual harassment claims

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In the two months since The New York Times published its groundbreaking expose of Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, dozens of high-profile men across the world have been outed as alleged sexual predators.

Government moves to curb modern slavery

SMH editorial dinkus

Slavery is the world's second-biggest illicit market. In the past, slaves were shackled in metal chains. Today, they are exploited in supply chains.