Support Independent Journalism on Latin America, Subscribe to Upside Down World!


Upside Down World relaunched in September after a short hiatus to reclaim our position as a leading outlet for the latest news on developments in Latin America and analysis to help make sense of it.

Support independent journalism by becoming a subscriber on Patreon.

With a view, as the Mayan-based Zapatista movement in southern Mexico says, “from below and to the left,” we are a grassroots collective of writers, photojournalists, activists, translators, and editors who, through empowering and educational investigations and reporting, encourage the exchange of experiences between north and south and aim to flip the world upside down … or right side up.

Since launching in 2003, Upside Down World has received no funding or support from any government, corporation, or major foundation; our reporting is free of state or corporate influence, allowing us to share analyses and follow stories without constraint. So we depend on you, our readership, to sustain and expand this grassroots media outlet. Your monthly subscription will help provide fair compensation for everyone’s work at Upside Down World – the only way to guarantee quality on-the-ground reporting, analyses, and translations.

Check out the articles we have published since our relaunch. If you would like to continue to see reporting like this published, please subscribe today!