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As an Army(VCorps) 🇺🇸 I stand to defend the against all enemies; Foreign or DOMESTIC. The : Use it or Lose it!
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occupycorruptDC 22h
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occupycorruptDC 33m
Replying to @HillaryClinton
control with: -The War on -Government schools -Aid to Families with Dependent Children - -Affirmative action -Minimum wage - Empower the People by allowing them to prosper independently from excessive Gov't regulations and taxes.
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occupycorruptDC 49m
have no , their God are the chains of BIG enslaving the masses to government controlled plantations as they have done to Americans. WE MUST EMPOWER THE PEOPLE THROUGH PROSPERITY.
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Robyn Harms 21h
I thank God every day that corrupt is not our president!
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occupycorruptDC 1h
Replying to @HillaryClinton
champions rights: Even dead will have the Right to cast their !
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James Woods 8h
Shouldn’t you be packing for Argentina?
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James Woods 8h
I’ve never read it. Wikipedia is a collection of opinions and not a lot of fact. Much like, say, the New York Times.
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Joy Villa Oct 27
Thank you so much Mr. President, you have inspired ME to be great! You are my ultimate warrior role's our time to keep winning!🇺🇸
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PinkAboutIt 🇺🇸 23h
CNN is more upset that a President who doesn't take a salary is taking a Christmas break at MAR-A-LAGO, then they are about obamas Hezbollah bombshell 🤔🤔🤔🤔 Selective outrage, always.
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Mark R. Levin 16h
Sessions orders review of Obama's Hezbollah support
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Matt Couch 🎄 12h
Joy Villa starts her attack on Team MAGA... The First Victim Corey Lewandowski... Many of us tried to warn everyone what she would do. We told you about her saying she was a Christian and a Scientologist.. It’s has begun..
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Vice President Mike Pence Dec 21
When coined that phrase “the forgotten men and women of America,” he tapped into a frustration the American people were feeling that they knew our nation could be better. As we see America grow stronger and grow more prosperous, we're going to grow more united.
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Educating Liberals 17h
Who would you rather have as the first female President?
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Russell Sperry 28 Oct 16
Comey/Clinton music video. Whoever made this did a great job.
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occupycorruptDC 16h
: ISIS connectet Abdallah adu Everitt ibn Gordon planned attack for San Francisco an illegal , SF's Pier 39.
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Donald J. Trump Dec 21
The Massive Tax Cuts, which the Fake News Media is desperate to write badly about so as to please their Democrat bosses, will soon be kicking in and will speak for themselves. Companies are already making big payments to workers. Dems want to raise taxes, hate these big Cuts!
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Donald J. Trump Dec 21
House Democrats want a SHUTDOWN for the holidays in order to distract from the very popular, just passed, Tax Cuts. House Republicans, don’t let this happen. Pass the C.R. TODAY and keep our Government OPEN!
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Donald J. Trump Dec 22
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Donald J. Trump Dec 22
At some point, and for the good of the country, I predict we will start working with the Democrats in a Bipartisan fashion. Infrastructure would be a perfect place to start. After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!
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Donald J. Trump Dec 22
“The President has accomplished some absolutely historic things during this past year.” Thank you Charlie Kirk of Turning Points USA. Sadly, the Fake Mainstream Media will NEVER talk about our accomplishments in their end of year reviews. We are compiling a long & beautiful list.
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