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۲ ساعت dolce
💥👉👵🏻🙄💩Feinstein Admits She Was Mentally🙄 Unstable When Releasing Fusion GPS Transcript‼️Feinstein confirming that she has mental problems just like all Dems so step down and give us our money back‼️
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۵ ساعت TrumpGirl4Life
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۶ ساعت Jali_Cat
Seriously ?? You used FISA to try and rig an election! Now you are PROMOTING the invasion on the American people?! Every single solitary Obama administration employee should be in prison!
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۷ ساعت Chicago1Ray 🇺🇸
reporting people have died as a result of this being asked by members of Congress to open an investigation into this being used to & 📡 Obtaining warrants so as to overturn a duly elected President
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۱۰ ساعت JC♡
INDIVIOR inadvertently exposes its master plan to lobby drug courts jails prisons parole probation FORCED COMPLIANCE to take highly addictive synthetic morphine SUBOXONE
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۱۰ ساعت Babushka女士
Was spying on Trump even approved? We must begin to question that basic assumption that a FISA warrant was ever given to the DOJ because NO-ONE can prove a FISA warrant exists or was even requested.
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۱۱ ساعت 🌹TrumpArmyDawn🌹
So the WAS used to get the FISA Warrant. The Court WAS defrauded by the & . Did pay for part of the ???? Wait until ALL the facts on come out!! TREASON by
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۲۰ ساعت whythetruth
@Liz_Wheeler @realDonaldTrump @true در حال پاسخ به
DACA was an illegal exec order by Obama who ignored Rule of Law. Trump should ignore court decision on DACA since Obama order was illegal
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۲۳ ساعت StuffUNeedToKnow
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۲۰ دی Chicago1Ray 🇺🇸
🚨🚨 FOX NEWS ALERT 🚨🚨 demands probe author of Christopher Steele who's up to his eyeballs in the thick of this probe is now the focus of this probe The walls of Justice are Closing
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۲۰ دی Deborah 👠
Ethics Panel clears on sharing classified info & will be continuing investigation Nunes will be helping clear Trump. So happy this will make sure the watchdog has So@eddy watching them! Nunes has said in past there is
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۲۰ دی TrumpsBlonde™ Angie🌪
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۲۰ دی Diane
@true در حال پاسخ به
Steele, a former MI-6 operative cared more about our nationional security than the republicans in congress. Then when presented with evidence they proceeded to coveer it up, perpetuate Trump and tear our & to shreds. Let that sink in.
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جستجوهاى مرتبط

#maga · #trumptrain · #clintonfoundation · clinton fire · las vegas shooting
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۱۸ دی 🖕🏻Aunt Crabby 🖕🏻
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👍 "The has to be confronted at some point with the reality that is not going to tolerate being kept in the dark & being lied to"
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۱۷ دی Patriot Gary
“When the people fear the government, there is TYRANNY; when the government fears the people, there is LIBERTY.” ~Thomas Jefferson Precisely our problem, afraid of . Time to restore power to the People!
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۱۶ دی Kevin W.
Judicial Watch is battling the Justice Department over efforts to get all Clinton's Emails & Hold Her Accountable for the Damage She Caused to Our National Security. The for some reason is defending her. It is worse then you know.
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۱۵ دی Jim Hanson
. & I discussed that latest disgraceful revelations about in the Lo & behold, a day later announces they are reopening the investigation Time for & to be cellmates
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۱۵ دی Voodoomama❄
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