NBN prices 'high enough': Telstra CEO 

Andy Penn, Telstra's CEO: "I think broadband is already priced at a level that is high enough, put it that way."

Telstra CEO Andy Penn has warned that the higher wholesale broadband prices built into the NBN Co corporate plan could hurt Australia's international competitiveness.

The political mood has changed when it comes to energy given growing community concerns over the relationship between ...

Business to fight big energy slug

Manufacturers have seen little relief from sharp hikes in electricity and gas prices, with some facing a potential tripling in electricity charges this year.

The headline result was heavily impacted by one-off costs of $405 million associated with the axing of the company's ...

China rejects Murray Goulburn milk, formula

Chinese authorities knocked back several Murray Goulburn dairy imports last year due to processing errors in the lead-up to last year's takeover bid by Saputo but sources say the two are not linked

Snowy's SA diesel plans go awry

Snowy Hydro has criticised a regulatory decision that blocks its plan to shift diesel generating units into SA to provide a more secure power supply.

Harvey Norman delivered a record first-half profit but chairman Gerry Harvey remains under pressure to provide more ...

Harvey cheers bullish retail sales

Retail sales surged in November led by gains in household goods making for a better runway into Christmas trade than previously anticipated.

This week's spike in 10-year US treasury yields appeared to take markets by surprise.

Investors uneasy after bond spike

This week's spike in 10-year US treasury yields took markets by surprise and left some investors wondering if the move is a foretaste of a volatile year ahead.

'Bond bull market of the last 36yrs is over'

The current "ice age" began in 1981 when the US Federal Reserve delivered a crushing monetary shock and defeated the Great Inflation. But if the chartists are right - the downtrend line has finally broken.


Tony Boyd

Telstra looks like winner in Las Vegas

The first thing that strikes Telstra CEO Andy Penn each year when he attends the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is the extraordinary amount of innovation that has occurred in the space of 12 months.

Personal Finance

Wage growth in Australia remains at low levels.

A slow road to wages growth

The holy grail of wage rises and stronger employment growth requires faster labour productivity than we have at the moment.

The #MeToo movement has done its job

The chattering class knows that whatever lines are drawn could wreck our lives. And yet, if they aren't applied, people like us will also suffer.