
After the Death of Stalin: The First Revolt- The Plovdiv Tobacco Workers’ Strike, May 1953

Plovdiv tobacco strike

A short history of the first revolt of East European workers after the death of Stalin, the Plovdiv Tobacco Wokers Strike of May 1953.

A Historical Background to The Bulgarian Anarchist Movement

A short summary of the history of the Bulgarian anarchist movement

Simov, Tinko (1887-1935)

Tinko Simov

A short biography of the Bulgarian anarchist guerilla Tinko Simov

Basevich, Aida Issakhorovna (1905-1995)

Aida Basevich

A short biography of the Russian anarchist Aida Basevich

The 1917 Camp Logan mutiny, Houston Texas

Court martial

Black soldiers stationed to guard the construction of Camp Logan in Texas mutinied over racist treatment from local law enforcement and civilians.

The advance skirmishes of the German Revolution (1917-1918) and Richard Müller – Charles-André Udry

A brief introduction to Richard Müller, the leader of the revolutionary shop stewards (Revolutionäre Obleute) among the German metal workers during World War One, and his role in the mass strikes in the German munitions industry in 1917 and 1918, with excerpts from his book, Eine Geschichte der Novemberrevolution (A History of the November Revolution) (1924), and an official police intelligence report on the strike wave of January-February 1917 taken from the archives of the Berlin police department.

Berenguer, Sara (1919-2010)

Sara Berenguer

A short biography of Sara Berenguer, Spanish anarchist

Sustaining the anarchist movement in a foreign country does not work

We wrote this text as a response to „The Kurdish people should get involved in and support campaigns on Local and National issues“ from Zaher Baher. We hope the experience of the migrants from our movement will prove useful for our comrades from other countries.

Siuda, Pyotr Petrovich (1937-1990)

Piotr Siuda

A short account of the life of Piotr Siuda, Novocherkassk striker and later anarcho-syndicalist.

Masera, Pedro (1877- 1938)

A short biography of the Spanish anarchist miner Pedro Masera, murdered by the Francoists in 1938