Chris Peel
Wave of the Day: The morning commute

Watch: Filipe Toledo - The Island

Ben Matson

"Enjoy the power surf and good music".

Seas of red surround Australia

Craig Brokensha

Another record year of warmth and some amazing sea surface temperature readings off the East Coast last weekend.

Finn McGill and Vahine Fierro Take Out The 2017 Jeep World Junior Championship in Kiama

Despite suffering an ankle injury and some incoming flight errors prior to the start of the Jeep World Junior Championship, Finn McGill managed to rise above to claim the coveted 2017 title.

Irukandji jellyfish discovery off Fraser Island

Here's hoping we don't experience a state-wide outbreak of full body lycra suits, as recommended by the authorities.

Byron Bay Falls Festival - gallery

Craig Brokensha

A photo journal documenting the road-trip north to and inside the Byron Bay Falls Festival.

Jack Dekort
Wave of the Day: Another one from the archives to keep Sunny Coasters sane

Watch: Owen Milne 2018 Cinematography Showreel

Ben Matson

While away the flat spell blues with some beautiful cinematography from Owen Milne. 

Wave of the Day: Mid-season magic hour in Hawaii

It's so cold in the USA people are ice-skating at the beach

The cold snap blanketing the United States and Canada has given people the opportunity to ice-skate the waves.

Developing superbomb in the Indian Ocean

Craig Brokensha

A rare weather bomb will develop in the Indian Ocean, generating swell across multiple ocean basins.

Jake Wundersitz
Wave of the Day: Green and gold on South Australia's Mid Coast