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Joey found 'hanging by noose' inside Perth heritage-listed house

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A grandmother has described the moment she found a dead joey hanging from the ceiling and the word "Satan" graffitied on the wall of a well-known, heritage-listed home in Perth's north.

Duffy House is known as "the oldest surviving building" in the City of Joondalup, and Karen* says she took her grandson to the historical site to show him a piece of WA's history on Thursday.

But what she found horrified her.

"Just inside a room to the right of the door I could see dead kangaroo, quite badly decomposed," she said.

"But what was worse was the young joey hanging from a noose around it's neck from the ceiling.

"The graffiti in that room included the word 'Satan'. 


"We never went any further in, it was really frightening."

Karen said she made reports to her local council, rangers and the WA Police following her discovery, and local wildlife authorities arrived to cut down the joey and remove both of the animals from the house.

WA Police attended and said while the scene was disturbing, there was no evidence of criminality. 

It's understood the joey had been interfered with following its death, and WA Police stepped up their presence at the house following Karen's report.

Following her experience, Karen posted about what happened to social media as a warning to other visitors, but locals were quick to say Karen's experience wasn't new to them.

Resident and local photographer Jasmin Atkins said she and her brother stumbled across Duffy House while bike-riding, and reported a similar experience.

"I do think it's not very safe inside," she said.

"I think last time I was there, there was lots of homemade bongs and other rubbish and sharp objects inside that had just been dumped."

Residents have backed up both Jasmin and Karen, reporting rumours of drug-use, antisocial behaviour and even a supposed "cult". 

While locals disagree on the truth of these rumours, they agree there is no question about the state of the Federation home. 

Duffy House is a shadow of itself. 

Duffy House

The Duffy family is remembered as one of the original European families to settle in the Wanneroo area, and had lived on the 25-acre property for nearly 50 years when they first built Jack Duffy House in 1911.

In notes from the City of Joondalup's original heritage case from 2009, the story of the house is explained:

"The place was erected by local builder, George Dawson, and took two years to complete. Its four rooms comprised three bedrooms and a kitchen.

"Jack recalled that the property was 'one of the most modern homes in the district... the house stood on 10 hectares of rich land with a swamp in the front garden and natural bush all around'.

"He said: Dr Haines, who lived in East Wanneroo, told Dad it would be healthier not to put a ceiling in the house. So he didn't. We certainly had plenty of fresh air through the place. Visitors sometimes said it was a bit cold in winter, but I never felt cold there in 80 odd years and there isn't anywhere cooler in summer.

"All the walls and floorboards are original and still in good condition. Under the lino the jarrah floorboards are all clean and strong. We held dances on those floorboards, when we had birthdays or surprise parties. We'd roll everything up out of the way and have a good dance."

The homestead operated as a dairy farm for some time before finishing production in 1976. 

Jack Duffy lived in the home all his life, until his death in 2009 aged 95.

In the same year, it was recommended Duffy House be given protection through its inclusion within the heritage provisions of the City of Joondalup's Town Planning Scheme as a place with significant cultural heritage value.

While it didn't make it onto the State Heritage List, Duffy House is still protected by the local council.

But what does this protection mean?

Duffy House.

Duffy House. Instagram: jazzy_atki

To love it or leave it

A heritage listing by a WA council does not offer long-term conservation and maintenance guarantees, unlike a listing on the State Heritage Register.

According to the Heritage Council of WA, a heritage title mainly acts as a barrier to possible development.

"Weight is given to the heritage significance of these places when planning applications are submitted," they said.

"Local Planning Scheme Heritage lists typically comprise all, or a subset of, the Local Government Inventory."

The City of Joondalup has pushed for state heritage listing of the building for years, as it would offer Duffy House more protection and the chance to be maintained.

But ever since the WAPC purchased the land nearly four years ago, there have been disagreements.

"In 2014 the Western Australian Planning Commission purchased the land that contains Jack Duffy House on Duffy Terrace, Woodvale for inclusion in the Yellagonga Regional Park," a WAPC spokeswoman said.

"The WAPC consulted extensively with the City of Joondalup on the future use of the house but agreement on its future management could not be reached."

So who has the responsibility to maintain such an important part of WA's history?

Despite owning the land, not them, the WAPC said.

According to the City of Joondalup council minutes from just last month:

"The WAPC is now seeking to demolish the building and has sought the City's feedback on the proposal. The City has advised it does not support the demolition of Duffy House. The WAPC has asked the City to reconsider its position.

"The City intends to respond again to the WAPC to advise it does not support demolition of the building however it is uncertain whether the WAPC will proceed to demolition despite the City's recommendation not to."

Member for Kingsley Jessica Stojkovski said it was now a race against time to stop the important piece of WA's history from being flattened. 

"Jack Duffy House is one of the oldest houses in the locality and represents an important aspect of our local history. However, it has become derelict and is now the site of antisocial behaviour," she said.

"Maintaining our connection to our heritage is important and adaptive reuse has been shown to be the most successful way of achieving this.

"I have spoken to a number of residents about their concerns with the antisocial behaviour at Duffy House and agree that something needs to be done which is why I am working with the relevant Ministers - Heritage, Environment and Planning - and the City of Joondalup to formulate a workable solution."

The City of Joondalup has recently re-nominated the place to the Heritage Council for consideration in the State Heritage Register.

However, the State Heritage Office is yet to accept their application.

Duffy House.

Duffy House. Photo: City of Joondalup

What now?

Duffy House, which once stood as a proud monument to the Duffy family's history of farming and relationship with the Wanneroo community, has certainly lost its charm.

Its gorgeous jarrah floorboards, beautiful garden, and high limestone walls are now covered in graffiti, cracked and broken.

Residents have blamed students at a local high school for the vandalism scrawled on the building's limestone walls, with a number of locals reporting seeing teenagers come and go from the property at different times of the day.

The latest incident has prompted locals to question what to do about the WA landmark. 

"Sadly I have watched this house become more and more derelict and I cannot believe that it has been allowed to fall into such disrepair," one local said in response to Karen's post.

"As a lover of local history I would hate to see this house demolished. My hope is to have it restored and the history showcased like Cockman House."

"I'd hate to see it demolished," another said.

"It's a valuable piece of local history and together with the houses in Perry's Paddock and the Cockman House - it lets you half close your eyes and see Yellagonga as it was, and imagine what it must have been like from both European and first nation eyes."

But of course, there are those locals who would rather see the unsavory behaviour drawn by the privacy of the house stopped.

"The sooner the better. What's the use of heritage listing if nobody is looking after it and it's just a target for vandalism?" one woman said.

Another agreed.

"The reality is that now it is going to be remembered as 'that house' and that's really sad. I don't know how they would ever be able the change that stigma. Those little rotters have destroyed the history."

Following Karen's experience, WAPC officials confirmed they had visited the house and removed the two dead kangaroos from inside.

When asked if the WAPC would take further steps to protect the house from disrepair and intruders a spokesperson said:

"The site is enclosed by a locked fence and the house is not open to the public."

*Karen did not wish to have her last name published.