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You're probably throwing away precious money on 'empty' beauty products

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You know what it's like when you're getting ready for a big event/job interview/barre class and your favourite make-up or skin care product chooses that inconvenient moment to expire on you?

Cue feet stomping and all-out freak out.

But the truth is, your beauty products have been keeping a terrible secret from you: they're not really empty, they're just pretending.

The issue of cheeky beauty products has reared its cotton bud head again this week after a Reddit user in the US broke open her "empty" brow pencil to find a chunk of product hiding inside.

More than 50 users commented on the post, sharing their experiences with products crying "empty".

Last week, I was about to leave for overseas when I had a similar issue with a face serum. As I pumped, tiny little droplets emerged, which led me to crack open the bottle. 


To my surprise, the entire product was contained in what I can only describe as a miniature IV bag, with the whole outside bottle there for cosmetic purposes only.

I managed to shimmy the product that had pooled at the bottom within "sucking" distance of the inner tube and, voila!, I had a few extra days' product for my face. Crisis averted.

In light of #browpencilgate, we asked some local make-up gurus for their hacks for making their products last past empty.

Gemma Watts, beauty blogger

"If you drop a pan of pressed powder and it smashes, add a few drops of rubbing alcohol into the pan and press it back together with your finger.

"Then there's the old 'cotton bud to get the dregs out of the lippie' trick.

"You can also buy a 'squeezer' for less than $10 to roll any extra product out of a tube.

Jade Kisnorbo, make-up artist

"Where a pump is faulty or feels empty, the best way to empty is is with cotton buds or a spatula into a make-up tester container that can be bought at most pharmacies.

"You can also add a small amount of moisturiser to small amounts of foundation and use as a tinted moisturiser.

"Difficult lipstick [packaging] are the most wasted products, because once the lippy is flat we though it out but there is still a fair amount of product deep in the cylinder. The best thing to do is depot them into a small tester jar or use a lip brush to dig out the excess.

Originally published on smh.com.au as 'You're probably throwing away precious money on 'empty' beauty products'.

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