Federal Politics

Treasurer Scott Morrison has hardened his push for a cut in the business tax rate.

Dangers in Scott Morrison's corporate tax argument

Scott Morrison's warning that as Australians loaf about on their summer holidays, companies headquartered overseas would be fixing to scarper because of our uncompetitive company taxes, was either political hyperbole, or a clear and present danger to prosperity.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ends the year on a high.

Christmas cheer for Morrison but voters remain a new year challenge

A stroll through the national accounts as the calendar year ends reveals a country steadily putting its finances back into shape after a decade of global upheaval, and the massive stimulatory spending used to tame it. And it shows an unpopular Coalition government unaccustomed to seeing much luck, suddenly standing knee-deep in the stuff.

Staff at the Sydney store of Apple, one of many multinationals criticised for paying too little tax in Australia.

Halting the tax havens

Many Australian business already doing the right thing will welcome greater transparency.