Why are the RCMP so afraid of enviro activists?

The real threat to oil and gas industry is not the so-called “anti-petroleum movement,” but growing public support for Indigenous land defence across the country




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Condemning my kids to the greenhouse gas ovens is wrong? Arrest all of these fear mongers.

It's 34 years and no climate action!
Nobody is listening!

So stop telling children it could be "too late" to SAVE THE PLANET!

mememine69 167 days ago

Red Herring

If you appear on Sun News with noisebox Levant, that pretty much sums you up...Canadian Tea Party. http://www.mediacoop.ca/story/ezra-levant-greg-renouf-fake-journalists-exploit-l/21912

T. Dunlop 167 days ago


What total Garbage, The writer Sakura Saunders is a well known foreign, paid provocateur in the employ of NGO's financed by foreign oil interests. She was a founding member of the Occupy Hoax and has been deported from Canada. There is no truth to this article at all.

Lawrence McCurry 167 days ago

actually, you comment is not factual

Lawrence, nothing that you say is true, except for the fact that I'm a U.S. citizen (married to a Canadian). I was not deported from Canada, I did not found occupy canada (I didn't even start camping there till week 3), and I do not work for any NGO, and haven't since 2010, when I worked for the Prometheus radio project. if you are going to criticize me, please do so on the content of my ideas or my actions, not these weird conspiracy theories spread by Greg Renouf and frank.

Sakura Saunders 167 days ago

actually, you comment is not factual

Lawrence, nothing that you say is true, except for the fact that I'm a U.S. citizen (married to a Canadian). I was not deported from Canada, I did not found occupy canada (I didn't even start camping there till week 3), and I do not work for any NGO, and haven't since 2010, when I worked for the Prometheus radio project. if you are going to criticize me, please do so on the content of my ideas or my actions, not these weird conspiracy theories spread by Greg Renouf and frank.

Sakura Saunders 167 days ago

RCMP doesn't believe in simple chemistry

If you don't like this author you can get the same news from many different outlets. The RCMP report looks like it was written by oil industry insiders (talk about well-funded proagandists) and quotes industry claims as fact, while hedging skeptical on things like simple chemistry:

"...greenhouse gas emissions which, reportedly, are directly linked to the continued use of fossil fuels"

here are some other stories about the RCMP report if you don't like this author's writing style:




jake 162 days ago

who are you

Your posting is typical of those made by shills for business interests. Who are you, McCurry?

John Willow 158 days ago

Anti-police propaganda by a deported American...

This would be a nice article, with the exception of one fact- it's complete propaganda, wrong on so many levels. How? Check out this link...


Greg Renouf 167 days ago

Genuine Garbage

Ya like Renouf's smear blog is some kind of credible source... lol

Gwawina 165 days ago

your bizarre conspiracies rely on false premises

Greg, your conspiracy theories about me rely on false premises (I did not have any part in planning the Aamjiwnaang Blockade, I did not get deported from Canada, I am not a member of Common Front etc.) and ridiculous blown out claims. I comment on your blog to set the record state, and you just erase my comments and continue to blast out this incorrect information and misleading innuendo. You are a part of the propaganda campaign to paint environmentalists and terrorists (clearly), like when you appeared on Ezra Levant's show to say that my friends are the type of people to orchestrate a Lac Megantic disaster while "not ruling out" eco-terrorism as a cause of that tragedy. What you do is dangerous and hate-mongering, and your speculations into my marriage and personal life are just creepy, and equally ill-informed.... but in a sense, your blog proves my point about the propaganda war going on, willfully ignoring us even when we bother to correct your factual errors and focusing on individual (and likely overblown or made-up) character flaws, rather than the issues at hand. Leave me alone and get a life! If you want to debate, meet me on the ideas (i.e. do people have the right to protect their land from reckless development? Do Native people have a right to say no to development on their lands? Are current (gutted) regulations and approval processes for development sufficient at assessing and mitigating against environmental risks, or are they simply a rubber-stamp? Is fossil fuel development causing climate change, and if so, what is our responsibility in reducing fossil fuel use and production? How can we create a just transition away from fossil fuels? etc.)

Sakura Saunders 164 days ago

If you truly cared about a switch away from fossil fuels

..you'd support nuclear power. but none of you environmentalists will do so, since nuclear power (and fusion power) are big, bad, boogeymen that need to be destroyed in favor of the all encompassing 'miracle' of wind and solar (which don't even work that much in places like Canada, and are intermittent.) So, you reap what you sow when projects like Keystone are set up (and no, I DON'T support what the RCMP's doing.) Might want to think about supporting nuclear power (especially the kind of reactors that use thorium in place of plutonium, which is what the Chinese are building right now.) Of course, I know that this will fall on deaf ears.

Neville Arthur Ross 162 days ago

solar and wind are not follies

Berlin is at a higher latitude than Saskatoon and yet Germany is headed for MINIMUM 80% solar power by 2050 (wikipedia) so I don't see why we need to sacrifice our safety (Chernobyl and Fukushima) to get electricity. Solar prices are dropping, and when we have a spill in the solar industry, we just call it a "nice day".

As for Wind power, Canada already gets 3% of its energy from wind, and the CWEA says we can get 20% by 2025. There is no need to tear up the treaties, pollute the water and destroy the climate. If you love nuclear power so much, I hear land in Northeast Japan is very affordable for the next few hundred years.

jake 162 days ago

Sorry Jake

But I want good power, and not just power that's cool to neo-Luddites. Your scaremongering won't work with me.

As for nukes not working, ask the people of France about this, and see what they say. That nation's not had a meltdown at any of its nuclear plants, has the lowest emissions in the EU, and is close to meeting its Kyoto targets. I know that's hard for people like you to accept that nuclear power can work, but when held to strict safety protocols, a regular sameness in part replacement, and other safety requirements, nuclear power CAN work, and work well.

Learn how to get out of your comfort zone, and you'll learn a lot more about the world other than just what you believe.

Neville Arthur Ross 153 days ago

Nuclear power

Have you checked Fukushima or Chernobyl lately. They are still pretty radioactive. Fusion reactors might have the potential to move us forward and get us off of fossil. We don't have much data since they are still being developed.

Brad 146 days ago

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