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(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #279 - january: Content + Edito (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]

Date Wed, 10 Jan 2018 08:41:27 +0200

Training Course SUD-Education 93 ; State racism ; Lycée pro ; Learning ; migrants ; German coal ; Maxime Bergonso ; File: Marx not dead ; Alain Bihr ; Marxian criticism ; Capitalist logic ; Keynes ; Councilism ; Proudhon and Bakunin ; Daniel Guérin ; Thau Basin ; Accidents in the building ; Firemen and firemen of the Gard ; Slavery in Libya ; Macron in Africa ; Hamas-Fatah reconciliation ; Raqqa ; Tunisia ---- Editorial: Collabos ? ---- Fights: Trade unionism ---- Training course SUD-Education 93: Lynchage for an internship ---- Decryption: Is there a state racism ? ---- Social ---- Public education: High school pro, the " poor parent " of the National Education ---- Training: The hidden side of all learning ---- Migrants: The mountain, you win ! ---- Ecology ---- Germany: Forest against coal ---- Maxime Bergonso (Confédération paysanne): " Some standards are in favor of peasant agriculture "

Dossier: The Marxian Dimension of Anarchism

Alain Bihr (sociologist): " Even insufficient, Marx remains necessary ! "
Political economy: The usefulness of Marxian criticism for libertarians
Basics: Capitalist logic in eight basic notions
the value
the work force
domestic work
the capital gain
the trend decline in the rate of profit
Marx or Keynes ? The development of capitalism is no longer epoch
On the borders of Marxism and anarchism, councilism
Proudhon, the instigator denied
Bakunin, the critic heard
Daniel Guérin, returned from " libertarian marxism "
The " other communism " remains relevant

Thau Basin: Sète populaire against billionaires Yachts
Construction: You can try to break us, we will not be silent
Sapeuses and firefighters Gard: There are under the helmet !

Libya: Slavery: European and French responsibilities
Macron in Africa: beautiful speeches and pretense
Hamas-Fatah reconciliation in Palestine: wishful thinking or reality ?
Syria: How to rebuild after Raqqa ?

Forty years ago: Red Thursday in Tunisia


Edito: Collabos ?

On 19 December, Aliot, Vice President of the NF, pointed out that Macron's immigration policy was a step in the right direction. At the same time, Le Pen described as " political victory for the FN " the government project to identify foreigners and foreigners in " illegal " situation in emergency shelters. Tell me who congratulates you and I will tell you who you are.

The policy pursued towards migrant women and men is turning a blind eye. The undocumented will be enumerated and fucked on the street. At the same time the police destroy tents, shelter, food and intensify evictions with violence. The sinister Gerard Collomb uses a pathological vocabulary (" abscess ", " cyst ") to evoke the situation of migrants. The " social liberalism " pink-brown has a future ahead of him.

Is there an economic interest in this ? So little. First, there is a desire to display: to capitalize on the far-right electorate whose importance is not a fantasy. And then there is a conviction: these are convinced of their good rights and the inhumanity of migrants. These are no longer just collabos, they are the new face of the extreme right: sober and well combed, which gives his ministries to the Nazis in Austria or tracking migrants in France. The same breed.

Alternative Libertaire, January 6, 2018

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