8 January 2018
French chemical industry unions back contract violating minimum wage laws
By Alex Lantier, 8 January 2018
Backed by the European Union, President Emmanuel Macron is using his labor decrees to try to scrap basic social rights won by the working class.
Macron turns France’s labor decrees on auto workers
Iran: Anti-government protests abate in face of mass repression
By Jordan Shilton and Keith Jones, 8 January 2018
None of the grievances fueling the working class protests that swept across Iran in recent days have been addressed, let alone resolved.
The working class unrest in Iran: The WSWS replies to an apologist of the Iranian regime
Working class opposition erupts in Iran: A harbinger for the world in 2018
Mass protests against austerity and social inequality shake Iranian regime
Puerto Rico, more than 100 days after Hurricane Maria: The class issues
By Genevieve Leigh, 8 January 2018
The absence of planning for the hurricane and the lack of any significant response to the devastation by the local and federal governments has had deadly consequences.
US President Trump backs meeting between two Koreas
By Peter Symonds, 8 January 2018
Trump suggested the possibility of talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, even though he had threatened North Korea with nuclear annihilation just days earlier.
Trump threatens North Korea with nuclear war
Chinese president orders troops to be “ready to fight”
More on the war threat against North Korea »
German foreign minister demands aggressive assertion of great power interests
By Christoph Vandreier, 8 January 2018
Gabriel’s rhetoric, in his interview with Spiegel Online, is aimed at initiating a further escalation of German militarism and freeing Berlin from any restrictions.
German conservatives and Social Democrats prepare formation of far-right government
Foreign minister Gabriel promotes German big power politics
Volkswagen plans to dismiss all temporary contract workers in German plants
By Dietmar Henning, 8 January 2018
VW’s mass firing of temporary contract workers is the prelude to sweeping job cuts and attacks on the gains of all autoworkers.
Romanian Ford workers defiant as company seeks to impose blackmail contract
Romanian Ford workers must make international appeal!
UK rail workers continue strikes against Driver Only Operated train plans
By Michael Barnes, 8 January 2018
As dangerous incidents begin to escalate, the rail companies and the Tory government refuse to retreat in their war against conductors’ jobs.
Betrayal of UK rail workers’ fight against driver only operations reveals treacherous role of unions
UK workers confront rising job losses in 2018
By Tony Robson, 8 January 2018
At no point have Unite, GMB, the retail workers union, USDAW, or any other, even mooted a fight in defence of a single job.
December US jobs report reveals weaker than expected growth
Zimbabwe graphite miners strike at former German-owned mine
By Dietmar Henning, 8 January 2018
More than 200 miners in northern Zimbabwe have been on strike since the end of December protesting the fact they have not received their wages for more than a year.
Bangladeshi teachers end “fast-unto-death”
By Nancy Hanover, 8 January 2018
“It is better to die here than return home with empty hands,” said one of thousands of Bangladeshi teachers fighting for a government-paid salary.
Motel 6 sued for passing on guest information to ICE immigration officials
By Norisa Diaz, 8 January 2018
The lawsuit addresses widespread practices at numerous locations where Motel 6 handed over the names, birthdates, driver's license numbers, license-plate numbers and room numbers of at least 9,000 guests to immigration officials without warrants.
“The government got to do whatever it wanted to do”
An interview with Mark Flessner, attorney for Davino Watson, US citizen illegally imprisoned by ICE for more than three years
UC Berkeley student arrested by border patrol
More on the attack on immigrants in the US »
Rising rents put low income US renters in severe jeopardy
By Debra Watson, 8 January 2018
Rent burdens have increased in the US over the past 15 years, putting workers at the lower end of the pay scale in severe housing jeopardy.
Gentrification fueling eviction crisis in New York City
Australian rail union collaborating with Pacific National to impose sell-out agreement
By Terry Cook, 8 January 2018
The RTBU deal further erodes working conditions, real wages and opens the way for increased casualisation.
South Australian Labor government slashes public sector jobs
By Oscar Grenfell, 8 January 2018
The sackings indicate that the state election this March will be dominated by further austerity commitments from the main parties.
New in Spanish
Gobiernos y corporaciones intensifican su censura del Internet y sus ataques a la libertad de expresión
Por Andre Damon, 8 enero 2018
Las empresas tecnológicas y Gobiernos alrededor del mundo han iniciado el año nuevo con una ofensiva masiva contra la libertad de expresión en el Internet.
La oposición en la clase obrera estalla en irán: el preludio a un convulso mundo en el 2018
Por Keith Jones, 8 enero 2018
Las manifestaciones obreras en Irán no solo han perturbado los cálculos de la élite iraní, sino de Gobiernos alrededor del mundo.
El descontento de la clase trabajadora en Irán: el WSWS responde a un defensor del régimen iraní
Por Keith Jones, 8 enero 2018
La actitud del WSWS hacia Irán se basa en dos factores fundamentales: el carácter de Irán como un país históricamente oprimido que hay que defender contra el imperialismo y las relaciones antagónicas entre la burguesía iraní y la clase trabajadora.
El índice Dow cruza la marca de los 25.000 puntos: el periodo de bonanza para la oligarquía continúa
Por Nick Beams, 8 enero 2018
En vez de reflejar salud económica, la burbuja bursátil es un perverso y maligno mecanismo de redistribución de la riqueza social hacia los ricos.
Revelador libro sobre la Casa Blanca bajo Trump intensifica la crisis política en Estados Unidos
Por Barry Grey, 8 enero 2018
El libro ha recibido una cobertura mediática ininterrumpida y ha provisto a las facciones burguesas que promueven la destitución de Trump nuevas armas.
Los trabajadores rumanos de la Ford se muestran desafiantes ante el intento de la compañía de imponerles un contrato chantajista
Por Jerry White y Eric London, 8 enero 2018
Los trabajadores volvieron de sus vacaciones con un estado de ánimo rebelde haciendo paros esporádicos y con una creciente determinación para una resistencia colectiva.
Estados Unidos:
El invierno mata de frío a los pobres y los sin techo
Por Kate Randall, 8 enero 2018
El peso de esta crisis cae sobre las espaldas de los pobres y de los sin techo, mientras que oficiales del gobierno le echan la culpa a la mano de la naturaleza, dizque imprevisible, por el caos, su ineptitud y todo el sufrimiento que ocurre.
La gentrificación alimenta la crisis de desahucios en la ciudad de Nueva York
Por Steve Light, 8 enero 2018
El aumento en las evicciones demuestra la mayor dificultad para costear una vivienda en los barrios obreros neoyorquinos.
La concejala de Seattle, Kshama Sawant, es blanco de una demanda por difamación tras llamar “asesinos” a la policía
Por Eric London, 8 enero 2018
Las diferencias bien documentadas del Partido Socialista por la Igualdad con Alternativa Socialista no minimizan nuestra oposición a los intentos de la élite política para silenciar las críticas a la policía.
New in French
Les gouvernements et les entreprises intensifient la censure sur Internet et les attaques contre la liberté d’expression
André Damon, 8 janvier 2018
Les entreprises technologiques et les gouvernements du monde entier ont entamé la nouvelle année avec un assaut massif contre la liberté d’expression sur Internet.
L’agitation ouvrière en Iran : le WSWS répond à un partisan du régime iranien
Keith Jones, 8 janvier 2018
L’attitude du WSWS vis-à-vis de l’Iran repose sur deux facteurs fondamentaux : le caractère de l’Iran en tant que pays historiquement opprimé qui doit être défendu contre les prédations de l’impérialisme, et la relation antagoniste entre la bourgeoisie iranienne et la classe ouvrière.
Le Dow à 25 000 : la manne pour l’oligarchie continue
Nick Beams, 8 janvier 2018
Plutôt que d’être le reflet d’une santé économique, la bulle boursière est un mécanisme pour la redistribution perverse et maligne de la richesse sociale vers le haut.
New in German
Regierungen und Konzerne verschärfen Internetzensur und Angriffe auf die Meinungsfreiheit
Von Andre Damon, 8. Januar 2018
Zu Beginn des Neuen Jahres starten Technologiekonzerne und Regierungen einen massiven weltweiten Angriff auf die freie Meinungsäußerung im Internet.
NetzDG: Twitter zensiert Satiremagazin Titanic
Von Johannes Stern, 8. Januar 2018
Das deutsche Zensur-Gesetz ist Bestandteil einer umfassenden weltweiten Kampagne zur Kontrolle des Internets, die sich vor allem gegen linke und progressive Websites richtet.
Online-Meeting gegen die Zensur des Internet
Von der Redaktion, 8. Januar 2018
In der Nacht vom 16. auf den 17. Januar 2018 wird die WSWS den Livestream einer Diskussion über Internetzensur zwischen dem Journalisten Chris Hedges und dem Vorsitzenden der Internationalen Redaktion der WSWS David North übertragen.
Arbeiterunruhen im Iran: Die WSWS antwortet einem Verteidiger des iranischen Regimes
Von Keith Jones, 8. Januar 2018
Die Haltung der WSWS zum Iran basiert auf zwei grundlegenden Faktoren: dem Charakter des Iran als historisch unterdrücktes Land, das gegen den Imperialismus verteidigt werden muss; und dem Gegensatz zwischen der iranischen Bourgeoisie und der Arbeiterklasse.
Other Languages
- Regierungen und Konzerne verschärfen Internetzensur und Angriffe auf die Meinungsfreiheit (08.01.2018)
- Online-Meeting gegen die Zensur des Internet (08.01.2018)
- Arbeiterunruhen im Iran: Die WSWS antwortet einem Verteidiger des iranischen Regimes (08.01.2018)
- Der 200. Geburtstag von Marx, der Sozialismus und die Wiederkehr des internationalen Klassenkampfs (06.01.2018)
- Gabriel fordert aggressive Großmachtpolitik (06.01.2018)
- Dow Jones über 25.000 Punkten
Oligarchie weiter im Goldrausch (06.01.2018) - Bannons Angriff auf das Weiße Haus heizt die politischen Grabenkämpfe an (06.01.2018)
- VW will alle Leiharbeiter entlassen (06.01.2018)
- World Socialist Web Site führt Kommentarfunktion ein (06.01.2018)
- Arbeiterunruhen im Iran: Ein Vorgeschmack auf die Welt im Jahr 2018 (05.01.2018)
- Français
- Le Dow à 25 000 : la manne pour l’oligarchie continue (08.01.2018)
- Les quinze ans du World Socialist Web Site : 1998-2013 (..NaN)
- Des manifestations de masse contre l'austérité et les inégalités sociales ébranlent le régime iranien (05.01.2018)
- Les travailleurs roumains de chez Ford résistent à l'entreprise qui tente d’imposer un accord par le chantage (05.01.2018)
- La conseillère municipale de Seattle Kshama Sawant visée par un procès en diffamation pour avoir qualifié des policiers de «meurtriers» (05.01.2018)
- Manifestations au Maroc après la mort de deux personnes travaillant dans une mine désaffectée (03.01.2018)
- Avec une opposition symbolique des démocrates
Le Congrès américain accorde un immense cadeau fiscal aux entreprises et aux riches (03.01.2018) - Québec solidaire fusionne avec les nationalistes de droite d’Option nationale (30.12.2017)
- Les nationalistes catalans remportent les élections de crise par une courte majorité (23.12.2017)
- Élection de crise en Catalogne
Non à la dictature et au séparatisme national! Pour l'unité des travailleurs catalans et espagnols! (22.12.2017)
- Español
- La oposición en la clase obrera estalla en irán: el preludio a un convulso mundo en el 2018 (08.01.2018)
- El descontento de la clase trabajadora en Irán: el WSWS responde a un defensor del régimen iraní (08.01.2018)
- El índice Dow cruza la marca de los 25.000 puntos: el periodo de bonanza para la oligarquía continúa (08.01.2018)
- Revelador libro sobre la Casa Blanca bajo Trump intensifica la crisis política en Estados Unidos (08.01.2018)
- Los trabajadores rumanos de la Ford se muestran desafiantes ante el intento de la compañía de imponerles un contrato chantajista (08.01.2018)
- Estados Unidos:
El invierno mata de frío a los pobres y los sin techo (08.01.2018) - La gentrificación alimenta la crisis de desahucios en la ciudad de Nueva York (08.01.2018)
- La concejala de Seattle, Kshama Sawant, es blanco de una demanda por difamación tras llamar “asesinos” a la policía (08.01.2018)
- Gobiernos y corporaciones intensifican su censura del Internet y sus ataques a la libertad de expresión (08.01.2018)
- La oposición en la clase obrera estalla en irán: el preludio a un convulso mundo en el 2018 (06.01.2018)
- Русский
- Правительство США и выборы в России (06.01.2018)
- Пожар на обувной фабрике в Сибири уносит жизни 10 рабочих (06.01.2018)
- Эта неделя в русской революции
18–24 декабря: В Брест-Литовске начались мирные переговоры (29.12.2017) - Профессор Шон МакМикин и конструирование исторической лжи (Часть II) (23.12.2017)
- Эта неделя в русской революции
11–17 декабря: Вооруженные силы белых захватывают Ростов (23.12.2017) - По случаю 30-летней годовщины смерти товарища Кирти Баласурия (20.12.2017)
- Российские следователи рассматривают антисемитскую теорию заговора в деле об убийстве царской семьи (15.12.2017)
- Патрисия Жуковски (1947-2017) (15.12.2017)
- Телевизионный сериал Троцкий: Чудовищное нагромождение исторических фальсификаций и антисемитизма (13.12.2017)
- 100 лет Октябрьской революции (04.12.2017)
- Português
- O Zimbábue pós-Mugabe e suas perspectivas (19.12.2017)
- Os processos globais por trás da crise parlamentar na Austrália (19.12.2017)
- Crise na Arábia Saudita ameaça uma guerra ainda mais ampla no Oriente Médio (19.12.2017)
- Três bilionários são mais ricos do que metade da população dos EUA (19.12.2017)
- No Centenário da Revolução de Outubro (16.12.2017)
- O custo colossal das guerras intermináveis de Washington (16.12.2017)
- Trump na Ásia: o mundo à véspera de uma guerra (16.12.2017)
- UAW - Escândalo de corrupção corporativa se espalha para a Ford e a GM (16.12.2017)
- A Caça às Bruxas Macartista dos Democratas (11.12.2017)
- General deixa escapar escalada militar dos EUA na Síria (11.12.2017)
- 中文
- >>
The campaign over the “unfitness” of Donald Trump
8 January 2018
The Democrats, once again, avoid any appeal to popular opposition to the right-wing policies of Trump and the Republicans.
WSWS Online Webinar
Featured Commentary
The bicentenary of Marx’s birth, socialism and the resurgence of the international class struggle
3 January 2018
The year 2018—the bicentenary of Marx’s birth—will be characterized, above all, by an immense intensification of social tensions and an escalation of class conflict around the world.
Final reflections on the centennial year of the October Revolution
By David North, 30 December 2017
Trump “defends” the right to protest in Iran, criminalizes protest in Washington
By E.P. Milligan, 8 January 2018
Even as Trump was bloviating about the right to protest in Iran, his Justice Department was carrying out a political trial against peaceful protesters in a brazen attack on the freedom of speech and assembly guaranteed by the US Constitution.
Governments and corporations escalate Internet censorship and attacks on free speech
By Andre Damon, 6 January 2018
Facebook deleted accounts at the behest of US, Israeli and German governments
Germany’s “Network Enforcement Law” goes into effect: A move to censor the Internet
US suspends security aid to Pakistan as part of Afghan War push
By Jordan Shilton, 6 January 2018
Tell-all book on Trump White House intensifies US political crisis
By Barry Grey, 6 January 2018
Bannon attack on Trump White House fuels Washington political warfare
Sulzbergers pass gilded baton at the New York Times
By Bill Van Auken, 5 January 2018
Arts Review
The decline and fall of Russian protest art—“Art Riot: Post-Soviet Actionism”
By Paul Mitchell, 8 January 2018
One could hardly think of a more ignominious outcome for the products of post-Soviet protest art than to end up in the opulent surroundings of the Saatchi Gallery in London’s West End.
Daphne Merkin’s “Publicly, We Say #MeToo. Privately, We Have Misgivings”
The New York Times’ reactionary sexual harassment campaign runs into opposition
By David Walsh, 6 January 2018
All the Money in the World—above all, the “expunging” of Kevin Spacey—and The Shape of Water
Director of A World Not Ours, A Man Returned and A Drowning Man
An interview with Palestinian filmmaker Mahdi Fleifel: “A film is like a historical document, it should be solid enough to endure”
Short films considered for Academy Award nominations: Emmett Till, a Jack London story and an isolated child
Workers Struggles
As teachers face new battles against Trump
Lessons of the fight against Obama’s “school reform”—Part 2
By Nancy Hanover and Jerry White, 6 January 2018
As teachers face new battles against Trump
Lessons of the fight against Obama’s “school reform”—Part 1
Mehring Books
Featured Video
Interview: Rómulo Avelíca, undocumented worker released from detention following protests
Rómulo Avelíca-Gonzalez was abducted by ICE agents as he dropped off his daughter at school.
Puerto Rico
Support on-the-spot reporting on the WSWS
Donate to the WSWS today to support on-the-spot reporting, like our continuing coverage of the crisis in Puerto Rico.
“The government has done nothing”
Months after hurricane, Puerto Rican workers face worsening jobs crisis
Puerto Rico governor orders review of official hurricane death toll
Socialist Equality Party
Indian ICFI supporters call public meeting in Kolkata to mark Russian Revolution centenary
29 December 2017
The Kolkata meeting will discuss the political and theoretical struggles led by Lenin and Trotsky and their significance for today.
Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka) stands for local government elections
By our correspondents, 23 December 2017
On the 30th anniversary of the death of Comrade Keerthi Balasuriya
By David North, 19 December 2017
Keerthi’s death on December 18, 1987 was an irreplaceable loss to the International Committee of the Fourth International and its Sri Lankan section.
SEP in Sri Lanka pays tribute to Keerthi Balasuriya
Centenary of the Russian Revolution
Arabic translation of “The Place of the October Revolution in World History and Contemporary Politics”
This week in the Russian Revolution
December 25-31: Soviet government nationalizes the banks
27 December 2017
The year 1917 closes with the Russian Revolution in a precarious situation. The new Soviet government is menaced on all sides by hostile armies. Meanwhile, the imperialist war rages on, and the October insurrection catalyzes revolutionary struggles around the world.
Russian television’s Trotsky serial: A degraded spectacle of historical falsification and anti-Semitism
By Fred Williams and David North, 25 November 2017
The eight-part serial is an exhibition of the political, intellectual and cultural depravity of all those involved in its production.
The Place of the October Revolution in World History and Contemporary Politics
By David North, 13 November 2017
- On the Centenary of the October Revolution
- Lessons of October: The political crisis within the Bolshevik Party on the eve of the seizure of power
- On the eve of revolution: The Bolshevik Party, factory committees, and the mass movement of the working class
- From the July Days to the Kornilov coup: Lenin’s The State and Revolution
Chronology of the Russian Revolution »
International Amazon Workers Voice
Amazon begins operations in Australia
By Patrick Kelly, 28 December 2017
Amazon worker dies after vomiting blood at Sacramento, California fulfillment center
By Kristina Betinis, 23 December 2017
OSHA dragging its feet investigating death of Pennsylvania Amazon worker Devan Shoemaker
Amazon conducts total surveillance of workers in new German plant
By Marianne Arens, 16 December 2017
Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa
One day strike hits German and Italian Amazon distribution centres
Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?
Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook
Google Censorship
Net neutrality and the drive to censor the internet
By Andre Damon, 25 November 2017
The conspiracy to censor the Internet
By Andre Damon and Joseph Kishore, 18 October 2017
The elites “have no credibility left:” An interview with journalist Chris Hedges
An open letter to Google: Stop the censorship of the Internet! Stop the political blacklisting of the World Socialist Web Site!
25 August 2017
Sign the petition and share it as widely as possible through email, online forums, and social media.
Watch: Stop online censorship!
IYSSE mounts campaign against university police censorship at University of California, Berkeley
By Evan Blake, 2 December 2017
International Youth and Students for Social Equality launches new website
6 November 2017
The IYSSE’s newly designed website includes an updated Statement of Principles for its US section. We urge all youth and students to join the IYSSE and take up the fight for socialism.
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