
Protests across Sudan against austerity measures and price rises

Qassim Badri attacks a student

Protests have erupted across Sudan in response to a doubling of bread prices. At least one high school student has been killed, and the Dean of a womens' university was filmed beating protesting students in Khartoum.

Tunisia: Power belongs to the street

With protests across Iran still ongoing, a rebellion in Tunisia has seen three days of demonstrations in over twenty towns against rising costs and high unemployment as the anniversary of the 2011 Revolution draws near.

Wildcat strike at Ford in Craiova

Wildcat strike at Ford in Craiova

On December 21, 2017, about 1.000 workers out of the total workforce of 4.200 carried out a wildcat strike at the Ford plant in Craiova, Romania. The Ford Automobile Craiova union had signed a contract that triggered protests amongst the workers. In that agreement, overtime bonus is being cut and flexible shift plans are being established.

Statement in support of the calls for social justice by the oppressed on the streets of Iran

A statement on recent protests in Iran, signed by 125 leftists, socialists and communists from the Iranian diaspora.

Iran- The Working Class Raises Its Head

An analysis of the situation in Iran from an anarchist communist perspective

Fat Cat Thursday - morning of shame

Fat cat capitalist image

Research shows top chief execs in the UK make more in one morning than average UK worker makes in a year.

Iran: Call for demonstrations from the striking workers of the Haft Tappeh Sugar Cane Co.

Striking workers at the Haft Tappeh Sugar Cane Co. on Friday called for demonstrations across Iran tomorrow under the slogan "Bread. Jobs. Freedom." We have translated their statement from Persian and present it in both languages here.

Iran: Bread. Jobs. Freedom.

Protest in Zanjan, December 30 2017

We are publishing this dispatch direct from an activist in Iran, trying to make some sense of the current wave of protests. The situation is moving so quickly, and the protests sufficiently diffuse, that anyone claiming to know what will happen can be disregarded. The contribution we can make is to ask questions, to look at what has happened, is happening; and only from that speculate about what might happen in the future. We hope that more will contribute to this effort in the coming days and weeks.

Pakistan: Teachers and Farmers Protests Brutally Crushed in Sindh

A report on the crack down on teachers and farmers protests currently taking place in the Pakistani province of Sindh. Once again, the state's vicious response to working class protests has differed greatly from its hands-off approach to similar demonstrations and movements of Muslim extremists.

A few reasons not to organise on Facebook.

Facebook activism

Recently we have seen a big increase in activist Facebook pages. Facebook seems to have become an essential propaganda tool. However we should question the use of it as an organising tool, and even as a propaganda tool.